As it is remembrance Sunday I post this poem from my third book “Reviews of Life in Verse”, & entitled =
He is a man of constant sorrow
And no pleasure can he derive,
So he really cannot care less
If he should die now, or survive.
The world he loved has broken
And shattered into many parts,
So the grief he is enduring
Would shred the stoutest hearts.
The career he loved is now over
For you have to be fully fit,
And not pain filled and crippled
Struggling to get along with it.
An unlucky placed size ten boot
On bland ground that looked fine,
Took the life he knew in seconds
With that cruel exploding mine!
It was what these heroes feared
An undiscovered explosive device,
That could rip off skin and limbs
Or cause the supreme sacrifice.
So just how do they do this job?
If wrong moves can be your end
They say you just get on and do it
With your comrades and best friend.
Now our man of constant sorrow
Begins to get on with his life,
With support of all his family
And care from a loving wife,
Who tends his hurt and fears
Like those buried deep inside.
So slowly he starts to fight back
And regain his stubborn pride.
Of course he gets help and aid
Along whatever way he goes,
From excellent support teams
That gives help to our heroes.
Thus now he has a strong lifeline
Helping his family without fuss,
So we should all help him also
Giving thanks, it’s him not us!
Laurie Wilkinson
The Psychy Poet

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