So I am Spreading Out promoting with my new and twelfth book and presenting of it by starting to have some events, radio guest slots, and reviews etc. Commencing with a fund raise/book sale promotion at The Mill Eastbourne on Friday 31st March. Of course with these I must have one eye over my shoulder for my upcoming operation aimed at “later April” now, and follows my hospitalisation in December last year.


Lead poem from Book 12 follows…


A Rouse of Verse


Words and verse can stir emotions

And arouse in many ways,

To makes us more aware of life

And illuminates our days.


For feeling really alive in mind

May give great appreciation,

Of vibes and all the sights we see

Rather than just a bland fixation.


So enjoy what those emotions bring

To make us love and thrive,

Because if you’re unaware of this

You cannot be truly alive.


That “leads” and gets us going well as I am getting more opportunities to “spread” in as much as more commissioned poems, including my wedding contact the excellent Andy Kerr wedding photographer, more requests for my entertaining gigs, some from past places, that all donate to charity Help for Heroes that I support.

Another poem then and from my 8th book=

I Am Spartacus


Yes I am Spartacus I cried out

Like in the film of the same name,

About Spartacus who led a slave revolt

The Roman empire struggled to tame.


But after defeating by superior numbers

The Romans wanted the man behind it all,

So threatened to torture all who’d revolted

Until Spartacus and slaves stood up to call,

That they were all the notorious leader

So desperately sought by the empire elite,

Who were petrified others would now rise up

Against a hated regime they wanted to defeat.


Thus now that bold and famous shout

Owning up to being the man that meant,

So much as a brave and resisting hero

Is today a statement of determined intent.


For by shouting his name out proudly

It showed a courageous and a fighting side,

So I respect and salute the likes of him

And also tried to show an honest pride,

In everything that I have said and done

When battling along my paths in life.

And not flinching from any twisted truth

Of false words cutting like a knife.


Because I still believe in myself and manage

To hold my conscience and integrity true,

In the face of some cruel envy and lies

Slanderously said about some things I do.

For there is always someone struggling

With their jealousy and a bitterness,

So they can never be at a hearts rest

While you succeed and they’re a mess.


So I will gladly shout out I am Spartacus

And own up to who I am and stand for,

Though others may not sit well with this

But as an honest man I can do no more.


So Spartacus then and like people who really want to do something but hold it off, I tend to just go for it, and always have done.

Now to include us “kids” of all ages and followers on here Charlotte and Lottie, (and adult kid Nic G,) get the poppets to do a comment, Kelly B & Henry The First etc here are Ted & Beth with one of their poems, YES Bears we know you have your OWN book out at only £6.99…

Sailor Bears


Ted and Beth now want a boat

And plan to take it out to sea,

But I know that neither can swim

So it is a very big worry to me.


They just think I’m being silly though

And said they’ll be safe and sound,

But I’m not really too sure of that

As in a paddling pool nearly drowned,

So let alone going out to the open sea

With hard navigation and deep water,

Making me dread just what could happen

As they’ll be like bears to a slaughter.


Naturally “Captain” Ted disputes all this

While Beth always backs him up too,

So they are still determined to go for it

And give the Coastguard more to do.


Now Ted points out all his experience

But I don’t think a boat in a bath is much,

With Beth even getting panicky with that

So it’s just Ted’s uniformed hopes as such.

For he’s no knowledge about boats at sea

But Beth still believes he can do it all.

So it seems a nautical disaster awaits

Like a sort of “ducking” before a fall.


Now I did though have one more try

To make our seafaring bears see sense,

And although they said they’d continue

I could tell they were both very tense,

With Beth clutching her water wings

That in truth she cannot quite wear.

And even Ted seemed less sure now

But determines to be a sailing bear.


So now they are all prepared to set off

With more than a little hint of doubt.

But luckily it was saved before the start,

When they saw the tide had gone out.



*Cinderella is terrible at football as she always runs from the ball

*An old lady complained her stair lift was driving her up the wall

*When girlfriend told me to stop imitating a flamingo I just had to put my foot down

By the time my next Blog comes out I will have again joined the fabulous Simon Herbert of Hailsham FM on April 15th 11 am, and hopefully soon Sylvie Blackmore of Radio Sussex & Surrey, who has mentions and two poems in my latest Book 12, so come get while still reduced.

First two verses of one of this book poems..

A Fair Crack


We like to feel we’ve had a fair crack

Or even playing field and equal turn,

But life does not always work like that

However much we complain or yearn,

For the chances it appears others had

That you feel were not afforded to you,

As it can then bring about resentment

With discontented, unhappy view.


For if we’ve tried the same as others

And put in a very similar workload,

Its a completely natural expectation

To be equal distance down the road,

As it would be reasonable to expect

The same reward for effort and energy.

So if sadly that is not quite the case

Protests may be made by you and me.


Getting there as almost like a camera glare some people seem to love, whilst others are shy, but who knows even “I” might have to succumb again if it works out following a review of me recently? More next Blog…

From feedback I am given to understand people read this on trains, buses the office and even in (non moving I take it) cars, but maybe the car then moves for them? Lol let me know please…

Time is nearly OOooop for this Blog and like rising hackles alertness reigns, especially for The Twister Sisters S & D B’s who proof check me, and generally support and oversee me a bit like Guardian Angels, (which prompts me of an earlier poem of mine I will include next Blog he heee heeeeeee), so thanks gels, (I think?), Noooo they are great…

Right, last poem and a AAAaaaaaagh & phew romance poem, so grab ya loved one, lover, intended or would be, dog, cat or lol whatever grabs you?

, Touch


Apparent in a wonderful vision

This sight for sore eyes to see,

A woman with alluring looks

Who seems very attractive to me.


Of course nature plays her tricks

Upon the poor male species of life,

Which causes many an intrigue

And more than a little strife.

For the lovely sirens in our view

Cause bubbling emotions in man,

That instil a profound sense of need

To kiss and cuddle them if he can.


Now with a gentle caress or touch

Emotive sensations come alive,

To those soft pressures and strokes

On which our bodies thrive.

So don’t be shy of natures lead

Into temptation with a natural wish.

When signs and permission glow,

Brush her skin with a subtle kiss!


Then if this is received with pleasure

And perhaps an encouraging gasp,

Do not delay or be bashful

Or magic may slip from your grasp.

So continue with sensual movements

With words of complimentary love,

To ensure that you and your lady

Will soar to the heavens above.


WOW, and phew yes from my 8th book, lol worth it for that “warming” poem?

As ever massive thanks to you all for support, encouragement & fantastic feedback etc as The Journey Continues SPREADING OUT,

Thanks, Love & Light,

Laurie (and The Bears) xx

All twelve of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life

More Poetic Views of Life

Reviews of Life in Verse

Life Scene in Verse

Life Presented In Verse,

Poet Reveals All (in your world).

Poet Reflects Your World

Poetic Seeds to Fruition

Our World in Verse

Laurie’s Bundle of Poetic Humour

Tea for Two; Poetic Antics of Ted & Beth (£6.99)

Illuminating Verse: Rousing Poetry


These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.

My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new 9th, 8th, 7th and sixth books, all bigger are still £9.99, while my “Best Of” 10th book is only £7.99, and are for sale on Amazon, book stores or preferably from me ………….. Or 07967 355236


I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….


I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- = Please sign/join up absolutely free.























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