Spreading out then, and like the beautiful flowers in main lead photo my Poetry World is certainly and very happily doing that. 
“IF” I was a sardonic or possibly “Micky Taking” poet I might say that with the hot weather encouraging people to wear less, that there is a lot of people spreading out too, but I’m not that sort of poet, (I say that with my fingers well crossed), as lol anyone who has read my poems will know?
Anyway, moving safely back to my Poetry World spreading successfully out then, and I will explain. lol I nearly put expand but that might suggest me personally, but pleasingly since my weight loss last year I’m not expanding, but “Oh Laurie, get ON with it”!

Right, details then, so my reading Gigs are now being requested from past venues, and being booked on more, which is great for my Help for Heroes donations and I love doing the gigs too. Always nice to be invited back!
 I also have invitations that I’ve accepted, including a stall at Hailsham “Farmers and Craft Market” on Saturday August 13th, but I will say more on that, a part in Pevensey Festival of History at end of August, plus other initiatives I am considering too. I am planning another book sale signing and promotion at The Incredible Cake Company South Street Old Town in Eastbourne on 18th August from 1.00 pm. Again, more on that next time, but please note that date too.

I am also invited back tomorrow 22nd July for the ” Open Mic” night at Eastbourne Borough club where I will again read some of my poems after being very well received last month.

Need a poem, so to keep my promise from last Blog a poem I couldn’t use as it would have been published, but as it turned out it had as much chance as The Light Brigade.

Are We There Yet?

We often ask if we are there yet?

But where is it that we’re going?

For we can’t answer one question

If the other we aren’t knowing.

As many a hopeful enquirer

Would like everything spelt out,

And what they can soon expect

Because they don’t like doubt.

But can we always have the facts

About what’s in store for us all?

For it’s probably best to carry on

Not knowing if the hammer will fall.

Or maybe it will just be a number

Called out in a lottery game.

But if it’s your ball that’s drawn

The result will be the same.

So I believe I have the answer now

To the oft asked, are we there yet?

Because I think it means the end

Of the time scale that we get.

For we stagger blindly across the line

Marking the end of our lifetime race.

And praying in the resulting panic,

You arrive with no disgrace.

Thus destination and the getting there

Could be those pearly gates we choose.

So you ask yourself in desperation,

Will your entry they refuse?


The more alert will recall I was talking about being “there” last Blog, so that poem was apt, but couldn’t be used then, but never mind it is on here now.

I am now putting up a Ted & Beth poem, and again as promised Henry The First, Charlie, Lottie and all other lovely juniors, or would be “youngsters” for that’s fine too, here is their poem…

Bears Bath Fun

Ted and Beth are full of fun

Happy bears and keen to laugh,

And one of their special joys

Is in a massive soapy bath.

With water sloshing everywhere

As the bath fills to the top,

Both laughing until they hurt

And their fur soaked as a mop.

Then Beth gives out a cry

As her paw’s caught in the plug,

But again screams in surprise

As Ted frees her with a tug!

And so the bears fun continues

With the floor wet as it can be,

But their splashing just goes on

As if swimming in the sea.

Ted has his toy boat in the tub

And Beth has her rubber duck,

But alas now their play fun

Is about to run out of luck.

For their big watery puddles

Are dripping through the floor,

But the bears still don’t know it

Until a loud voice at the door,

Says “just what are you doing?”

An angry dad asks of the bears

Saying that all their splashing

Has made water leak downstairs!

So with a mop each in their paws

And a strong demand to sort it out,

Ted and Beth are now deflated

But will continue to muck about!


Before I go to the jokes, Oh Yes I AM, I should have mentioned that I am doing about ten or so reading Gigs in the next few weeks, so THEY are certainly spreading well, with MORE in the pipe line.. 

* Two birds sitting on a perch when one says, Ooooh can you smell fish?

* The inventor of “knock, Knock” jokes has been awarded The Noble prize! (Thanks J lol)

*Did you know mathematicians are afraid of negative numbers?

I had to make sure I didn’t double up with that last one!

Another poem for appraisal then and with a little mention that although I joke and do write humour poems I am considered (quotes) “a deep, inspirational and insightful poet” (thanks), so I don’t write “Bubblegum poems” and maybe this early poem from 2018 may illustrate that on my 500 + poems written.

Face Up To It

I see your face is lined and drawn

And the skin looks hard and leathered.

The wear comes from the trials of life,

Whilst the exterior has weathered

Many a storm and bright sunshine,

Which has given you a worn tan.

But you were not always thus,

Years back when life began.

For in early days we were fresh

With bodies and faces all sublime,

Until the stress and strains began

As our lives moved on with time.

With worries replacing comfort years

And times youth seemed forever.

Then life’s journey weaves a web

And soon you’re not so together.

But in those first flushes of youth

We are athletic, fit and strong,

Dealing with most physical needs

Of the world, if it goes wrong.

So make the most of that health

That my dad said made you a king.

For if you are ill or decrepit,

Any money won’t mean a thing.

Thus confront your mirrored image

As it looks aged back at you,

For that is the very way of life

With nothing that you can do.

So best you enjoy the good times

And make them go a long way,

Because ageing process concerns

May not give too many a day.


Having explained that, lol I will continue being “Often Imitated but NEVER Duplicated”!

I should also say at this point that my writing is “spreading out” and I am well into my Book 12, but no fear it is not really aimed for this year. That ok Boss?, lol my excellent publisher and website Guru James Harvey on”soulsong.co.uk”, and well worth a message if you need those skills.

Just a quick shout out to Mary who has just joined us, thanks and welcome.

Dates as promised then:-

Saturday 13th August from 9 – 12 Farmers and Craft Market where I have a stall to sell my books and collect for Help for Heroes. Address is Market Stret Hailsham.

Thursday 18th August from 1.00 pm Book signing/sale and poem reading at The Incredible Cake Company South Street Old Town Eastbourne. Great coffee, cakes and scones etc…

Sunday 28th August at The Court House Pevensey opposite The Smugglers Pub (lol I not daft), from 12, again my books and reading AND I may even be in my full uniform as of photo included. 

Nearly there, and as ever Big Thanks for support, interest etc, even if you not get the jokes or having Del Boy “Dipstick or Plonker moments” ..

Last but definitely NOT least is the now regular luuuuuuuuuuuuurrve poem for all lovers, active or not, ok Sugar Plum fairy’s?

This favourite of mine, written just after Book 8 was published (so about July 2020), and thus in Book 9, is inspired partly by a Chris De Burgh song but also by my love of trees. Please enjoy…  

Love and Trees

Maybe you’ll never see how much I love you

Or possibly realise that you’re so adored,

Because it may have all overpowered you

Making you complacent and perhaps bored.

For sometimes too much of a good thing

Can confuse and just seem like the norm,

But do not dismiss all that you receive

Freely given in every way and form.

Perhaps you take the trees for granted

With their magnificent spread and shade,

Forever constant in this glory of gifts

As if by angels they were all made.

For on many occasions in busy lives

Such statuesque wonder isn’t seen,

Until arrival of sad or tranquil times

Awakens you to this sea of green.

Standing proudly tall or stretching wide

Poplars, willow, birch or imperial oak,

Nobly constant with liberal generosity

Of beautiful sights that they provoke,

In redundant minds and sad emotions

Confined to the mundane, or dire.

Before unleashing spectacles of delight

Causing a heart to soar much higher.

So the wonders now unseen or noted

Of unconditional love and adoration,

Could easily slip by sadly missed

If not aroused to an ecstatic elation.

Thus take a brief considering moment

And open your beautiful eyes to see,

How this priceless love is passing by

Offered wholly to you from me.


A bit of an Aaaaaaaaaaw abstract poem there but lol if you know, you know.

Just my usual thanks again and goodbye for now from The Bears and I as, 

The Journey Continues SPREADING OUT…


Laurie xx

All eleven of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life

More Poetic Views of Life

Reviews of Life in Verse

Life Scene in Verse

Life Presented In Verse,

Poet Reveals All (in your world).

Poet Reflects Your World

Poetic Seeds to Fruition

Our World in Verse

Laurie’s Bundle of Poetic Humour

Tea for Two; Poetic Antics of Ted & Beth (£6.99)

These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.

My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new 9th, 8th, 7th and sixth books, all bigger are still £9.99, while my “Best Of” 10th book is only £7.99, and are for sale on Amazon, book stores or preferably from me ………….. lw1800@hotmail.co.uk Or 07967 355236

I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- www.lauriewilkinson.com = Please sign/join up absolutely free.



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