From: Laurence Wilkinson <;
Sent: 20 May 2018 09:02
Subject: Impotant “quicie” from us to you…



HI Everyone and a “BIG sorry” for this “extra quickie” but it is VERY important, and “The Bears & I” promise we will make it a nice quickie though…


Most of you will you will be aware, perhaps some not, that G D P R (a law protecting our private data) comes into force on 25th May 2018, THUS as you are already likely to have had sent, you need to just agree to continue to get emails/contacts from people, firms etc….


Even “I” need to do this with these email Blogs for you to keep receiving them, SO the wonderful James (my website etc Guru) is bringing me into “legal line” and we will soon be sending out emails the same as my blogs, with  simple clicks and tick to agree to continue with my  “amusing & interesting” (quotes) email Blogs. If you don’t lol “click me” I can’t send to you and will be gone.. AND Ted n Beth too ??


As the hit song goes then, “Don’t Leave me this Way”! !!! ?

Ok a nice poem now for this important quickie then, and one about how valued you are to your special friend..




Go safely as you make your way


Your worth is hard to measure,


Not everyone will value you


But you really are a treasure.



Go safely as you make your way


Turning many a mile and bend,


Strong and sure in knowledge now


You have a special friend!

That appropriate poem was from my first book, but written around 1998! The Bears are keen to have one of their poems on as they are worried in case you don’t “click & tick” to stay with us…




Bears Empty Promise


Who’s been eating our porridge?

Ted n Beth would like to know,

When they come in for breakfast

After smelling food on the go.


But the porridge has all gone

The saucepan is scraped clean,

For though teddy noses smell it

There is nothing to be seen.

Only an empty dish and spoon

Still placed upon the table,

By another empty cookery jar

With “Porridge” spelt on the label.


This does not please our famous bears

Not one little bit at all,

For they’re just beginning to rue

Not getting up on their first call,

When they decided to lay back

And have another little sleep.

With no thought of repercussions

That now makes them weep.


For the breakfast cook has done

And won’t be making any more,

Of that delicious porridge

That most teddies will beg for.

And although the penny’s dropped

They should have jumped out of bed,

Their dad has scoffed the porridge

So they will go without instead.


But Ted n Beth have both learned

A precious lesson so sublime,

And will make sure they’re ready

For their breakfast the next time!


That is from book 4, and for those of you who haven’t heard me read it “live” and thus showing how soft I really am, the last verse was written as an afterthought as I didn’t want it to end so severely, and that is true!


Just a brief mention of the photos used on this, and all news etc will be back next main Blog when “The Bears and I” sincerely hope you are still with us AND of course supporting Help for Heroes Official. 

Photos then, and again to spread the word worldwide, 1) US three reclining, 2) Australia, 3) Our “hotel” in Botswana outback camp….


Right yo finish off a really nice romance poem to share our love…





Trembling hands and pounding heart

With every nerve end reeling,

Whenever I see or think of you

I get this strange uncertain feeling.


Drowning in your big round eyes

Drunk and dizzy from your scent,

In a heartbeat I was taken

Not knowing what was meant,

By an apparition of such wonder

With gold clouds over you.

So I stood as before my queen

Unsure of what to say or do.


Blinking eyes and head spinning

I stood stunned beside your throne,

For I had heard of this feeling

But had never thought I’d be alone.

So when my body had recovered

I thought that I should speak,

Though whatever I tried to say

Came out a senseless squeak.


So I had come to fully realise

The meaning of love’s dream,

And while I was still shaking

I felt rooted by your beam.


Thus like a nervous child

Going first time into school,

I was stunned awaiting orders

You of course looked so cool.


And with a nod I was called over

With every sinew screaming out,

That for me the war was over

I was lost to you without a doubt!



Stupefied then from us to you, so goodbye for now and see you soon, but PRETTY PLEASE remember, “Click and Tick” so you don’t “unstick” from us ❤❤❤


The Journey Continues WONDERFULLY !!!!





















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