Reviewing and consolidating then at the end of another year of my Poetry World and my very good general health too I guess?

I am extremely happy to look back and see a pretty successful year again with all my poetry involvements, and I mention my health being in tip-top order now as this time last year I had my very first admission to hospital, and subsequent operation to remove my gallbladder last April.

All nicely resolved and recovered from now, and merely mentioned as it was a bit of an “eye opener” for me, never being that ill, so gave birth to a few poems. One soon follows as my tribute to our wonderful NHS. Meanwhile my books sales and fundraising events, gigs etc for Help for Heroes have all continued well, with much more to come.


We know an underfunded NHS is creaking

So I did wonder a bit what I would find,

When having to be rushed into hospital

But it wasn’t the main thing on my mind.

For I was in severe agony and worrying

Just what was causing my intense pain,

But on being met by an emergency doctor

I got a reassured confidence back again.

For I was soon to be looked after very well

And treated in a valued and dignified way,

Which embraced all involvements from staff

Not seemingly to falter or even sway,

From a totally caring, committed approach

And camaraderie gallows humour for events,

Testing, saddening and shredding stout hearts

But never diminished any of their intents.

Thus as I considered this new world for me

For I had never been in hospital before,

I was impressed by positivity and hard work

Of various team grades giving all and more,

That could be reasonably asked of them now

With staff shortages and pressure of work,

From budget cuts and paltry wage rises

Grating on levels of duty they do not shirk.

So let us not treat our NHS with impunity

Or overuse the services unless we have to,

For these overcrowded committed areas

Normally have more than enough to do.

Therefore we must do our very level best

And stay sensible and use common sense,

To be healthy and look after ourselves

So pressure on NHS is not so immense.


So that poem which features in my 12 book “Illuminating Verse”, and I read out live on BBC Radio Sussex & Surrey last January, seems to say it all about our hospital care perhaps, despite much adverse press.

I will put here that as December is a busy month for most with work, parties and Christmas preparations, that this blog will be (only slightly) shorter than usual, BUT I plan my “Pre – Xmas” Blog to be a bumper offering. YAY !!!

As I put in my book Acknowledgements regularly now, over all my years of publication and blogs, some people have “come and gone in life movements, involvements and flow”, so thanks to all my regulars as I attempt to keep everyone in the loop and on board in cars, workplaces, planes and trains, if they are running? Yeah, rock on folks…

Life Presented in Verse

Incidents in life come to us all

Though some will prefer not to see,

But there can be no hiding place

And that’s up to folks like me.

Who will observe and then present

All that life will bring to us.

From laughter and tears, to death,

To confront without a fuss.

For everyone of us will experience

Good and bad that we don’t choose.

So how we react and deal with this,

Will decide if we win or lose.


The more astute and knowing of you wonderful folks will no doubt recognise that short poem from the back and lead of my 5th book, but it seems quite appropriate here.

Meanwhile I slowly continue with my next and 14th book, but no rush, and have some poems done but a lot more started and waiting for me to just complete or write up. They will be produced when I’m ready.

My Gig at The Martello pub 3 weeks ago was very successful with music and songs, including me, and raised £140 for Help for Heroes, so a massive THANKS to all who helped, donated and supported. I won’t mention the invariable and proverbial “say they will but don’ters”, but bless you anyway.

A First Time

The soft hand touching my stomach

Made me cry out in agonising pain,

And the continuing examination

Caused me to call out once again.

For it was clear from investigations

That really didn’t need too long,

As chronic pain and tender reactions

Proved something was very wrong.

Because I had never had this before

Making me have to attend at A and E,

With a two-day long stabbing agony

That seemed to be crucifying me.

But I soon got great help and attention

With pain relief and antibiotics too,

Put into me by two intravenous drips

And a planned scan to see what to do,

With my very sore and swollen stomach

And gall bladder that was highly infected,

Which was apparently inflamed as well

Thus a big shock and totally unexpected.

So for the very first time in all my years

I was admitted to hospital for four days,

With the possibility of an operation too

If my scan showed any signs or displays,

That my gall bladder needed removing

But at this moment that is all on hold,

Awaiting further investigations and tests

Before the decision on that I am told.

So an extremely weak and tired yours truly

Was discharged back to my home alone,

By an extremely helpful red cross charity

Who came to help as I lived on my own.

That was greatly appreciated and helpful

As I was barely even as strong as a kitten,

Which was a new and surprising situation

For I had never before been this smitten,

Or laid low by illness and hospital stay

Needed to cure my infection and pain,

As I wait for news on possible operation

To avoid any hospitalisation again.


I felt I should add that second poem about my hospital experiences last year as I had prior mentioned, along with my gratitude to the staff and agencies.


*A Viking called Rudolf The Red looked out and said “its going to rain”. On his wife asking how he knew, he replied Rudolf the Red knows rain dear!

*Apparently groups of Conga eels called a “bed”. IF they’re tall they then called “high eels “

* Little known, butRichard Gere’s dad was a Swedish ventriloquist and called Gottler!

Okay, enough of that, but lol wait for the Christmas jokes, well if you get them of course” , but no need to blush.

Near the end so as ever BIG thanks to you all for “being there, support, compliments and encouragement”, it DOES really mean a lot.

Last news is that tomorrow I have a new gig venue to entertain at, and is a large and salubrious residential and care home in Hailsham. The Bears, fluffy animals and I are really looking forward to it, and of course more money for Help for Heroes, and speaking of them I must mention that on Friday December 15th I am AGAIN grateful to Tesco Langney Shopping centre for allowing me to collect in their store once 9 am until 5pm, see you there I hope?

Final poem, and as usual now a “Romance section” to keep all you Luuuuvvvvvers,, would be, hope to be, and err, looking, happy, including those Twister Sisters with their eyes and support of me still ongoing.

I’m going all the way back to only my second book for this poem, but it has been very popular over the years =

Rock Star

At times life seems a struggle

You just don’t know what to do,

But you will always find a way

When someone really loves you.

They will help to pick you up

And send you back on your way,

So even if you stumble more

You will feel their love each day.

The best way to deal with strife

Is to take the worry and share,

As any help and encouragement

Will remind you that they care.

A simple man can be like a king

Lifted on towards his glory.

Knowing that he has an ally who,

Will support and tell his story.

This ally will help to pick you up

And send you back on your way,

So even if you stumble more

You will feel their love each day.

When you’ve won and are the star

And all the accolades you pack,

You will look round for your “rock”

But they’ve gone three paces back.

Thus leaving the spotlight all on you

As by the admirer’s you are trailed,

But you know deep in your heart

Without your rock you’d have failed!


Perhaps a simple little lesson for us all there, in little or larger way?

So all for now, but I am just to start on next “bumper blog” as The Journey continues in CONSOLIDATING manner..

Love, light and laughter,

Laurie xx

All thirteen of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life

More Poetic Views of Life

Reviews of Life in Verse

Life Scene in Verse

Life Presented In Verse,

Poet Reveals All (in your world).

Poet Reflects Your World

Poetic Seeds to Fruition

Our World in Verse

Laurie’s Bundle of Poetic Humour

Tea for Two; Poetic Antics of Ted & Beth (£6.99)

Illuminating Verse: Rousing Poetry


These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.

My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new 9th, 8th, 7th and sixth books, all bigger are still £9.99, while my “Best Of” 10th book is only £7.99, and are for sale on Amazon, book stores or preferably from me ………….. Or 07967 355236

I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- = Please sign/join up absolutely free.

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