HELLO again ?

So nearly three weeks have gone by since my last Blog, and whilst I am never surprised at what happens in my "Poetry World" now, it continues to be very fun filled and interesting, so read on! 

AND of course last Blog I promised to clarify and re visit some news mentioned so that is in, and YES "bears" I said I would include you more  this time, so I’m confident you will enjoy this "bumper read" ? ….….

No time to lose in this "news packed" offering, so straight in and no better place to start than with lead photo and story of last blog! In the group photo of me with the four ladies the Guylaine who was so keen to buy my latest book is on the far left. Photo was taken on a (very) heavy day a couple of years or so back in France, and ho ho have continued. ?  

Last blog I also mentioned my wonderful parents and how their wit, humour and counting of blessings has influenced me, so the second photo is of them probably in their fifties around the 1960’s. I think they were going to one of the regular "Old Time" dances they went to. 
Next is my poem for them from my 4th book and appreciatively called "Gratitude"…


Thank you mum and dad

For the gifts you bestowed on me,

I’m just sorry it took me so long

The very depth of them to see.

You taught me to count my blessings

Although we were always poor,

But love and happiness prevailed

Of that I was certainly sure.

And though you were not young

At the time that I was born,

You did everything for, and with me

So I could never be forlorn.

I’m told I wasn’t always easy

And could play up like a clown,

But you never worried much

Saying that I would soon calm down.

Mum was taken at only seventy three

Though dad had a much longer life,

Which was quite amazing really

After childhood poverty and strife.

But they had a smiling effervescence

Which carried us across life’s woe,

Thus again I will thank you for this

As it follows wherever I go.

I wish I could talk to you now

To say thanks again for all your care,

And perhaps reflect you would be proud

Of my achievements I want to share.

Like my degree and career I had

That may have been beyond your view,

And now a six times published poet

That I know is all down to you.

So I say to you many thanks again

For the characteristic traits you gave,

That ensure I will be smiling always

Until I’m put down in my grave.

So that is my tribute to my parents, and probably most of my poems have some influence from them. Wonderful❤️

As of the "higher" in the blog title it has been an extremely successful period so i will largely just "list" the events and happenings!

May 1st: Open Mike night and 5 brand new poems read out with all being greatly appreciated, but especially three of them. Great feedback!

May 2nd: Guest Speaker at Hailsham Chamber of Commerce which seemed to have gone very well and had some amazing complimentary feedback comments again.?

May 3rd: Another article on me in Eastbourne Herald newspaper re Tesco collection a little while ago

May 9th:Fund raise at E C F (Eastbourne garage) Open Day that raised £160 for Help for Heroes, so huge thanks to them, especially Richard and the energetic & lovely Hannah!

May 13th: My monthly article in The Sussex Newspaper was published and entitled "Cycles" and I think may amuse, and of course includes poems! Please check it out.

Poem to break the news then and and as it’s Mental Health Awareness week, here is my "simple but powerful" (quotes) poem entitled "One in Three"…

One in Three

Love and laughter may sprinkle around

With no real problems for you and me,

But we must always be aware of the fate

That will befall every one in three.

For our lives can change in a trice

When the world sends us a test,

To deal with tragedy, failure or loss

When we are forced to do our best,

To keep our chins up and smile

And face the world with fragile pride,

That may fool many, and maybe you

Until you realise you’re dying inside.

As a blackness so dark falls all over you

With no pinprick of light in your pit,

So you blunder about and don’t even try

Whilst every sinew begs you to quit,

And perhaps shuffle off this mortal coil

That right now seems most appealing,

For even if you do try to fight back

You’re overwhelmed by a darkest feeling.

Where has all this come from you ask?

But in truth you may never know,

How you are reduced to anxiety tears

And constant feelings of death and woe,

That will affect many now in their lives

As if have swallowed a depressive pill,

For you have become one in the three

Who learn the trauma to be mentally ill.

Yes, and again as my parents said, count your blessings!

More news then, and simply I have done another 3 residency gigs that all went well, and have resulted in many more ongoing bookings, one of them a block of five! I think with other booked commitments I have around twenty gigs to the end of the year already….

I am a "trifle miffed" that I was overlooked for the next decade Poet Laureate given to lol "some moosh" (bless him really) ho, ho, when everybody knows that "I" am "Poet Laurie ate"! ?

I have been offered, and we are just clarifying, a prestigious poem reading slot at a local charity who have the lead charity role for the massive "Eastbourne Airbourne" in August. They want me for their fundraising lunch at venue with front row view of the planes! Exciting times, and great "depth" of involvements too.

I also promised that "The Bears", who came with me to all my gigs and appearances as well, to extreme popularity, would have a mention, so there it is!

 And a poem of them too. Again I will report next Blog on "new friends" who have joined my "Bear & Others" family.

Popular poem re Ted n Beth at gigs is "Tea for Two" =

Tea for Two

Now Ted and Beth like a cup of tea

And will drink it all day long,

But both are reluctant to make it

So that’s where it all goes wrong.

For Ted will say it’s Beth’s turn

She of course says it’s Ted’s,

So before you can say “teddy bear”

Another disagreement spreads

Into a mini bear fight,

Although they mean no harm.

For Beth will use her female wiles

And Ted will be all charm.

Thus often I am the peacemaker

And also the tea-making man.

Whilst they have their little bicker,

Though I suspect it’s all the plan.

With a very cunning teddy ruse

To get me to make their drink,

But although I go along with it

I’m not as silly as they think!

For every time I make their tea

And we sit drinking with a chat.

I find out all their secrets,

How they got up to this and that.

For although they are a lovely pair

And our hearts they do enslave,

They can still be quite mischievous

So I make sure they behave.

Thus our little tea drinking parties

Have an agenda for me too.

As they help me keep a close eye,

On just what they plan to do!

Some mentions then, and welcome to a lovely French lady, and maybe another soon too Clemmy?, so "Hi" Anne-Laure, and another to recent recruit Sherrie C, & S L I hope your shutdown blackout isn’t total. Thanks to everyone else, too many to mention but all appreciated!

Lesley A T your kind and excellent Amazon review on my latest book really got me thinking, (VERY well done❤️ lol) and I had actually forgotten the Limericks, done and in now, plus my "packed & involved" life ideas that have now blossomed even more! 

Hold on for and WITH Book SEVEN (contents) that IS on its way! SAID this was "NEWSY"…

Joke time, lol (I will explain in France Anne-Laure ?

1) Lord Nelson was only 5 foot tall when he was killed at Trafalgar, but his statue is over 15 feet, so that’s a Horatio of 3 – 1….

2) I recently heard of an investigating worm who opened up a can of humans! (sorry that’s my own)

Photos include,(lead) me with the laaaaaaadies, my parents, Sunrise Resident and Care Home I just did gig for, advert of me. Me at Hailsham Chamber Guest Speaker slot,& Those Bears.

On Sunday 19th May I am poem reading, (and singing a Napoleonic song in full uniform) for local Day Centre charity fund raise and Dementia Awareness week. I did the "Time check and run through" last Sunday learning that it is a sell out, (lol told you I am popular) with about 250 people coming. NO pressure there then Laurie Boy…

I will repeat again as often asked, YES you can get my books from ME, and I deliver FREE locally or are just basic postage, AND I make more, and thus so do Help for Heroes get, if "I" sell my books, so PLEASE get from me:- Contacts = lw1800@hotmail.co.uk – 07967 355236 or this website…

Last poem, and can be yours Suanne after your wonderfully kind comment on last blog ❤️??….

Feeling Special

When we’re together I am somewhere

But lost and nowhere when I’m alone,

For with you I can skip and cartwheel

Though if apart my heart’s a stone!

So secretly I’ll be your personal ghost

All around, watching with my stare,

I am the out breath, when in you breathe

And I’m the wind that blows your hair.

Thus note the trembling at your sleeve

And feel the itch you cannot scratch,

Because I’m the warm light that shines

Like darkness lit by a match!

When we’re together I am somewhere

But lost and nowhere when I’m alone,

For with you I can skip and cartwheel

Though if apart my heart’s a stone!

Should you feel sensation at your blouse

Or some finite movement at your skirt,

And heartbeats move to unfelt rhythm

It’s just me protecting you from hurt.

Be not afraid when you see a shadow

Or feel a touch, moth like at the ear,

It’s just my presence come to love you

And ensure safe passages you steer!

So have no fear of the world around you

Even lightning strikes from above,

For you’re safe within an armour

Fashioned by my spirits love.

I can’t close without a massive thank you to the excellent and doubly lovely (and Moon Walk for Cancer doing) Lynn Parsons of Magic FM, who has generously & complimentary mentioned me, my books and Help for Heroes several times.

 THANK YOU, and DO please check out her fabulous show "Mellow Magic" Mon – Friday 20.00 – Midnight. You can even get a Whisper Out a Lynn? Magic FM

Right, well I’m Deffo "NOT DUPLICATED" if imitated this month, so to my "others" lol (try to) Keep UP..? 

Closing Time now, so thanks to you all as The Journey Continues higher and HIGHER…

Love from Ted n Beth, Big Bruno, George, Big Ted, Tigger, Sleepy bear, and ME,

Laurie xx


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