New horizons for me then in travel, my Poetry World and other circumstances, so all quite exciting. Regarding travel I have adventured extensively, but not for a while when my wife had been ill, so going to my friends in Spain soon and followed by a cruise will certainly be new horizons, and probably followed by more.

My Poetry World continues to grow and expand as does my wonderful life. Watch this space.

My first poem from an earlier book is entitled “Genuine” and covers how we like to find this trait in other people.



There are two groups mostly in our lives

With people that will, and those that won’t,

So the one’s that won’t you cope with

Unlike the “say they will” who don’t.


For if someone won’t do something

However much you may ask,

You know just where you stand

And must then undertake that task.

But other folks will gladly fawn

When saying “leave it all to me”,

So you are left high and dry

When there are no results to see.


Now we know it’s easy to talk

With little action to show,

For what they have fully promised

Is likely to be a no go.

Unlike the stiff resistive

Who just prefer to take no part,

As they have a selfish side

With no interest to even start.


So give to me a stalwart

Who will spend life trying

To succeed and really help you,

Without a thought of lying,

About what they have to do

Despite hardship and a test.

So you will have to admire them

As they always do their best.



I think that poem says it all without too much reading through the lines, but onwards with more horizons news. I have recently got a couple of bookings at new venues, including one where I got booked after a lady saw me at a care home and told her daughter who books entertainment“ I was great”. Yes always nice to hear.


On Good Friday I had a very successful collection for Help for Heroes, again at Tesco Langney, as with thanks to Kirsty and team there, I sold some of my books and and got near £150.

Also in March I produced my monthly poem corner article for the excellent Hailsham News free newspaper, and that marked two and a half years since the paper started. It gives me quite a bit of local recognition and the charity Help for Heroes as well.

Next poem and another reflective type one about life and maybe how we find it, and people we meet.



A blackboard will often be full

Of lots of questions for you,

But if you are very fortunate

It will have the answers too.


So the blackboard can educate

By stretching out your mind,

And also solving the problems

If the answers you can’t find.

Which is all complete in a lesson

And maybe an end time as well,

That gives you a confidence

As you feel knowledge swell.


But sadly life is not like this

With everything spoon fed right,

For the world will often test us

And dump from a great height.

So we may be totally rocked

Wondering what is going on,

As we are further stressed out

Before disasters are all gone.


Therefore we must quickly learn

How to deal with life’s downside,

And gird our loins to fight back

Rather than to run and hide.


For if we can withstand all of

Those harsh lessons of dark days,

Without the help of a blackboard

It will ensure our courage stays.




  • There is a new beer out called Procol as its a Lighter Shade of Ale
  • Peter Pan is always flying because he goes to Neverland.
  • I took the shell off my racing snail to make it go faster, but it just became sluggish.
  • As I kept singing “Delilah” I went to the doctor who said it was Tom Jones syndrome I asked if it was serious and he said It’s Not Unusual”…

Ted & Beth have been reminding me that I have not said much about them although their own book “Tea for Two, Poetic Antics of Ted & Beth” is doing very well with sales, SO here is a poem from their book…


Beth’s Green Eye

Now Ted and Beth are a happy couple

Sharing adventures and are lovers too,

Which really suits their teddy lives

Supporting each other in all they do.


But lately Beth has had some doubts

About just how her teddy boy feels,

Because she thinks he’s gone a bit distant

Not always joining her for their meals,

And at times also seems a bit distracted

Looking thoughtfully out into space,

Which has got our Beth quite worried

As they always share a special place.


Worse than this in Beth’s uncertain mind

In that Ted is talking to Sleepy Bear a lot,

So she’s getting a bit envious and unhappy

About any subversive romantic plot,

That appears to involve Sleepy Bear

Who she always gets on with very well,

But is now worried she may be a rival

Although for certain she can’t tell.


But we can know what lovely Beth can’t

Well for a little while at the very least,

As her true love is arranging a big event

For her, because his love hasn’t ceased,

And so as its her birthday very soon

Ted is organising a massive surprise,

Which is why he chatted to Beth’s friend

To help delight the apple of his eyes.


So finally the big day came around

When Beth had lived for another year,

And was ecstatic, overjoyed and excited

That her friends came from far and near.

Which was all down to her lovely Ted

Contacting all of their bear friends,

To come and see Beth on her birthday

And share their love that never ends.


Of course Beth did feel a tiny bit guilty

About getting herself in a jealous tether,

When she should have known all along

She and Ted will be happy for ever.




A nice Bears poem there, but maybe a little warning for people who get jealous? No trouble between our lovely bears though as they tell each other everything and wouldn’t be duplicitous with each other at all.

Next news item before I spread my new horizons travel wings is a prestigious invitation to do the presentation at May Hailsham Chamber of Commerce meeting to talk about my poetry world, published books and collecting for Help for Heroes.

Last poem and as usual a romance one, but first I must again thank everyone for continued great support and encouragement to me, and just actually being there. THANK YOU…


Little Look

That little look that lingers

Just a split second past the norm.

Could mean a lot or nothing,

Depending how heartbeats form.


Because a cautious second look now

May give a reward and hope,

And if the fleeting glance is returned

How do you think you’ll cope?

For maybe it will turn your world,

Upside down and on it’s head.

From just that simple little look

Although no words are said.


So you only have split seconds

To make a move or hold your peace.

As momentous things can happen,

From heartbeats you can’t police

And so snowball out of control,

With sensations you feel unwind.

So beware of what may occur

When making up your mind.


Though with sage-like sayings

On faint heart and fair ladies won,

You may regret not acting out

And rue what wasn’t done!


Thus a split second little look

Catching you completely unaware.

May bring about love and wonder,

For which you can’t prepare.



Some advice there then for us as we “look about”, but the end now of this blog as The Journey Continues with NEW HORIZONS…

Love, Light & Peace,

Laurie xx








Laurie Wilkinson
The Psychy Poet

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