A "quick and extra" Blog for World Poetry Day, and maybe a short diversion from this worldwide horror occurring, that’s like WW3, but on no known battlefield!

 Possibly it may come as a welcome piece to read if you’re isolating or perhaps in a long queue?

My love, thoughts, hopes and safety wishes to you all! The Bears all send their love and best wishes too….

No usual mentions much, just three poems, the first from my 5th book, so written 2 years plus ago, but I think still apt?

Don’t Write it Off

I suppose I now have a mission

With my written thoughts in verse,

For as I scan the worldwide scene

I fear it’s all getting worse.

For it seems there are wars everywhere

With the world once more on the brink.

So great leaders please take care

And give lots of time to think,

Of amazing wonders, good, and values

At new risk from conceited power.

Which can lead to mass destruction

In much less than an hour.

Of course there’s been great wars before

And yet somehow we still survived.

Learning from the mushroom cloud

That insured we have now arrived,

At a state of chilling acceptance

Of just what harm man can do.

But now it seems we must again

Test out if it’s all true.

So what use then is my puny verse

That on a world scale’s just a jot?

But for me it’s hugely important,

To give our opinions than to just not

Do anything or our make a protest,

As generations have done before.

When on monumental occasions

It did bring an end to war.

So I will scribe away my thoughts

To let my feelings be known,

As you won’t succeed, if you don’t try

Thus I may not stand alone!


A reflective poem there and now (hopefully lol) a laugh from humour section of my 5th book also….


Knickers are very evocative

And mean something to nearly all,

Though some people prefer them big

Whilst others like them small.

There are people always trying

To get in them, others out,

While bashful keep them firmly on

Many people will have a doubt,

Just which knickers to wear

Or even if they should,

Get into this undergarment game

If they intend to just be good.

And we must remember too

That advice given by our mums,

To always wear clean underwear

In case we show our bums,

After being in an accident

That can befall mankind,

But if you end up in hospital

There’s much more on your mind.

For if this accident is very bad

And your brain now hardly flickers,

You’ll have much more to worry about

Than the condition of your knickers.

Though in other situations

When you really can’t be sure

If your luck is going to be in,

Less, could then be more.

So perhaps we should give more thought

About how our underwear fits,

Because it could be more important

Than just material to cover bits.


 ONE quick joke that’s possibly topical for now:-

I accidentally swallowed a part of my watch the other day! It didn’t do me any harm but was quite time consuming….. 

An Aaaaaaaaaaaaaw Luuuuuuuuuuurve poem to finish, with again the destination being very appealing at the moment?


A desert with its vast distances

Of desolation and lonely quiet.

Would seem to many undesirable,

But for me and you just right.

For I could have you all to myself

So not have to worry about others,

Who could perhaps discover us

And maybe blow our covers.

But I have special plans for you

My stunning and beautiful queen,

Who has put this magic spell on me

That I’d never before felt or seen.

So therefore I must act now

As you would desire me do,

Though I am finding it easier

For I have put my spell on you.

Thus together in our own desert

And alone beneath a sky of stars,

I can take you on ecstatic journeys

Soaring across both Jupiter and Mars,

Before fluttering back all a quiver

Across your entire being and soul.

For our desolate loving motions

Have made our bodies whole.

So indulge this sand-less desert

That will always be our own,

With you in captivating wonder

As you see how I have grown,

In my total devotion to you

When we are joined by all parts.

That gives constant bliss to make

Just one from our two hearts.


That poem is from my 7th and latest book. and I guess at this time i should just mention that I’ve decided in this eerie, weird world prevailing, to push on with my eighth book for about May/June…

Right close time, so as ever, love from me and The Bears, with all wishes that you stay safe and well as The Journey continues POETICALLY…..


Laurie xx

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