Big Ted the Minder
Ted & Beth think they’re famous now
With a fan base of their own,
And while this is true in a small way
I think their egos are over blown.
For thinking they now need a minder
Called up their friend Big Ted to act,
As protection and look after them
So never “bear-napped” or whacked.
Now Big Ted’s a cuddly protector
Like a giant sentry looking out,
For any problems or danger seen
That can make him growl or shout!
For although a big fluffy bear
He’s sharp and knows what’s right,
And how to protect Ted and Beth
Who he now keeps in his sight.
Open Up
I’m so glad that I spoke to you
How else would I have known,
Thoughts that you have told me
That are all your very own?
You shared just what you think
What makes you laugh or cry,
The things that make you angry,
That you love, or perhaps let by.
We can often pass each other
Without a smile or spoken word,
And that we don’t talk to each other
Is quite frankly so absurd!
We need to share our feelings
And how others may endure.
For in a world of madness
It’s good to know what’s pure.
By listening and talking
We learn some different views,
Like how life can be for others
When before we had no clues.
We can often pass each other
Without a smile or spoken word,
And that we don’t talk to each other
Is quite frankly so absurd!
So give a nod, or even smile
Who knows what may pan out?
You may have great times spent
If you end your speaking drought!
Straightforward and easy enough that then, and so really is the following one they are both quite popular when I read them out as contrasts at my gigs!
The second poem "Crowded Out" is another quite simple, but I think powerful, poem on loneliness from my very first book, I wrote it in response to some news I had of people dying alone and almost unknown. Sadly this has again touched me very recently when an ex psychiatry colleague was recently found dead in his flat after lying thus for about a week. I had last spoken to him on the phone about three years ago. Tragic though……
Crowded Out
Can a tree in a forest be lonely
Or a wave crest on the sea?
So if surrounded by people
How can loneliness possibly be?
When you look at peoples faces
For a smile or glint of an eye,
Everyone seems to be moving
And like spectres just pass by.
The fish in the ocean have shoals
And the bees will build their hive,
But many people live in surroundings
Where no one knows they’re alive.
So maybe we should reach out
With more effort to connect,
To try and prevent isolation
That even stout hearts will deject.
No person wants their passing
To go off with barely a squeak,
With people saying they saw them
But never found time to speak!
Unknown Journey
The very beauty of the gift
Was that it was not seen or showing,
We did not know or notice
That something great was growing.
You sailed in your ship, I in mine,
No other course was charted.
We journeyed on across our seas
Unaware just what had started.
I did not know but I looked for you,
Your way, your eyes, your smile.
A touch can take our breath away
And be felt from near a mile.
But the greatest star was yet to shine
Beaming light from sky to sea.
I was manic, laughing , flying
When you said you cared for me!
Before closing just to say that the photos are (lead) me at last gig, reading a poem, the bears, and my updated article in the Eastbourne Herald.
As ever thanks for your support, joining me on here and reading blogs, as The Journey Continues STUPENDOUSLY….
Another great read, love those bears and even smiled at the jokes
Thank you, AND smiled at the jokes? Must be getting better then, and lol I will keep them coming…..