So my new book "Life Presented In Verse" is published and is featured at the top of this website, with some more updates, and maybe surprises to be added too, so DON’T miss it !!!

Talking of "missing it, or out" please mention this site to your friends, (and my books) as I have a feeling that this book (and site ?) could go well. YES, I have said it, and whilst I have always been an optimist, you noticed?, I haven’t said this before !!! 


On top of my new books delivery this week I also received my two books from Forward Poetry which both have a poem of mine in that got to the national finals as well! That makes six of their books and the six poems are included in my new book! Exciting and successful times then……..

AS if all that wasn’t enough, it was time of the month for me to publish my article in "The Sussex Newspaper Online & sister paper Bonjour France" too. You can find the papers under those names to see my article entitled "The Only Gift ?", which seems to be quite evocative, (what ME?) and may even mention or describe you ??? LOL, yes, just like my books ….???

Last Blog I promised The Bears update, so I WILL. 

Their Facebook page "Ted n Beth of Laurie the Poet" is doing well with nearly 40 page likes, so please give it a look AND a LIKE please !!! Lots of "Bear Photos" and more, AND even a request now they have the fame, for Beth to pose topless !!!!! I ASK YOU indeed, how very 2017, but of COURSE Beth has declined with disgust, and Ted said if Beth poses topless, HE will pose BOTTOMLESS, but fear NOT, I am keeping an eye on them to make sue they are safe….

For some decorum then, a start of one of the 5 new poems about the bears in my (our?) new book. "Beth’s Slippers"…..   

Beth’s Slippers

Beth bear likes carpet slippers

And loves to wear her mums,

But has to remove them quickly

Whenever her mum comes

Back into the house again,

From a trip to the local shop.

Beth knows she shouldn’t do it

Though finds it hard to stop.

Now Ted has told Beth off

About her foot comfort greed.

Saying bears don’t want footwear,

Though Beth just finds the need

To feel those comfy slippers

All warm around her paws,

But wouldn’t wear them outside

As they’re only for indoors.

That then, is the "Bears" mentioned with some verse too, so now back to me as the boss? WELL I write them, so one of mine now, or an excerpt of…. note the tease to get you to buy my new book, but NO, as you already were going to buy it ??? (A BARGAIN at only £6.99) with 86 poems in it !!!!

Just a Shadow

The visitor comes to my door

In a cloak complete with hood,

No need to ask why he’s here

For that is understood.

As a shapeless face peers out

From darkness cast by shade,

So no eyes glare or gleam

To betray any offers made.

But I was quite familiar

With this figure’s eerie stance,

For I had seen it many times

Though often just a glance

Of fleeting dark awareness,

And cold shivers up my spine.

Though I recognised the meaning

Of this spectre that is mine.

A quite involved, "newsy" and hopefully amusing Blog this time, and laptop allowing, I will end with the start of a "Romance Section" poem, (I KNOW who to appease lol) that gets quite hot (in the bit you won’t see here)  hahahahaaaa, at the end!

Soft Touch

Yo have a very special touch

That’s both soft and sincere,

And I must confess to melting

The moment you are near.

So what is the big difference

From other women I have known?

Perhaps it’s allure and chemistry

That are your very own.

I can still remember well

How it was once with you,

When you made darkness light

And all my fuses blew,

As you weaved your sensual magic

That I never could resist.

But why does it linger on when

You’re not the only one I’ve kissed?

Again and deeply meant, THANKS for reading and support, (please feel free to comment at the end), it is much appreciated as well as the many kind words said and written to me!!! Bless ya hearts !!! (Thanks to the excellent R & A partnership)

Of course if you DO want my new book, or any of my books, I can post out quite cheaply and safely, so contacts =    OR 07967 355236

From Ted n Beth & "I" as ever, many thanks and The Journey Continues FANTASTICALLY


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