Brilliant last few days, and personifies for me that if you “don’t go fishing, you won’t catch fish!” LOL, “wassie he on about?” I can hear you ask, but no more than the saying means really!
If you don’t try things and have a go you will not succeed or even know if you will or can !!!
THUS has been for me over the last few days…. I mean It isn’t always easy putting yourself up, out or even ON the spot, or in positions where it may not work out!!!
With my shy, reticent and retiring personality it is even more difficult! (Note the inverted irony, sardonic undertone and shot at myself there?) Hahahahaaaa, guess you could hardly not see!
Yes I will own up to being loud and forthcoming, BUT “faint heart never won fair lady”, or sold books, personal poems and raised money for Help for Heroes, as the famous quote left out!
Right, get ON with it Laurie Boy, so let’s start with meeting “Clementine”!
Lovely interesting lady who has sought, and succeeded to “put me out there” (NOT totally sure where “out there” is, but seems nice?). Clem, I can’t do long names, has got me on list for interview in another local paper, raised awareness of me, and probably a couple of local events at least…? (St Georges Day next year? Keep following lol)… Thanks !!!
Think a poem that sums up trying is needed, from my second book….
Game to Lose
Your game of life is often played
In front of the watching crowd,
Who see your each and every move
As you stand small, or very proud.
So the fence sitters will only watch
How others cope with their game.
And decrying all those who’ve lost
Whilst jealous of the victors fame.
For if you won’t take a part in life
You can deride and mock at will,
All those who try to do their best
To enjoy life, and so they’ll fulfil.
So that’s why I have strongly felt
It’s far better to have tried and lost.
For if you won’t compete or try
You’ll much later count your cost,
Of just cowardly sitting at the side,
Never taking any risk or chance.
Making you a lonely, boring case,
And not worth a second glance!
But by getting stuck in, having a go
It’s just possible you may win out.
And that must be so much better
Than not to know a winners shout.
So our cosy spectators of the world
Will always rue not being brave,
And missed the warmth of joining in
Thus taking a sadness to their grave!
From the same “meet up” where I met the energetic “Clementine” (madly disributing your leaflets I was quoted!), I also met a great lady who works as volunteer for East Sussex Motor Neurone Disease Awareness, and she requested if they could use my poem “The Easy Life” (also in my 2nd book) to put on their website and Facebook Page (MNDAEastSussex), to help raise awareness of disabilities!
Of course i was happy to agree and it has gone out, thus promoting me and Help for Heroes, alongside the excellent MNDA… Please look them up. see my poem and support any events they put on!
For the sake of brevity I will just quickly “table” other “Good Stuff” from last few days :-
Great critique, review and feedback from my work read out at my Anderida Writers group, (“Your work is increasingly improving into a very powerful and professionally proficient style!” ) WOW, will take that.
An excellent review of a Personal Poem I wrote for a lady’s son which she has put up on social media, a tremendous meeting with “Pete & his lovely wife Vicky” who are going to feature me at their hotel, Priory Court in Westham, Pevensey, and well worth a visit, in their monthly “quiz and fund raise” meal later in the year, so of course my supported Help for Heroes will be getting a nice bit of money from that, as apparently the event is extremely popular and fully booked! More on that nearer the time later in year…
Also I went last minute yesterday to a “business showcase promotion” I had no intention of going to, but went instead!!! I sold couple of books, promoted MY ( lol I wasn’t meant to be promoting as was a “public” guest ) website, facebook page and got commissions to write Personal Poems for people, (YES my lovely little laughing friend. L M, you see I CAN do them with hardly any notice, Ahem !!!, GLAD you like it…).
I also met (who know me as “the excellent local poet”) the local and prospective MP’s Stephen Lloyd (who I had written a poem for) and Caroline Ansell, (still recovering from my humour I think, yesterday and when she stood beside me reading a poem for Eastbourne Volunteers in January!). Nice lady too. Of course I had photos taken with them, as in their election “Run Up” they need all the help they can get !!! ???????… Hahahahahaaaaa…
THANKS to “Liz P, Tina W from “Dooooooon Under” now, bless ya, Vikki, (for kind comments), Natalie(s), Clementine, (thanks gel for your errrm, energetic promotions), Laura” and anyone who LOL “suffered me” this week, though we had many laughs….
I will (finally do I hear?) close with a really nice poem that is in my latest book (review shown on this site), “Life Scene in Verse”, with the poem called simply “Kiss” (yes I KNOW S P in S Africa, I KNOW, but NO change M Q), to express my thanks to you all, and on a BRILLIANT week….
A quiet, simmering, burning fuse
Maybe oh so easy to miss,
As with a soft awakening
To someone you’d love to kiss.
So the signs of any recognition
Or consent given from your muse,
Are sought for their confirmation
You are the one they choose.
Thus with heartbeats all a flutter
You slowly pucker up to brush,
That alluring sirens ready mouth
As you prepare to make them blush,
With that soft sweet sensation
Now blowing bubbles on your lips.
So you lean closer in together
Lest this precious moment slips.
Eyes tight shut to keep out the world
From your very own embrace,
Your bodies pulse fast and close
So you are now lost in space.
With bright stars and planets forming
Brilliant lights across the sky,
To transform your understanding
That you’ve just learnt to fly.
Well faint heart never won fair lady. You carry on as you are doing. And you are an inspiration. Your work is fabulous.
Tx for the message to me.
Thanks so much Suanne, my pleasure and ya ever m Q…
Excellent poems.
Thanks Philippa…. !!!!