Well weeks will come and weeks will go,
Months soon follow in life’s steady flow.
Days and weeks we enjoy, pass quick
Whilst tougher times will go slow.
That certainly is how this last week has seemed, with the memorials and silence’s observed for the innocents injured and slaughtered by the demented terrorists.
Also another kind of battle, though seemingly just as cutting and frenetic, in the form of a General Election was fought. Casualties, rows and massive fall outs abound from that!
NO, don’t expect any comment on the latter from me, although of course "me being me", I’m sure some sardonic reference will slip out at some time…… MMMmmmmmmmmm
Apart from the events mentioned above the week seemed quiet but actually wasn’t, but maybe that was due to the very hot weather here at my French place, and hence the photo of me out on our lake in my dinghy! Avast Landlubbers……
Ghosts from our early life
May come back to haunt,
Playing down the fun times
While bad days they’ll flaunt.
So how best to deal with this
Recall of past days and years?
Being morbid wishing for change
And spending your future in tears?
Far better to learn from times
You made the wrong bet or call.
Indulging days that you enjoyed
With good prospects and no squall!
Death’s spectre is above us
Yes, we are all marked to die.
Only the manner of our living
Will separate how we try.
Spending all our time in fear
A constriction with no fun.
And cower in the shadows,
Or from the end try to run!
But oh so very much better,
To celebrate the life we lead.
Enjoying our precious moments,
Before death’s angel does the deed!
Like a good red wine that gets better with age……… so do your poetic skills. Not to say they were not good from the start!!!!!
Oh, thanks very much Suanne! Very kind words, but also very reassuring too….
Well done with your poems and your forthcoming next book.
Thanks Philippa. New book surprised me a bit, but as my poems keep coming……