Lift off then after Back in the Saddle, but a bit delayed as have had printer and laptop troubles for last couple of weeks, , not good for a busy and manic poet, and even now I’m trying to find my way round confusing, (for me) laptop screen and features settings.


However as this blog is a bit delayed, (Julian noticed so well done sir), I will crack on with a reduced Blog this time.



                                                                                                  Nudged Awake


Steady, steady Laurie boy go carefully

And don’t let your controversy show,

But oh but why ever not I then debated,

As without that people won’t know,

Your views and opinions on our life

That maybe they’d not thought about,

So yeah I’ll lay it clearly on the line

Possibly ending a thinking drought.


Because some people do like to read

Or watch the more outspoken people,

As they like to have some cut and thrust

To lift them high as a church steeple.

For the world would seem quite dull

If nobody will dare to cause a fuss,

So that again totally suits me now

When I am often as subtle as a bus


So that is a good start and first part of poem in new book 12 which after technology delay should be happening soon with of course great help from my excellent Publisher, (and website Guru) James Harvey, so fingers crossed.

Brief Watching


I have my thoughts and beliefs

That are tied in with my views,

When I just stand around

And the passing world peruse,

With all its strange characters

Acting out on their stage

Of earth’s wonderful scenery

Like a continual turning page.


Some will show off for attention

Or personal reasons that they need,

For in their own mixed up head

It’s the only way to succeed.

But surely this will often have

Opposite responses that they intend.

So they’ll be dismissed as crazy

And daft actions must amend.


But mostly people are oblivious

To any watching eyes on them,

Despite the growing use of cameras

That can exonerate or condemn.

For we have got quite used to

The idea we are always seen,

In various activities of life

Either embarrassing or obscene.


Though of course I learnt my craft

In my long psychiatric career,

When placing myself in a corner

I observed those who came near.

So my everyday life now is similar

Or in some cases much the same,

For all passing people now

I consider are fair game.


                                                                                         Some have a crafty little scratch

When thinking they’re unobserved,

But others do some strange things

They really should have swerved.


But by far the most interesting

Are ordinary, everyday acts,

Smoking cigarettes, and eating

That are noted for poetic facts.

Arguing, shouting and strange dress

Much better when unintended.

Clothes ill fitting, with colour clashes

Never to be recommended.


So outlandish behaviour and language

That has no spoken English bearing,

Are often lost among the words

Mostly laced with swearing.


Now that is just some of my clues

But I’m not giving away too many,

As when considering strange acts

Most people deny having any.

Though I can certainly advise you,

Or perhaps just add to warn.

That you are part of this mad world

And have been, since being born.


Clues there from unbelievably my 2nd book published in October 2014, so lol quite well versed if you see what I mean.

I must quickly mention Rebecca & Michaela the brilliant food ladies from my “Boro Club” kitchen who often don’t even have time for a scratch, well if they need to of course?

I really hope you are enjoying reading this news blog I’m struggling with a bit, (techno wise, and YES with aa little Anglo Saxon language at tines) whether in your lounge, at work or even sitting in your car?


*Is an indecisive bee a maybe?

*I’ve just invented a new word. It’s plagiarism

*A nosey alligator in a singlet is an investigator

In came up, or Oooop in conversation the other day about accents, how they vary and you can easily pick them up, but lol in truth I have never lost mine despite my elocution lessons, lol not really, but hey  I’m proud of my East End roots.

I will just say again with apologies that this will be a shortened Blog as is overdue, but will be usual next one and probably with some dates, plans and ideas for Book 12 promoting, but definetly no gimmicks, cons, name dropping or tricks, Mmmmm well maybe a couple or so Whoooooo knows?

O k so will soon close but not before thanking you all for continued support, compliments and encouragement, so as regular now a “romance” poem as Valentines Day is approaching, but WE don’t need any prompts to Luuuuuuuuuurrvve do we?



Trembling hands and pounding heart

And with every nerve end reeling,

Whenever I see or think of you

I get this strange uncertain feeling.


So drowning in your lovely eyes

Drunk and dizzy from your scent,

In a heartbeat I was taken

Not knowing what was meant,

By an apparition of such wonder

With gold clouds over you.

So I stood as before my queen

                                                                                         Unsure of what to say or do.


Blinking eyes and head spinning

I stood stunned beside your throne,

For I had heard of this feeling

But never thought I’d be alone.


So when my body had recovered

I thought that I should speak,

Though whatever I tried to say

Came out a senseless squeak.


Thus I had come to fully realise

All meaning of love’s dream,

For while I was still shaking

I felt rooted by your beam.


So just like a nervous child

Going first time into school,

I was stunned awaiting orders

You of course looked so cool.


Then with a nod I was called over

With every sinew screaming out,

That for me the war was over

And lost to you without a doubt!


So as The Journey Continues by LIFTING OFF,

Love, Light and Regards.

Laurie (and The Bears) xx

All eleven of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life

More Poetic Views of Life

Reviews of Life in Verse

Life Scene in Verse

Life Presented In Verse,

Poet Reveals All (in your world).

Poet Reflects Your World

Poetic Seeds to Fruition

Our World in Verse

Laurie’s Bundle of Poetic Humour

Tea for Two; Poetic Antics of Ted & Beth (£6.99)


These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.

My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new 9th, 8th, 7th and sixth books, all bigger are still £9.99, while my “Best Of” 10th book is only £7.99, and are for sale on Amazon, book stores or preferably from me ………….. Or 07967 355236


I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….


I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- = Please sign/join up absolutely free.





























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