Yes well those last 16 days shot by pretty quickly, and I have been home in "good Ol’ Eastbourne" for five days too, BUT what else have I been up to?
Just for "starters" then, I actually wrote 12 new poems whilst in France for 3 weeks, (two or three of those "I" think are quite special, which is unusual for me to say), but sure you can tell me later. Could it be my thoughts, style, ideas or just confidence is changing a bit?
Apart from publishing my June article I also wrote July and Augusts scripts ready for publishing in those months so well in front!
One of the poems I wrote in France was for the site bar, so hopefully a couple of free drinks or so coming my way…..
AND talking of bars, my favourite "off site" bar (in lead photo) run by my now two very good "non English or my French speaking friends" is expanding to provide a shop for that camp/mobile home site, and they are selling my books. They get quite a few English and Anglo speaking visitors there!
TO amuse you, I’m know at that bar where always greatly welcomed, (and topped up) as "The smiling Englishman", LOL well I’ve certainly been called much worse!!!! ?
Poem break ,and I put this up again for all my wonderful friends, acquaintance’s, contacts, and general correspondents who fit this bill, but NO worries as those concerned probably won’t reply again anyway? ?
Anybody There?
Is there anybody out there?
Someone who can hear or see,
All those texts and messages
That were sent to you from me.
Oh, you thought they were statements
So there was no need to reply?
Even though I had asked questions
Like how was that and why?
But nothing came back from you
If that reason is to be believed.
And don’t you think it’s good manners
To acknowledge they were received?
Yes I know that you are busy
There’s not enough hours in the day.
But does it really take so long
To quickly reply back and say
Thanks for my communications
And you will say more later on?
For I am not clairvoyant
So must guess where you have gone.
But just ignore my protestations
For I know I’m not alone,
In making these observations
And I’m sure you will atone.
Though of course I know for certain
That I will hear you loudly yelp,
And be inundated with your contacts
The moment you need my help!
Circus Clowns
Ted and Beth saw a circus advertised
And got tempted before I realised,
Their idea for having thrills and dares
Was to run away and be circus bears.
Now I’m not really sure about this
And I explained what they would miss,
When touring about in a circus bus
For Beth is known to make a fuss,
If everything isn’t all neat and trim,
Getting cross with Ted, and blaming him
For being untidy and not putting away,
Things that he had used that day.
Dental Bears
Poor Beth has got a toothache
And is in quite a lot of pain,
But she really is too frightened
To go to the dentist again.
Because the last time she went,
It wasn’t very pleasant there.
As the dentist had no experience
Of tooth treatment for a bear!
Guardian Angel
To keep me out of trouble
I have a guardian angel bold,
Who makes sure I toe the line
And do exactly as I’m told.
So I should stay completely safe
And on the straight and narrow track,
For with my lookout and adviser
Someone always has my back,
To ensure that from any problems
I am always free, and safely steered,
As my angel will redirect me
If any wrecking rocks are neared.
Thus I had set out in life
Confident I would commit no crime,
Like falling foul of Albatross
Or talking loudly all the time!
So my conscience would be clear
My character wouldn’t have a stain,
And if invited out for dinner
I’d have an invitation back again.
But oh, I did get in some mischief
And into major problems I did leap,
So why didn’t my angel protect me?
Because the bugger had fell asleep!
Hey Laurie. We are once again reconnected. All that “cookie” stuff was a bit upsetting. Congrats on Guardian Angel. Love it. And tx for changing that other poem into two new winners. Love from your No. 1 fan.
Hay Suanne, well we still hooked up, but important is sorted on here !!!!
Thanks as ever for great complimentary words….
Great as always Laurie, a real pleasure, and I love the Ted n Beth poems……. can’t wait to hear all of each poem!
Please keep going and I’m sure Help for Heroes are thrilled with you too!
Thanks, and Help for Heroes are so appreciative of what anybody does to help it makes donating a greater pleasure!
Those bears? LOL yes their antics will continue in Book Six including those two poems as above!!!!