I’ve had to succumb to “Bear Pressure” and let Ted n Beth have the limelight and photo this time, so the eagle-eyed amongst you will see their wine glasses to celebrate them being granted a “Fan Club”, yet to be officially launched!

Of course they can “bearly” wait for this, but “I” am the author so must wait for me to organise and “teddy the ship” in readiness!


I will however also grant them now the opening verse with an excerpt from my new book about their Fan Club….


Ted n Beth’s Delight

Ted and Beth are ecstatic bears

Having finally achieved their aim,

For they’re going to have a Fan Club

Of their own , and in their name.

It may soon be launched on Facebook,

And have some teddy-news space

On The Psychy Poet’s website,

With their own Fan Club’s place!

And perhaps they really should now

Have that little extra bit of fame,

As they have their very own video

Thus have not been quite the same,

Since it’s been seen on social media

And even on YouTube too.

With a poem published nationally

They scarce can believe it’s true.

Ok then Bears I have kept my promise, but without my books you will have no fame so onto my books, my new one soon to be published, and PUSH !!!

My total book sales are now over 820 ish + so I need to “Push Mr Wilkinson, PUSH”, to reach my target of 1,000 and beyond! PUSH, almost like having a baby perhaps, apologies to the ladies as of course I have never “had” a baby, but was there for birth of my son!!!!

PUSH, ok, ok, ok, well as my new book “LIFE PRESENTED in VERSE” is aimed for publication on August 15th this year, I’m selling my previous 4 books at reduced price, so great offer, presents, opportunity and he he heeee, even possibly an investment??

Contact me = lw1800@hotmail.co.uk OR mobile  07967 355236  I can post out for about £1.30, or even deliver FREE in Eastbourne area! There you are, a sort of Laurie’s “poetry book take- away” service !!!

I can, and am actually taking orders for my new book too, so please contact me as I love “a shout” anyway, but especially now for my new book. PUSH Mr Wilkinson, push…

Another poem time then, and talking of effort and pushing this has some connection, but however you please or like it, from my 3rd book, “Recycle Plant”…….


Recycle Plant

Zooming round his treadmill

Hammy the hamster went,

It seems he really likes it

For that’s how his time is spent.

Though for all his frantic efforts

He doesn’t get too far in life,

But is this so much different

From many peoples world of strife?

Rushing off through their day

Crowds of people in a dash,

Getting nowhere, trying hard

To earn that bit of extra cash.

And though their chaotic world

Doesn’t have the hamsters bars,

It’s really not so different

As getting gridlocked in their cars!

And so in our world of wonder

We can fly to our heart’s desire,

But many peoples bland routine

Ensures entrapment in their mire.

Thus in cages without walls

Moaning folk are sat restrained,

With all their thoughts of freedom

Yet no real effort is maintained.

For it’s so easy to talk of flight

With feet planted on the ground,

Meaning that no escape or joy

From their boring world is found!

Also at this time I find that my Facebook page “THE PSYCHY POET LAURIE WILKINSON”, (now much improved and organised thanks to the lovely Sandra of “Pink Spaghetti”) has 391 “likes” so would love to reach 400, so come on guys help me please…. PUSH !!! 

So I have gone from celebrating, wine drinking bears, to new book news and “maternity like” pushing of my books, so will end with a “nice and neutral” poem…

From my fourth book =

Sleep Perchance?

We all love and need our sleep

Perchance to dream as the bard said,

So just relax and prepare to rest

When you put yourself to bed.

For sleep they say, is a great healer

And recharges both body and mind,

To feel refreshed in a healthy way

Maybe to solve problems too, I find.

For we’re also advised in life

To “sleep on” a decision I hear,

But whether this is true or not

In the morning things seem clear.

Thus allow yourself to drift away

And to slip into a world of dreams,

Maybe to caress those hidden thoughts

So all will not be as it seems.

Then allow the visions of your deep

To take you soaring to the moon,

In a fluttering of warm sensations

You awaken from much too soon.

So just relax and prepare to escape

When laying down to sleep,

For if you can lose yourself in peace

Great councils you will keep.

So please help give me a “push”, MANY thanks Laurie,






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