Delivery is the title then, but more like delivering from my Poetry World with lots happening since last blog, for my book 14 “Poetic Wisdom”has published and is doing very well, and with some amazing compliments about it too. I did two radio interviews within 3 days, some reading gigs and even managed to fit in a stall event and collection for Help for Heroes.
While you absorb that, but I will expand on it, here is lead poem from latest book…
Poetic Wisdom
It’s easy to be wise with hindsight
And of that there’s no real doubt,
So I make my poetic observations
Mostly when I’m out and about.
But I also read of events and listen
How people say things are for them,
On each aspect of day to day life
And feelings that they can’t stem.
So please read and enjoy my poems
That have been appreciated before,
Giving my down to earth accounts
So may now resonate much more.
Of course as I type this out I am aware that the new year 2025 is only two days away, and so I am reflecting that this year is going out in an excellent manner for me,with next and book 15 started, AND Book 16 already planned, a[art that is from anything else. I DID say delivering!
So I was booked on Hailsham F M with the wonderful Simon Herbert again on 7th December, which again went very well as always, even if I did try to choke myself on a bit of chocolate at one point, but successfully recovered in a professional mode.
Only 3 days later I was contacted by Seahaven radio on the Tuesday 10th December to help out as a guest had cancelled at very last notice, so I stood in less than seven hours before the show went on air. Again with the lovely Kathy Harding a very appreciated show with great music, chat and laughs went out with Ted & Beth joining in well too.
An appropriately titled poem follows….
The Messenger
The messenger calls as usual
And you take it as always read,
But you may get a shock
When worrying that he’s dead.
For he hasn’t called, or spoke
So you wonder what is wrong?
But maybe nothing is for him,
When he sings another’s song,
Just how they like to hear him
As for her he speaks so well.
So you’ve faded in his memory,
Though not that you can tell.
As like thunder, the silence roars
Reverberating about your ears,
That once rejoiced to hear him
But now noise is replaced by tears
Of an acid recrimination,
That you didn’t cherish it all.
And thus you have lost it now
Even if begging him to call!
So your messenger has vanished
And seems won’t be coming back,
To pick up all the pieces
That crumble as you crack.
For no messages are forthcoming,
As the delivery man has gone.
Leaving you with a hard lesson,
About the man who shone
That bright light in your life,
And always made you smile.
But when felt you gave nothing
He knew you weren’t his style.
Right after that it has to be JOKE TIME (Oh yes it IS)
The most dangerous insect is a Hepatitis Bee
We rubbed oil and grease on back of oursick grandad, but he went downhill quickly after that!
The world’s most lethal place is The Hepatitis Sea.
And the loudest pet you can own is a trumpet!
Hopefully some smiles there with the jokes as I carry on with my news and saying more about a very successful gig at a regular care home, where everyone enjoyed themselves and my poems. With my new book being greatly appreciated. Ted & Beth’s new friend Max was warmly received a alsos per usual were our two famous bears T & B.
The stall was a last minute decision at a local hall that again was quite successful for me and Help for Heroes.
As this blog has mentioned looking back over a great year and especially end of it, the next poem is again quite apt.
You may not get true reflections
Unless they are sent back to you,
By astute and impartial eyes
That watch the things you do.
Or maybe it’s about your reactions
To experiences of the world you had,
Which always provoke responses
Should they be good or bad.
So indulge comments from neutrals
On your behaviours in the world,
Because you will get genuine views
When their reflections are unfurled.
Last, but not least mention is an excellent birthday event for a very good friend where I had written a special poem for her that I read out to about 60 guests, and some other poems as well that were all very much appreciated and complimented on.
Nearly coming to close of this blog I will quickly mention Julian for his techno help and Jessica & Chantelle and Co. for looking after me in The Italian Cafe. So will as usual thank everybody taking time to read this and support me with of course my wishes for Happy New Year!
Closing poem is as usual a romance one that is always very popular at my reading and entertaining gigs….
Sensations of Love
From lovestruck teen to an older heart
Love can arrive and catapult you,
To unscaled heights and sensations
With many vibrant feelings anew,
Soaring and gliding across the skies
Like operatic arias touching your core.
In fact you are so moved and ecstatic
You feel a need to beg for more.
So mesmerised by a dazzling light
That seems to shine right inside,
Your very secret, inner soul
Leaving nowhere left to hide.
For like a melting of frozen lakes
Washing all the icebergs away,
A controlling spirit leads you
To another rapturous day.
Thus stunned and filled with wonder
You walk majestically about,
Believing whatever comes now
Will be joyous without a doubt.
For slowly you come to realise
Some great miracle has occurred,
Brought by this faultless muse
That your whole being has stirred.
So who is this magnificent angel
And how did they spread such love?
For you now believe you’re flying
Alongside passing clouds above.
The sun is now in your pocket
With many other exhilarations.
As you have come to realise
You’re caught by loves sensations.
All that is left to do then is again wish you all a very happy and successful new year, and see you next year from Ted & Beth and myself as The Journey Continues and DELIVERS
Laurie xx
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Sent: 30 December 2024 22:45
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Subject: Deliveing
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Subject: Deliveing
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Many kind compliments but not registered on here unfortunately