Reviews of Life in Verse: The Psychy Poet

It is guaranteed to have a nugget of wisdom with which everyone can identify from their life in his continued themes of lives and experiences. With wicked humour, nodding reflection on death and the tragedies of our lives, the poems are an encapsulation of seduction,...

MORE Poetic Views of Life

Following excellent reviews and feedback on his first book, Laurie Wilkinson, aka The Psychy Poet, named from his expansive career in psychiatry, produces this larger second book only eight months later. Retaining his same everyday style of down to earth writing,...

Poetic Views of Life

This compact book of poetry covers a diversity of subjects tabled into four categories: romance, humour, reflection and tragedy. Like an excellent matured wine, this book of poetry has taken some time to emerge. The authors poetic views are enhanced by various...
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