Magic Moments is an old song that I’m sure many won’t remember (Tony & Rod will), NOT sure how I do ?but apart from that, I have had magic moments in my Poetry World lately, and literally too. 
Yes another, happy, successful and interesting time since last blog!

"So WHAT have you been up to Laurie" I hear?  Hang on and I’ll tell you all….

I continue, and with re bookings and some more new one’s as well, to do my poem reading gigs in some great Residential and Care homes to some wonderful people. A win, win, win then as I enjoy doing them, get some cash to Help for Heroes and seems very  much enjoyed by very receptive audiences.

I have a new "Bear Recruit" to come with me alongside Ted n Beth, Big Ted, so now,… Ta Raaaa BIG BRUNO, (photo included at end). Of course with me there just HAS to be a story, and yes , there IS!

I wanted another bear to come with me, (lol us ???) as with some older folks a visual aid is important, thus I called in at a charity shop and there sadly in a corner sat Big Bruno, perhaps too big to be wanted as does need space! A LOT.
I straight away knew he was perfect, paid for him and left the shop., then OH blimey I have to get some shopping in Tesco!
 No problem as Bruno was soon sat proudly in my trolley with many admiring looks, or ho ho was it me, and of course I explained to a few people about my poems, books and Help for Heroes too. NEVER miss a trick!
On arriving home all the bears bonded with no trouble and of course Bruno has his own poem, and a part follows, lol well I’m not GIVING it all away..

Big Bruno

Bruno is a really big teddy bear

And I do mean quite a size,

So when I eventually got him home

I wondered if I had been wise?

But before we even get round to that

I had decided to take a chance,

As I removed him from his sad corner

Where he had scarcely had a glance,

Perhaps because he was so big

And wouldn’t just tuck nicely away.

For he certainly needs a lot of room

With nothing else you can say.

There we are then, a growing "Bear Family", but the more the merrier! ????…

On meeting the lovely Helen, photo included, of the incrediblecakecompany in South Street, we have made a collaboration and they are advertising and selling my books. Great coffee and cakes there as well!

While we are here, welcome to all new sign ups, a "Dwight" Turner?, a mention to a great guy Dexter, (minus his Midnight Runners) of a local car company, whose car (Merc) I drive but won’t mention that he heee.

I have started prolifically writing my poems again, about 16 in the last couple of weeks, but some of those I had previously started, had notes on or a title and "just" needed to complete them. There "Simples" SO I guess "Book Seven" is a third written already?

In the last few blogs I have addressed "Website Guru" Jame’s suggestion of what makes, how, why I write, so another example here.
 Again whilst sitting on the toilet, NO comments connecting my poetry please hahahaaa) I remembered when I was quite young and went to football, I had a bell! Thus on recalling more a poem came and the start follows….

Bell End

I loved my football from an early age

And began to regularly go to matches,

Though being small and young in years

Often watched the games in snatches.

For in big crowds it was hard to see

Though you might be let down the front,

So I mostly got a good view

Amongst the crowds push and shunt.

Now I don’t recall actually when

That I decided to get a bell,

Which I bought down the market

And it would raise devils in their hell.

Some people would have a rattle

Which made a clanking sound,

But I’m sure that Laurie’s bell

Was heard all across the ground.

There you are and again simple! Just sit on the toilet and write. ?

SO now onto my "Magic Moments" and with that wonderful presenter on Magic FM Lynn Parsons on Mon – Friday 20.00 to Midnight. Tune in for excellent "Mellow Magic" and Lynn’s very own style with humour, whisper outs and some acute comments and observations!!

Well on 18th I sent Lynn a new poem which she was kind enough to greatly compliment and then mention me live on air, the poem and my books. wonderful thanks.

It got even better as on March 21st being World Poetry Day, Lynn read out on air again live, and broadcasting internationally, my following poem from my very first book…

Dancing Light

A dancing light to a room you are

Not seen at once but bright,

Your natural warmth is subtle too

Stronger still with frequent sight.

You are like the solid honest firs

That pretty flower to the moon,

Your laugh and fun could melt a stone

And cause sound minds to swoon.

I could be as your fantasy

Like a moth drawn to a lamp,

As others chase to be near you

Their joy tears running damp.

You may not know you radiate

This warm attracting haze,

Upon unsuspecting people met

Drawn in by your carefree gaze.

A dancing light to a room you are

That embraces all around,

To reach and skip in places dire

Where joy is seldom found.

SO thanks again Lynn for my Magic Moments, and of course your great show! ?

Near the end then of another news, photos, poems and coming next, the jokes, blog. Many thanks to you all and please spread the word….

I got knocked down last week by a speeding rental van, bloooooooooody Hertz !!!

On parade a soldier was marching, when his Corporal shouted at him that he was out of step. Boldly he answered back, well you’re supposed to be in charge!!! boom, boom…

Well again at the end and I truly hope you enjoy wherever, New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, South Africa, America, Bali, Indonesia etc and any I’ve missed, PLUS of course all you "Lovelies" in U K…

As usual it’s goodbye from me and all the bears, including Big Bruno now, as The Journey Continues……….. MAGICALLY !!!!!

Thanks, Cheers, & Love,

Laurie xx

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