Writing Tools

A well written book is your first step towards your Publishing success.

MyVoice offers tools to support you in becoming the best writer you can be and producers to add the polish.

Automatic Critique

Identify bad habits now to save hours later.  On receipt of your manuscript, we run it through a computer program which analyses your writing style and return detailed graphical results to you by the next day.


Your manuscript is read by a professional and we report back to you on their findings. This covers content consistency, storyline, realism, character development, interest and grammatical observations. 

Basic Coaching

Your coach is your support. Your friend. Your mentor.
The Basic Coaching package provides two emails and one telephone call of 30 minutes per month, plus one Automatic Critique.

Elite Coaching

Your MyVoice Elite Coaching is here to make you the best writer possible. The Elite Coaching package provides four emails and one telephone call of 45 minutes per month plus two Automatic Critiques.


Our producers are on hand for planning and for finalising your book ready for publishing.

MyBook Strategy

The biggest urban myth in the publishing arena is that your book on its own is going to make you rich. Today you need an entire program of offerings and a future strategy based around your book. Design your unique business.

Proof Reading

Proof reading is about checking the Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation. Looking at individual words first – are they spelled correctly? Does it have proper punctuation?  Is it structured properly?

Line Editing

Line editing includes Proof Reading and adds paragraph structure, sentence flow, word choice, and language-related techniques. That also means voice, style, readability, and forward movement.

Copy Editing

Copy Editing includes Proof and Line Editing and adds checking consistency, factual accuracy, legalities, development, plot, feeling and length. Before starting, we will read your document and give you feedback.

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