Shipshape then, and shipshape is a good way to describe my poetry world at the moment for it is in “good order, organised and trim” as the definition goes. Shipshape also as I have now done two cruises in last few months, one very recently where I gained great ideas for future poems, and especially again the cruise I’ have just returned from as I sold quite a few books, wrote more new poems and even got terrific kudos and recognition onboard . So I now have more future contacts, ideas and indeed future book sales too, which of course further then helps my selected charity Help for Heroes.
On return from said recent cruise I was immediately happily thrown into more shipshape work in the form of booked and agreed commitments, gigs, radio and book 14 work. To that end I had a very successful interview on Ashdown (previously Uckfield) radio within three days, and I also straight away started typing up poems I had written before, and on the cruise, so busy, busy busy.
First poem now, and from my 7th book..
You may not get true reflections
Unless they are sent back to you,
By astute and impartial eyes
That watch the things you do.
Or maybe it’s about your reactions
To experiences of the world you had,
Which always provoke responses
Should they be good or bad.
So indulge comments from neutrals
On your behaviours in the world,
Because you will get genuine views
When their reflections are unfurled.
Next up was a rather wonderful gig on “Teddy Bear Day” at a local Care home, so Ted & Beth with several other teddy friends came with me where we were met with many teddy bears of the residents plus multiple others from staff and relatives etc. Yes definitely a great teddy bear picnic.
Next poem offering, and it can indeed turn out shipshape.
Even Out
The roller coaster ride of life
Will test us one and all,
Just when you think you’ve won
That’s the very time you’ll fall.
So up you get and start again
Sorry, but perhaps much wiser,
To continue on your road again
Having fully cleared your visor.
For it’s best to see the road ahead
To ensure no fall or trip,
As without a doubt you will err
If your awareness you let slip.
Gleeful shouts you’ve got it right
Can only lead to sorrow,
For any complacency in this world
Will bring sadness in the morrow.
The wise man says that if you’ve won
And sport the victor’s crown,
Be modest with people going up
You may meet them coming down!
The roller coaster ride of life
Will test us one and all,
For just when you think you’ve won
That’s the very time you’ll fall.
So take any successes in your stride
And stand proud if you should miss,
For if you have done your very best
No one can give any more than this.
Despite the shipshape requirements the most pressing task was, and is, to continue to prepare my next and 14th book, and that is going really well as I have finished writing and typing up many new poems with more on the way, so my aim is for this next book to be published by November.
I started a bowel irrigation service, but the hosepipe ban hit it hard.
I used to be indecisive but I’m not so sure now.
Two fish in a tank when one asked “do you know how to drive this thing?”
The other replied well I won’t drive as I’ve been drinking.
Just as a flavour of new book here are some titles, “When the Seagulls are Sleeping, What Am I?, The Man and the Bench, Arise Sir Laurie, Pressure Cooker Lament” and so on for example! Of course Ted & Beth feature as always with a new friend or two in their poems, PLUS an extended Romance section with a “write up” of romance as it affects us, so you can’t miss that, thus watch this space for your copy!
Next an older poem of mine with perhaps my usual take in it?
Too Late
You never know what you have
Until you’ve lost it or its gone.
Well according to the old saying
About someone who always shone
On your world and just for you,
But you no longer have them now
Or something you didn’t value,
So too late for any vow.
For they may go to pastures new
Or on a new lover might decide.
And leave you trying to find them
Should they run off and hide.
Like Joni Mitchel’s famous song
And line on something now gone ,
Only then noticed and missed
After the event, just like a con.
Or perhaps it was a possession
That broke, or it got lost,
So now mourning its absence
You begin to count the cost,
For not recognising the value
Of this item or a persons trait,
And their intrinsic worth to you,
That you recognised too late.
So “too late” could be an epitaph
On many relationships that died,
But perhaps could have been saved
If both involved parties had tried,
A lot harder to make things work
On a relationship truly great,
But unknown or appreciated
Until sadly much too late.
A poem for some thoughts there maybe, but to continue with my “Shipshape News”, including more compliments and recognition of me and my poem columns in local papers, Facebook, and gigs etc. Nice!
I have also still been getting cards and congratulations for my raising £10,000 plus for Help for Heroes, so that is always well received, and makes me feel somewhat humble , but chuffed too!
Some quick mentions for people like those who kindly proof check and read new poems pouring out of me at moment, Julian D, Jessica and Izzy who serve me pleasantly, and also support me and my poems. Many other great friends and folks too, but you know who you are.
Before last poem mention a big shout of thanks for EVERYBODY who supports and encourages me, and of course buy my book.
So the usual romance poem to finish, and is for anybody in romantic mood, siyuation or really likes someone?
Book of Love
Does your love book have blank pages,
Or maybe you wiped them clean?
In an attempt to remove your hurt
Now it no longer can be seen.
But although pages may be blank
Real memories will still appear,
So you may often have visions
Though not always crystal clear.
For you had made large entries
When filling your book of love,
That now seem very small
More like a sparrow than a dove.
So looking back at the binding
Together of romance and book,
When each day had bright sunshine
Shining on each chance you took,
For the opportunity of more thrills
With that stunning, lovely muse.
Though now it seems a bit unreal
You were the one they’d choose.
But each book needs an ending
And a firmly closed last page,
Even if chapters aren’t finished
As you tore them in a rage,
Of frustrated, painful heartbreak
When your world came tumbling down.
So like many books before yours,
They describe a broken clown.
That thoughtful poem completes this blog now so…
The Journey Continues in SHIPSHAPE fashion,
Thanks, and love, light and happiness from me and Those Bears,
Laurie xx
Laurie Wilkinson
The Psychy Poet

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