Yes a week since my last Lemons curds (words, for the uninitiated lol)! And we have a few more sign ups to join us and welcome!!! Also thanks, more 5 star ratings on amazon for my latest book "Life Scene in Verse"..

Anyway in the last week I did a well received slot at the Underground Theatre Poetry Café on Wednesday, and fulfilling a promise that the lady didn’t, (by not turning up !!! lol ) as she had requested I do "a turn" on the "re vamped" Open Mike at same venue (U G T) on the Thursday! (apparently said lady was disappointed she couldn’t come……….. as was I lol ).

As there was an enthusiastic crowd with few victims, sorry "open miker’s", I did x 2 sessions that were appreciated, I’m quite well know there but not to all, but Steve the compare was struggling and appealed to "anyone can help me out" so I said yes, I will do a song! Cue disbelief and concern as to what (comedy/rude?) havoc I was to wreak, but a surprised silence settled when I sang unaccompanied a song from my Napoleonic Re enactment period, "Spanish Bride"followed (by relief) and an appreciative applause for my efforts.

I should add, that whilst no pretence to be a good singer I did sing with groups for over three years in my teens (AND wrote some of our songs, so clue re the poetry?) & a few other bits of singing since too. I also for 20 years have done our "lead" singing of "period" songs for my re enactment regiment, (but ho ho THEY will dispute "singing"), but I DO! lol

A great night and I sold a few books as well… NICE one!

Sadly today (Sunday 12th ) due to fog, wet and cold, the Dove Release couldn’t go ahead but we had obviously all arrived to get cold, wet & fogged on, so took refuge in (aptly named area !!! )Devils Dyke pub, for coffee, beer and a roast dinner so not all bad..

For ALL full gory details of my "Poetry World" please visit my Facebook page "The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson". Also today I published my monthly column for The Sussex Newspaper Online & sister paper Bonjour France so "ava looooookie"

There has been/is few other things on but will save as this Post Blog quite long although a week past.

As ever, many thanks for support, being there, PLEASE feel free to comment, (thanks H P, J H & P D etc), as ALL helps promote my supported charity Help for Heroes….

P S, lovely photo is NOT me singing actually, but think when I was introducing Ted n Beth at a networking meeting!

Cheers, Laurie,

Author, columnist, poet and lol, now SINGER……


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