YES, C’moooon you wonderful lot, keep UP!
 NOoooo, NOT with my excellent new two wheeled flying machine as in photo, (well my last one got a puncture lol), this new one may give you a good run, as it does nearly a ton, but Laurie doesn’t, but NO with all that so wonderfully continues in my brilliant “Psychy Poet World”!!!
I will tell you all, but just to clarify my last motor scooter got a puncture, I got lent the “Demo Bike” of this one I now have, I loved it, so bought a new one… he heeee Keep UP !!!! ??
Right so what have I been doing since last Blog? O k sit comfortably and I will tell, and hopefully entertain you…. ?
I have done x 3 more Residential Home gigs since last Blog and all went very successfully, with Big Bruno being well received and almost as big as some of the wonderful folks there! Big Bruno was lead photo last time so he is not in these photo as Ted n Beth and myself are ensuring he does get too (Teddy) big for his boots, (o k Carbury Boys?) but I’m sure he won’t. ?
First poem then, and as I’m back at my French place, (see further on), and sitting on my decking terrace where I wrote this poem “Birds” from my latest book it seems apt to post it.



I don’t write much on natures wonder

Preferring to observe the human kind,

But that’s not to say I never will

As I relax with settled mind.

So when reclining on the decking

Of my mobile home in France,

I was taken by the birds behaviours

And how they swoop and dance.

For a big tree has further grown

Looming over the mobile next to me,

Which allows sight of the top branches

And all the various birds activity.

That rarely seems to cease too much

From earliest morning viewing,

So all day through to nightfall

I can see what they are doing.

The coming and going all the time

Of various birds on the branches,

Where I guess they are much safer

Than on the ground taking chances,

Of being attacked or just disturbed

When about their daily routine.

That gives great delight to me,

With their habits nicely seen.

And of course there is the songs

That is sweet music to my ears,

But I guess it’s just communications

Passing on their love or fears.

So I think that I’m really lucky

With a panorama on a tree’s steeple,

Though watching the activity I wonder

Is it too different from people?

But most birds habits are crucial

And they know what each is for.

Unlike man who so often strives,

For a life of greed or war.


So a nice start for you I hope?


A great time to say a big “Hi and THANKS” to you lovely people on here with me, AND three new super people joined us too..


1) The very pleasant (and lovely) Stacey L from a consumer suppliers who have been good to me lately as “every little helps” as they did, Hi Stacey lol, 2) A “Right, or left?” Gent Richard M of E C F who are kindly doing a joint “Open Day and my Poems and Help for Heroes” support and fund raise on May 9th!

 Many thanks Richard, and welcome aboard man! 3) Sherrie, well what can I say, but just as the Four Seasons did I guess “Sherrie Baby”, who is a “Right Diamond Gel” (I’ll explain if want Sherrie lol, but means you are a star at going that important and proverbial “extra mile”, thanks again, Welcome, and please enjoy being on here with us! Hey Sherrie get your friends to sign/join up as well, ALL welcome??..


AS I mentioned previously I’m again prolifically writing my poems, about 20 in the last month I think at a guess, and to prove I am not changing much, here is the start of one, but of course, (BIG head) I have mentioned some new poems being read and complimented on National Radio…. Thanks Lynn of Mellow Magic and an “Airways Queen Star”..



I Can’t Hear You

If you hurl abuse and ridicule

Which assail thick upon my ear,

Don’t be surprised if I ignore you

As I’ll turn deaf so just won’t hear.

Thus if you wish to carry on

With slanders that aren’t true.

Please note my sardonic smile,

As I really won’t hear you.

For in life it is correctly said,

You please some people all the time.

And all the people just some of it,

Others may think your words a crime.

So everyone will have occasion

When people will criticise and abuse.

But I have a great remedy for this

As I only hear what I choose.


So I have mentioned I’m back in France, (Hi Mick S, my round I think, OH alright, CHEERS man), as included one of my “Fav Photos” of me by our glorious long lake, (Le Lac), and meeting up with some great long term friends and many new ones too…. CHEERS!!??.


I have put this on Facebook, but never shy to mention again that YOU can (Pretty Please) buy my books direct from ME at a very reasonable postage, between 70 pence & £1 60 p depending on book size, same as the prices vary on book size, from ONLY £4.99 each for first three, 4th & 5th = £6.99 and my latest is £9.99. Message me, when I’m back in U K obviously, and IF local I can deliver FREE on my new super fast wheels! YUP a “Take Away Poet” !!!!


Please put in diary you Eastbourne Locals, 9th May at E C F Birch Close from 9.00 – 13.00 for Help for Heroes, AND where to take your car for a great service, M O T or dare I say, bump removal! Sorry girls doesn’t work on you, but they might try…. Steady ON Richard!!!!


AT the Royal Oak and Castle Inn usual Open Mike first Wednesday of month, last week I did my usual slots poem reading to a good appreciation, AND sang as well on REQUEST. “Spanish Bride” that WILL be heard at a BIG charity event soon, again on request… lol who IS this singing poet hahahahah????


Last poem before close and jokes, (groan).


All Through the Night

Sometimes only just to kiss you

Won’t make you feel alright.

So I have to state my intention,

To hold you through the night.

Which I hope will delight you

As much as it does for me.

So we must wait for morning

When we can then clearly see,

If our ensuing love was great

For both of us to have gains,

As it’s now my main ambition

To ensure our love remains.

So don’t be shocked at my ardour

As it is meant for me to show,

How much I want to love you

And not let our ecstasy go.

Because sometimes love is taken

For granted, causing disgrace.

But you can see I’m determined

That ours will stay in place.

But you need now to do nothing

More than you think is right,

When I tell you once again

I will hold you through the night.

Which I hope will reassure you

How my love is always bold.

So just lay back and enjoy it,

Along with my night long hold.

A “Romancing poem” to finish then, that alright ladies, Suanne and all …??? ❤️❤️❤️
Jokes..(sorry but requested lol)
1) I have been eating a lot of rice lately, but have become very chesty and coughing a lot…. think I must be Basmatic?
2) At a gig interview i was asked “Can I perform under pressure?”, and i replied “well not too bad but my Bohemian Rhapsody is brilliant!!!”.. Boom boom…
3) Met a bloke recently climbing mountains to see where the daylight went, wasn’t until the mornings that it dawned on him….
The photos are quite easy to identify… = my new scooter, E C F Forecourt, Me with bears at a Gig, myself with Le Lac behind me and a “long time ago” Laurie with hair, (photo recently found, but ho ho NOT recently taken !!! And of course a nice photo at Mantel Farm Christmas time…. Kerry you keep your chickens warm and (wrapped) gel as a bit “nippy”..??… And please keep your bees under control as well, lovely lady.?
So another Blog done, more poems to write now and don’t forget to check out “thesussexnewspaperonline” for my monthly articles and poems, new one due to be published about 12th April… Yay CHECK IT OUT = IS about sheep, (well MY take on lol) SO FOLLOW ON…..
AS ever The Psychy Poet is promoting and fundraising for HELP for HEROES and is “Often Imitated but NEVER Duplicated”, as The Journey Continues SPEEDILY and ACCELERATING….
Love, peace and laughter to you all from Ted n Beth, Big Ted, Big Bruno and little Ol’ me…
Laurie xx










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