No not a rose me, well certainly not a “shrinking” one , but hey, that’s a Violet isn’t it, but like the proverbial “climbing rose” I keep on striving. AND I did plant a “successfully growing up its trellis” rose only a short while ago , so there you are!


What other “rose connections” with this poet then? Only maybe that I try to be as industrious as the rose,which of course has thorns, but Laurie you best leave it there….


Busy, climbing, writing then, and in a very busy time I published my monthly article for my two online newspapers this morning entitled “Weather, whether or wether”! Look it up on www.thesussexnewspapeonline or www.bonjourfranceonline


Cue for a poem so “Exposure” excerpt of poem going in my new and 5th book:-



It takes a very brave person

To rise above the parapet alone,

And to show themselves completely

Whilst standing on their own.

Now of course they would expect

That others would support them too.

But sadly not quite the case

As some find it hard to do,

Something else for any others,

Or maybe it’s indifference

That causes them to duck out

All safe behind their fence.

So busy then Laurie, doing what exactly? Answer = Going to several networking meetings, an excellent Wednesday morning with Jane L and her “Bizzybirds” where I was delighted to be invited to do a presentation to them on my Help for Heroes support and read some poems that seemed to go down well. They generously put money in the H4H collection tin as well, thanks ladies!

I was also requested to read some poems on Friday night at another music, song, & poetry etc evening, another great night!

Of course there is still lots to do re my forthcoming book, so all in all, yes busy…

Poets and Scrollers

The news comes flooding into our lives

From places nationally or world wide.

Amusing, frightening or tragically sad,

Yet from it all, it’s hard to hide.

Graphic images often feature large

As the world comes to our door.

Exposing to us the very worst of man,

As the news channels try to explore

All aspects of life to fully scrutinise

Under a glaringly microscope.

Making you angry, laugh or cry

Or possibly give up all hope.

So how do we deal with a bombardment

Reeking havoc on mind and senses?

Confronting us with with manic thoughts

That causes mass upset and offences.

Some will merely just look away

Denying they have seen, or know it,

But others take it all to heart

And most likely they’re a poet.

For poets tend to write on things

With strong thoughts and burning phrases,

That encapsulates and rams it home

To the indifferent who it amazes.

So having seen it put into words

These ostriches or rock and rollers,

Still prefer to avoid any sympathy

By being just news reel scrollers.

Who turn a blind eye to sad events

Until something happens to them too.

When a poet will then come forward

To comfort their tragic view.

Oh yes and one other small thing…. I was to do some poems for a local hotel, The Priory Court, at a quiz night they do monthly for charity, and were doing one for me and Help for Heroes in I thought, August or September, but NOW is next Wednesday 19th July, so NO pressure then !!!!

From my 4th book then “Only You”…

Only You

Most of the successful people you meet

Won’t have let grass grow beneath their feet.

But it’s not all about making money,

More of creating your world that’s sunny

And makes you smile across your ways,

And grin back at whatever days

Don’t sit well or rest with others,

For the fact is we’re not all brothers.

So get up and get your ideas on

For tomorrow they could all be gone,

And disappeared down the slippery slope

Leaving you frustrated without hope

That you can ever move yourself,

To gain prosperity and wealth.

But do not worry too much on this

For money is not the only bliss.

Now cast around this world of ours

Where a negative thought always devours,

But if you have your health and brain

There is little that can restrain

You from doing what you will,

Ensuring happiness soon must fulfil

Your heart and all you do,

For there’s no point in being blue.

So to just finish and be very exact

It all comes down to a simple fact.

And in this there’s no need for debate

That you can a success create.

That is that then, and I think spells it out….. LOL I’m a hard working, industrious climbing rose then !!!! ???

Anyway before I close here, I have two very “animated” and “barely contained” bears Ted n Beth who say they have not had much of a mention, so being a good author and poet to them, I will squeeze in a start bit of one of their poems from book three, “Bears Bath Fun”..

Bears Bath Fun

Ted and Beth are full of fun

Happy bears and keen to laugh,

And one of their special joys

Is in a massive soapy bath.

With water sloshing everywhere

As the bath fills to the top,

Both laughing until they hurt

And their fur soaked as a mop.

Then Beth gives out a cry

As her paw’s caught in the plug,

But again screams in surprise

As Ted frees her with a tug!

All good CLEAN fun then, (sorry), but on that note it’s time to go again, SO…

As EVER, many thanks and The FANTASTIC Journey Continues…….

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