So my new and fifth book in just over 3 years, “Life Presented In Verse”, is now finished and ready from My Voice Publishing at £6.99…….   Publication date is 15th August 2017


Not without a struggle to proof read with a “fifth world internet system” in France, but somehow I managed and it got completed!


With a “different style” cover photo taken at Beachy Head Eastbourne as I wanted to have a local involvement and setting, by the excellent Lucy of Lucy Carnaghan Photography, I am both very pleased with, and proud of my latest book.


Containing 70 all new poems written since last November, plus six of my poems also published nationally and in the finals of Forward Poetry, and ten requested favourites from my first books, it all makes a total of 86 poems in this latest bigger offering.


All the usual sections and themes are there with perhaps more “down to earth” verve than ever? Check it out yourselves please….


Life Presented in Verse

Experiences of life come to us all

Though some will prefer not to see,

But there can be no hiding place

And that’s up to folks like me.

Who will observe and then present

All that life will bring to us.

From laughter and tears, to death,

To confront without a fuss.

For everyone of us will experience

Good and bad that we don’t choose.

So how we react and deal with this,

Will decide if we win or lose.



So that is the introductory poem and the rest flow as usual, some having featured in full or part on here, so please have a look and order from me on  or 07967 355236.

One final insight and clue is the next complete poem of a very topical nature although written a few months ago, but giving an ominous warning at this very time !!!!

Don’t Write it Off

I suppose I now have a mission

With my written thoughts in verse,

For as I scan the worldwide scene

I fear it’s all getting worse.

For it seems there are wars everywhere

With the world once more on the brink.

So great leaders please take care

And give lots of time to think,

Of amazing wonders, good, and values

At new risk from conceited power.

Which can lead to mass destruction

In much less than an hour.

Of course there’s been great wars before

And yet somehow we still survived.

Learning from the mushroom cloud

That insured we have now arrived,

At a state of chilling acceptance

Of just what harm man can do.

But now it seems we must again

Test out if it’s all true!

So what use then is my puny verse

That on a world scale’s just a jot?

But for me it’s hugely important,

To give our opinions than to just not

Do anything or our make a protest,

As generations have done before.

When on monumental occasions

It did bring an end to war.

So I will scribe away my thoughts

To let my feelings be known,

As you won’t succeed, if you don’t try

Thus I may not stand alone!


Well there you are then spelt out as are the other poems in the book, so I don’t think anyone who purchases my book will be disappointed. As usual all sales will trigger my donation to the charity Help for Heroes.

All for now, but more news next time and an update on Ted n Beth too……

As ever many thanks and The Journey Continues Brilliantly (and with a new book !!!)….

Cheers, Laurie





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