With mass apologies for delay, due to me sharing with most of the country I think, an awful Flu and debilitating virus, my blog is finally here. It isn’t the “Xmas Bumper” I had planned and more a New Year Lurch than leap, but never mind, at least I’m doing it which seemed an almighty task a few days ago. A “Bumper Blog” will follow, but let’s get this one going…


Our World, My Words


The world is our life’s journey

Right up to our very last day,

However much we may not like it

Our times were made this way.


Now how we deal with fortunes

Will show the measure of us all,

Because in good or bad times

Some will stand and others fall.


So I note all these situations

But you might not see the looks,

For descriptions of behaviours

Are now recorded in my books.



I thought that was an apt start, and of me fighting back from the Flu Lurgy that brought me down.

News updates include a very successful and appreciated gig at Abbots Wood Manor that was widely promoted, and I wait to return soon,.Another collection for Help for Heroes and my books sale at Tesco on 15th December was extremely successful and I sold quite a few books too. More on my Help for Heroes next Blog,


Despite being unwell I did get to several Christmas meals, hence photos, although I managed to not look like Rasputin, as some suggested they did?


An unusual addition from me here as the following is a “lead in” and poem I “boosted”on Facebook for the New Year, and was quite far reaching with some amazing compliments on my poem. Let me hope they buy my books too…


Well as the beer cans, stabbings and bombings of another year begin to settle, I offer this poem of reflection and portent that I know won’t be as popular (on Facebook) as a new hairstyle, profile or new make up etc, but probably worth a read? (It DID get widely read and complimented actually),. Written for a very close family member near 8 years or so, ago, and very favourably reviewed by The Poetry Society”, no less

I offer =


Moment in Time


The world spins on its axis

Night darkens the light of day,

Summer follows winter and spring

Our times were made that way.


Yet we go on in our existence

Even if we want to or not,

For however much we fight it

We mostly have the life we’ve got.

For as we continue on our road,

Days will come that bring our turn.

To have some suffering to bear,

From which we need to learn.


For as our loved ones die on us

Others will come as we see them go.

Replaced by babes newly born,

In natures continuous flow.

So enjoy what you have now

For as long as you possibly can,

Because there is no certainty

Of the time scale given to man.


Waiting for exactly the right time

To do all that you want to do,

May catch you out very badly

And be totally denied to you.

Thus best appreciate it all now

Even if the truth hurts and numbs,

For however hard to accept it

Sometimes tomorrow never comes.



Often repeated and requested, I think that simple but profound poem is one of my favourites, and has won awards.




  • I’m telling people it is good to eat dead grapes. I am raisin awareness.
  • I’m running a Hide & Seek competition, but good entrants are hard to find.
  • As there were no scales in the stable, Jesus had his weight done in his cot. It was a weigh in a manger,
  • A crusader got an arrow in his throat that made him mute. He was on of the first Silent Knights.


Aware that my jokes can be quite emotive, I am also now advised that my photos can also have similar, or even more effect?



January edition of Hailsham News that I have a monthly column in, has just come out and has a very insightful and rare private look at me in the poem, AND most of my ninth book “Our World in Verse” poem comes from,, so make sure you look, or even buy?


Well the end of a shorter, but overdue Blog, that will be made Oooooop for later, finishes with a Luuuuuuuuuurve poem as usual, so all those missing, or behind with loving, come ON catch up…..


Hole in the Heart


Do you have a hole in your heart

But not of a physical sort?

Although perhaps it causes pain

If you are truly left distraught,

By a reluctance to press on

With hopes and desires felt.

As recognising lost opportunities

Can cause your heart to melt.


Now it may have simply been

A venture that you missed,

Which could have been a success

Had you not gone on and kissed

Goodbye to that completion move

Of progress or financial gain.

So looking back you now believe

It was money down the drain.


Though I suspect that before this

Your heart was left with a hole,

When nerves or perhaps pride

Made you to miss an open goal,

In not asking out that somebody

Who had caught both heart and eye.

And even worse, had wanted you,

But you were too scared to try.


So now in those advancing years

You sadly remember and regret,

Not pursuing your desired lover

Which now causes great upset,

That shows in your demeanour

And moods from a soured soul.

So the whole world sees you have

A sad heart, that has a hole.




As ever I end with thanks for all of you here and supporting, and apologise again for late Blog, but Ted & Beth say “Hi” too and will also feature soon, SO as The Journey Continues with a LEAP.

Regards and Love,


Laurie xx



All thirteen of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life

More Poetic Views of Life

Reviews of Life in Verse

Life Scene in Verse

Life Presented In Verse,

Poet Reveals All (in your world).

Poet Reflects Your World

Poetic Seeds to Fruition

Our World in Verse

Laurie’s Bundle of Poetic Humour

Tea for Two; Poetic Antics of Ted & Beth (£6.99)

Illuminating Verse: Rousing Poetry



These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.

My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new 9th, 8th, 7th and sixth books, all bigger are still £9.99, while my “Best Of” 10th book is only £7.99, and are for sale on Amazon, book stores or preferably from me ………….. lw1800@hotmail.co.uk Or 07967 355236


I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….


I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- www.lauriewilkinson.com = Please sign/join up absolutely free.










Laurie Wilkinson

The Psychy Poet


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