I can only call this new blog Forward Gear as I am certainly moving forward on so many fronts i can hardly keep OOoooop with myself. Yes great and exciting stuff, but fear not i will tell all but ONLY after just having to repeat that I’m “often imitated, but never duplicated”, but never mind, for my little bit of inspirational madness in my mix is not contagious but certainly helps me as I will now “tell ‘ee all” (excuse my Long John Silver accent attempt and parrot as I drone on lol).
SO “tell all” it is then, and starting with the main news that our two lovable bears Ted & Beth 🐻🐻can “bearly” contain themselves with. Their OWN book of poems about the antics and adventures they have had and all they get up to WILL BE PUBLISHED VERY SOON!
All of their poems and many of Ted & Beth’s various animal friends poems are now with my excellent Publisher & Website Guru James Harvey, and we are already working with it… Watch this space!
I think while that excitement and Ted & Beth leaping about sets in, we’ll have the first poem, and cleverly weaved you see as it’s Forward Gear from the back of my 3rd book.

Forward Gear

The years on you keep rolling by

Whatever your health, or state of mind,

And there is nothing you can change

So best leave time past behind.

Though some lessons can be learned

From previous mistakes made,

For however much they affect you

At your own feet they were laid.

So move forward with new joy

And all sad regrets you must ban,

Whilst not rueing what you can’t do

Just give thanks for what you can!


The title poem stitched in there then, but quickly Laurie, give out the rest of the news about your advancing. Okay I will, so I’m taking on some advertising, think Eastbourne and Brighton, but more notable was that my name and work had reached a prestigious “headquarters” who approached me. I joked “well I’m quite “Gobby” about me and Help for Heroes” and they also said, “well it’s obviously paying off”. More news on that later too, but keep your eyes peeled. 

If that wasn’t enough, James,  lol he who publishes and websites as above, informed me that my website was getting a considerable and positive number of “hits”, especially when I had been on the radio or had a good promotion. Yeah, “Gobbyness Rules”!

Another apt poem? From my 4th book =

Only You

Most of the successful people you meet

Won’t have let grass grow beneath their feet.

But it’s not all about making money,

More of creating your world that is sunny

And makes you smile across your ways,

And grin back at whatever days

Don’t sit well or rest with others,

For the fact is we’re not all brothers.

So get up and get your ideas on

For tomorrow they could all be gone,

And disappeared down the slippery slope

Leaving you frustrated without hope

That you can ever move yourself,

To gain prosperity and wealth.

But do not worry too much on this

For money is not the only bliss.

Now cast around this world of ours

Where a negative thought always devours,

But if you have your health and brain

There is little that can restrain

You from doing what you will,

Ensuring happiness soon must fulfil

Your heart and all you do,

For there is no point in being blue.

So to just finish and be very exact

It all comes down to a simple fact,.

And in this there’s no need for debate

That you can always a success create.


Possibly these days all positivity and forward gears might get some peoples hackles up as it is easier to do nothing, moan and blame Curse Covid, the economy and everything else for their stagnation, but hey, we know better don’t we?

Those bears Ted & Beth are trying to attract my attention re their book, SO as it IS exciting for them, here is the start of one of the lead poems..


Ted and Beth’s Book

Ted and Beth feel they’re now in heaven

And are giving their dad a loving look.

Because he’s giving them a fantastic gift,

Publishing their own personal book.

For while they already have a fan club

And their very own Facebook page too,

Now getting a whole book about them

Has made all their dreams come true.

For everybody seems to love them

And hear about their adventures bold,

Including having their poems read out

On the radio, and in newspapers told.


Just a taster there then, but the book is out very soon so you can get yours!


  • There are three kinds of people, those who can count and those who can’t…
  • Two big hills were on a collision course, but at the last moment one mountain let the other pass.
  • If you get a message from me about canned meat, just ignore it as it’s spam
I must mention going forward that I had a great visit to Kent where I used to live, and had a re-enactment day at the wonderful Upnor Castle, photos included, one of a charge, being going forward you see.
On the Saturday night before this I called in at one of my old local pubs for some beer, food and watch football, but met a terrific man and woman, so HELLO Gill, now on here with us, who I unbelievably ended up reading her my poems which bless her she loved, reacted to and has bought books from me! Welcome Gill and thanks.

PHEW all this excitement, and not just tiny little things either, so another poem, and this one from only my 2nd book, but recently amended..

Safe Inside

Loving times, family and friends,

Precious moments shared for you.

But as times can pass and change,

Ensure they’re safe in all you do.

For we live snug inside our world,

So don’t see much else around.

And very little affects us there,

Thus we sleep secure and sound.

But who can see our inner pain

And take away the hurt and ache?

Of missing people once so close

Nearly every move you make.

So we must count our blessings

And do this every living day.

For memories that we treasure

No one can ever steal away!


Yeah, and I guess I could add that all those people who won’t take a chance can be well safe inside, but WILL they remain so?

Last bit of news, wonderful though, is that on St Georges Day (23rd April but of course you know) I had been booked to read a poem for that day, a couple of other poems and yes SING too, but to great response. Happily, I also collected some money for Help for Heroes, got some new contacts and grew my book sales… Yeah, Rule Britannia.

Near the end of a busy blog going forward, so no time for resting for me, having a beer (well yet), or tea and cake for all of you who are tempted lol. SO as ever thanks to all you lovely readers and much appreciated supporters and givers of nice compliments that help keep me going….

Last poem, and yes, a romance one to finish with again, so love, laugh, and enjoy ..

Rain Dance

I saw you on the dance floor

And it seemed like it was raining.

We all felt we were getting wet

But no one was complaining,

As you went through your moves

Of your sublime sensual dance.

For everyone gaped spellbound

In their own erotic trance.

For me though it was eerie

As I had seen you in my dreams.

Knowing you would come sometime,

Least that’s the way it seems.

So I felt that you were here now

For only me, and me alone,

And now I had to find resolve

To reap what I had sown.

Because I believed you heard

When I was calling out for you,

Although I didn’t know your name

I knew my dream would come true.

So I stepped boldly forward

And scooped you in my arms,

Relieved to find you dry

As I was dazzled by your charms.

Thus now we are a pair

Though we often become as one,

Brought into a stark reality

In our world of constant sun.

But It’s a wonder how I knew you

From my dreams fleeting glance,

                                             Showing only rain-soaked movements

That made me take my chance.


I should add here, lol NOT just the romance poems, I’m often asked who I write on or for, so again I reply everyone, anybody and all situations, hopes or thoughts, some of which are merely abstract, but then I HAVE written on or for a person, including me…..

SO, having moved forward and will continue to do so, I will say thanks and cheers will love to all as THE JOURNEY CONTINUES FORWARD MAGNIFICENTLY..

Love from me and a very happy and accomplished Ted & Beth,

Laurie xx

All ten of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life

More Poetic Views of Life

Reviews of Life in Verse

Life Scene in Verse

Life Presented In Verse,

Poet Reveals All (in your world).

Poet Reflects Your World

Poetic Seeds to Fruition

Our World in Verse

Laurie’s Bundle of Poetic Humour

These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.

My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new 9th, 8th, 7th and sixth books, all bigger are still £9.99, while my “Best Of” 10th book is only £7.99, and are for sale on Amazon, book stores or preferably from me ………….. lw1800@hotmail.co.uk Or 07967 355236

I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- www.lauriewilkinson.com = Please sign/join up absolutely free.

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