New Horizons

New horizons for me then in travel, my Poetry World and other circumstances, so all quite exciting. Regarding travel I have adventured extensively, but not for a while when my wife had been ill, so going to my friends in Spain soon and followed by a cruise will...


After last Blog of “Driving On” it now has to be Autopilot as that’s how it feels to me with events, compliments, gigs etc coming to meet me rather than having to be looked for, so all good with that.   For example after bumping into the manager of the now...

Driving on

For this Blog I have the title and loose theme of driving on, or continuing to go forward. Yes, okay I will admit that is largely chosen that I have just bought a new car, the white one in the lead photo, SO yeah I’m driving on in more ways than one, but I guess...

Bright success

We are nearly at the end of January then, the month many people think is the slowest and longest, but we are nearly there so I will be reporting onwards from last blog, and this one called encouragingly Bright Success. So what has happened in this apparently dull...

New Year jump

  With mass apologies for delay, due to me sharing with most of the country I think, an awful Flu and debilitating virus, my blog is finally here. It isn’t the “Xmas Bumper” I had planned and more a New Year Lurch than leap, but never mind, at least...


Reviewing and consolidating then at the end of another year of my Poetry World and my very good general health too I guess? I am extremely happy to look back and see a pretty successful year again with all my poetry involvements, and I mention my health being in...
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