I have always liked the story of the golfer on a winning streak who was called "lucky", to which he replied, "yes the more I practice the luckier I get!"
Now I’m not being presumptuous and saying I’m that good, but as is frequently said in complimentary manner to me, I DO try to work hard and conscientiously, and even more often "Laurie you never stop", so I guess that counts??
Anyway following my winning a prestigious poetry competition last month, I consider that I have done even better by winning another competition judged by an esteemed tutor and author Jacq Molloy, who was effusive about my two poems and actually stated my main "poetic aims" and my style was really good, and said couldn’t offer any improvements! Enough said, but yeah Nice One, and THANKS.
Start of my winning poem for my next book, (more on that later)….
Letter From Afghanistan
A letter sent back from Afghanistan
Was not something to receive,
For it was probably tragic news
With no one coming home on leave.
Or a letter could be hand delivered
Titled on the “occasion of my death”,
Penned for you by a loved one
And will take away your breath.
On that theme I am chuffed to say while in France I got a "thank you for what you’re doing" phone call from Help for Heroes, unnecessary, but nice!
My latest article for "thesussexnewspaperonline" entitled "Deceit" was published about a week ago and is "well worth" a read, but ho ho NOT for the faint hearted! Do have a read!!!
Last Friday 16th August I was a "guest" at The Chaseley Trust meal and day for Eastbourne’s Airbourne event and made quite a few good connections, sold books and have been invited back for poetry involvements, so a smashing day and an excellent free lunch!
I continue to do my poetry reading gigs with more booked, and they still are very popular, especially with Ted n Beth (photo at the end) and all their friends.
1) NASA is looking to have a big party but need to planet…
2) A remote school is trying to save money on Lollipop men and women by moving the school to the other side of the road!
3) My mate told me he had broken his arm in two places, so I told him to stop going there….
Sorry about those, but many people like them…..?
My new and Book Seven will hopefully be published around October/November and is to be called "Poet Reflects Your World", and I have arranged for a professional photographer etc for the cover like before, but NO stripping this time?.
I am already having ideas for promoting/showcasing Book Seven, and the lovely Helen (and Ollie) of the excellent The Incredible Cake Company of South St Eastbourne who sell my books, are to be involved, so just WHAT are Helen and I up to? ???
A poem to finish then, and again follows my "theme explanation" of how I get my ideas and write, so this one is quite obvious as of my "winning" streak, but also my refusal to write "bubblegum or poncy style" poems, but hey it seems to be working, as results and many recent kind, encouraging and complimentary comments to me seem to confirm this, as I strive to promote and fundraise for Help for Heroes charity for our wounded service people!
Free Lancer
So how do I write this poem
And attempt to win a prize?
For if I try my usual style
It might not be too wise.
As I don’t follow correct form
Or pay attention to the rules.
But always scribe with passion,
To rant about my cause.
This sometimes pleases people
Who shy away from perfect prose,
And seems from latest feedback
That some recognition grows,
About words strongly written
By an impassioned, caring heart.
As sometimes a perfect writer
Won’t know where to start.
For Gray’s description of a poet,
Talks of thoughts that breathe,
And with their burning words
Many writers can’t conceive.
So I continue to express myself
On injustice, poverty and wrong,
In a spontaneous poetic style,
That makes my message strong.
Thus to me it’s most important
If venting an innermost thought,
That I’m free to condemn a world
Where inequality isn’t taught!
So that is from my 6th and latest book, and perhaps says more about me, my confirmed determination to write "my way" and my "style" than the poem says! What do you think?
Close time now as home from France about ten days and I’m all go, go, GO…
As ever thanks to all who read, support, encourage me as I "scribe away", but yup book seven is getting put together with 80 poems across my usual topics, and maybe YOU!!! ????
The Journey Continues in WINNING STYLE….
Love and Regards,
Ted n Beth, their fourteen now friends who live with us and me,
I believe that you should always write the way you want. Not be influenced by what other people think. I would like to read the whole Afghanistan piece. Very good start. Thanks for the entertainment.
Oh I do and will continue to write “my” way Suanne… And it seems to be really paying off now…. hence “winning streak”?
AND your wish was granted as I sent, and you got to read ALL of “Letter from Afghanistan” and you kindly were very complimentary about it…