Sprouting out and flourishing then, and in glorious fashion with more money collected for my donating to charity Help for Heroes, gig bookings and book sales etc, BUT mostly because my new and 14th book “Poetic Wisdom” is now published! There has been a year gap since my last book but my “psychotic imagination” still “sprouted” very well and I’m chuffed to think my new book “Poetic Wisdom” will give proof to that.
Lead poem from new book then =
Poetic Wisdom
It’s easy to be wise with hindsight
And of that there’s no real doubt,
So I make my poetic observations
Mostly when I’m out and about.
But I also read of events and listen
How people say things are for them,
On each aspect of day to day life
And feelings that they can’t stem.
So please read and enjoy my poems
That have been appreciated before,
Giving my down to earth accounts
So may now resonate much more.
I think I must now follow that with the lead poem from my 8th book, Poetic Seeds to Fruition, and I’m sure the more astute and ardent followers will get the connection, but bless you all anyway, and especially my”readers” who give excellent feedback to me.
Poetic Seeds to Fruition
Some poetic thoughts I had
Became seeds I then planted,
And began to grow strongly
But I didn’t take it for granted.
Though words and poems flowed
In almost endless, florid streams.
And formed various topic notions
Far beyond my wildest dreams.
As a down to earth and everyday
Style of poetic life expressions,
Burst into fruition and fulfilment
Tabling the world’s confessions.
So clearly on a roll from the start I will include a new poem from the latest book and you can please have your own thoughts and make your mind up?
There’s no point in just sitting back
If you would like to win a prize,
So apply yourself and work hard
To ensure with success you’ll rise.
As many folks go only half hearted
Or don’t put themselves out at all,
So if faced by determined opponents
It’s certain they won’t rise but fall.
Thus in various types of competition
Be they in sport, achievements or life,
A total commitment will be required
With probably sacrifices and strife.
Because nothing comes from nothing
So mostly we must have a good go,
For in weak or lacklustre attempts
There will be no success to show.
Thus it all seems straightforward
As the harder we try we’ll succeed,
But again that isn’t always the case
When we try hard to do the deed,
For if things can go wrong they will
As “Murphy’s Law” will educate,
So now our determination is needed
Or could get shut outside the gate.
But in summing up on succeeding
An important point must be taken,
So in attempts at success or winning
Don’t leave others low or forsaken.
For in all aspects of our existence
A sacred rule is observed with pride,
That in our efforts to be successful
Be honest and don’t push others aside.
Quite a big blog start this time, but laughingly if you have a good sprout then let it flourish I think, and that poem was written only in September on my latest cruise.
My latest Tesco collection was again successful with more books sold and a tidy sum collected for Help for Heroes where my raised running total for them is £10,600 at present.
I must also add I’m extremely chuffed with increased compliments and awareness of me coming in, evidenced by more people recognising me “out & about” with “Oh you’re Laurie, aren’t you the poet?” Catches me out but very nice as they identify me with and obviously more awareness, of Help for Heroes. Nice!
Believe it or not I already have more reading gigs booked for next year, and clearly my Facebook pages are flourishing too, so all good there, so hence my recognition, but not forgetting my “Laurie Poetry Column” in now Hailsham, Bexhill & Eastbourne News. complete with my photo. An excellent free newspaper it is too…
I’m glad I learnt sign language as it comes in very handy.
A red & a blue ship collided leaving the passengers marooned.
When the buffalo dropped his son off at school he says bison.
A life without geometry is pointless.
Moving swiftly on then I should add that my excellent publisher/website guru James Harvey on https://soulsong .co.uk/ not only published my last book and did the cover, but has already updated my website, so PLEASE check it out and have a listen to my Podcasts clearly found on there too, recorded by the also excellent Mike Page.
Getting near the end so I must mention those fantastic bears “Ted & Beth”who have new poems in my latest book, one of which has Ted getting a “ton up”motorbike, but others are less dramatic, but no worry it all ends well, or at least, almost.
Another poem that largely surfaced from a conversation, although I’d had the title in my head for ages, is “When the Seagulls are Sleeping” and I can stick my neck out to say it will be a massive favourite as it has already evoked some amazing comments and compliments. A taster then..
When the Seagulls are Sleeping
When the seagulls are all sleeping
Then the lovers come out to play,
For there will be no screeching cries
To disturb romance now holding sway.
So in a very silent world of intimacy
They will be holding each other tight,
Without any need to let emotions rest
So cuddle closely through the night.
Sorry but you’ll have to buy the book Poetic Wisdom, only £9.99, OR a pound less if you get in on my website, to read the rest of “Seagulls”, and more including about those Bears as well, and meet their new friend Max.
Near the end now so as usual my massive thanks to everyone for their continued support and encouragement, and Ted & Beth join in with big thanks too..
Last poem and as per a romance one to finish, so from my 3rd book 2015 comes…
Beam of Love
In the darkness now I think of you
Though you may be near or far.
And if I saw you would I know,
If you’re my missing star?
For it is very hard to find someone
If you don’t know how they look.
For I have never seen or met you,
Or found a description in a book.
So maybe that’s why in the dark
I fantasise I feel your breath,
Because I’m denied sight or sound
Thus think you’re a gift from death.
Though you are not here to touch
And however hard I try to see,
I know you, my mysterious spirit,
Are watching and waiting for me.
In the darkness now I think of you
Though you may be near or far.
So if I saw you how would I know,
If you’re my missing star?
Why do I feel your shadowy form
As if you are all around my bed?
So where have you come from,
To be inside my head?
Thus I’m making a request to meet
Whatever time, or in a dream.
Perhaps you’ll come and take me
To love by the moons night beam.
For now I know what the truth is,
You’re a figment of imagined love,
Someone I met, though didn’t see
Who’ll be there in the stars above!
Thanks again as The Journey Continues in SPROUTING and FLOURISHING style,
Love, light and joy,
Laurie xx
This latest blog gives “very up to date” news on my many recent activities that all support & donate to charity Help for Heroes.
My 14th & latest book Poetic Wisdom is also featured.