We are nearly at the end of January then, the month many people think is the slowest and longest, but we are nearly there so I will be reporting onwards from last blog, and this one called encouragingly Bright Success. So what has happened in this apparently dull month then? Please note that in my “Poetry World” it is rarely dull.

My book sales and interest in them continue well, and my latest book “Reflections” is moving too, and best you recall this book gives you the gift of hindsight from me when you reflect with the book and me over your life to attempt to make less mistakes in the future. That HAS to be a bargain at only £7,99 a copy.. Lead & back page poem below..


Reflection can allow you closure

To set matters right in your head,

So perhaps allowing peace inside

And no troubled thoughts instead.

For careful considerations made

With that great gift of hindsight,

Can arrange things in perspective

And be seen in a fresher light.

So directions we may want to take

Or any successes that we yearn,

Could come about much easier now

If from reflective views we learn.


I have got more gigs coming up now after they dried up a bit, seemingly from money concerns and budget cuts, and one includes a book presentation and sale in early February which will all aid my growing total raised by me for Help for Heroes.

Next month brings Valentines Day so moving brightly on I will feature this a bit, with even Ted & Beth getting in on the act, so hold on as from my 4th book comes my poem “Close”..


Close is an intimate nearness

Of two bodies tight together.

And when that’s me with you

I don’t think that I could ever

Consider the heartache and pain

Of ever being torn apart,

From all your warm soft contours

Or the kindness of your heart.

So allow me to snuggle up

And encompass us both and hold

You in my passionate embrace

That all inhibitions will unfold.

Leading to those sensations

From pulsing of passions flame,

Sparked off by our desires

We must release without shame.

With our lips exploring secrets

Like wonders that they find,

Amongst the sensual closeness

Of the intense lovers grind.

Following all those emotions

That a close bonding feeds,

Until volcanic movements cease

With the conclusion of our needs.

For now we have uncovered

The secrets of close touch,

So will practice continually

For we can never have too much.


Well I did say to hold on, but nice a? Here are our Super Bears getting in on the love theme with my poem for them as follows…

Bears in Love

Ted and Beth have been together

For over nineteen years now,

And still they love one another

Both uttering a teddy “wow”,

When they smile and have a cuddle

That they will frequently do.

For though they often muck about

Their love for each other is true.

Beth was alone when found by Ted

And since they’ve never been apart,

Being a very true loving pair

Joined by a special teddy heart.

They have also shared adventures

Like touring Australia in a tent,

And going off on a long cruise

They thought was heaven sent.

Now regularly going to France

They’ll relax at their place there,

Enjoying a dinghy on the lake

And playing without a care.

Though they find time for mischief

Getting up to naughty japes,

As they’re both still young at heart

Constantly getting into scrapes.

But mostly the bears love each other

Although fame has brought temptation,

But their regard for life together

Won’t allow a tarnished reputation.

So they continue as a perfect couple

Happily sharing time and joy,

Because Beth is Ted’s special lady

And he’s her favourite teddy boy.


Lovely, and if that doesn’t get your romantic juices flowing best take a peek at Love Honey or something, or maybe get your hands writing some romance verse, OR of course if stuck, buy my books! I will let on it that has happened before a few times.

JOKE TIME for some light relief if any “people or pumpkins” are getting a bit warm.

*I saw a chameleon yesterday, but obviously not a very good one!

*My frog neighbour was furious when he had his car toad away.

*There was a kidnapping at our local school, but he woke up.

*A mate was upset he failed at grammar, so I was consoling by saying “there, their, they’re”

On a more sombre note after the jokes, but richly rewarding and apparently extremely comforting, comes a very recent success. On the sad and very sudden passing of a friends daughter at only 42, I was proud to be asked to write a poem for her. I did, but as ever I guess, put my heart and soul into it and read it out in front of a large audience at her service, last Friday.

I was humbled to be given many extremely wonderful compliments, and especially when told how it comforted many of her close family and friends, RIP Lovely Laura.

I will cruise on now with another poem I wrote about 2019 and is in my 9th book, “Our World in Verse”, (I’ve said before it has much behind the mask on me), that was a great help to me, and possibly other people having a tough time? It also featured in my monthly column for January 24 Hailsham News.

Born Anew

I’m confronted by crossroads and junctions

When I would prefer one straight lane,

Because these various direction choices

Are not helping me much to stay sane.

For many ideas and choices avail me

Since I have left the clinging mire.

Leaving me in quite a bewilderment

As to what is now my heart’s desire.

Because I had spent so long battling

To be both caring and master of all,

And that is an almost impossible task

From which it’s so very easy to fall,

Into bouts of exhaustion and frustration

That watching eyes may fail to see,

Yet doesn’t always stop any observers

From criticism, but not helping me.

For though support services are about

And apparently can do everything,

But it doesn’t always actually occur

However often their bell you ring.

Though to be fair that isn’t entirely true

For a few people really did care,

But whilst they did grease the wheels

Much needed help just wasn’t there.

So therefore I now look out anew

A sadder, tired, but wiser man,

Confronted by changes in a new world

Like some sort of older “Peter Pan”.

And so not to be daunted or afraid

I step out to see if I will win or lose,

But all seems muddled and confusing,

Like the road that I must choose.


There we are then, and “how was it for you?” Maybe you can take it on for yourselves and even be aided by my “Reflection” book. More than a touch of “value and wisdom” there. How is that Twister Sisters?

Time to close, and as ever a massive thanks for support, encouragement and compliments, bless you all.

I DID say about the Day of Valentine coming, so the end romance poem is a “popular and Big One” at my gigs, being written as abstract in 2018 & in my Book 16 for anyone interested or maybe counting the years.


Life can change in a heartbeat

Well it certainly did for me,

For I froze in a moment

At your beauty there to see.

For I felt a really strong tremor

When doing my double take,

Of all your glorious attributes

That made my insides shake,

As I caught vivid reflections

From rainbows in your smile.

Below lovely deep-sea eyes

Fixating me for a while.

Because I gasped and groaned

Like a helpless, landed fish,

Uttering an urgent prayer

That god would grant my wish.

Of being taken willing hostage

Back to your dream-time nest,

So we could make urgent love

Until we needed rest.

For that instant glance moved me,

Blowing open my inner doors.

Causing me to stagger helpless

As my heart sings and soars,

To the beautiful sights and music

Beamed from some celestial band.

While I tried for some composure

And get my head to understand.

For what had just taken place

Had made my life seem hollow,

So when you just wandered off

I was compelled to follow.


A bit of a Bumper Blog there as I promised, so hope you enjoyed it and also got some “Jiggy Juices” flowing too.

Thus The Journey Continues BRIGHTLY and with LOVE…

Peace, love and light,

Laurie xx

All thirteen of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life

More Poetic Views of Life

Reviews of Life in Verse

Life Scene in Verse

Life Presented In Verse,

Poet Reveals All (in your world).

Poet Reflects Your World

Poetic Seeds to Fruition

Our World in Verse

Laurie’s Bundle of Poetic Humour

Tea for Two; Poetic Antics of Ted & Beth (£6.99)

Illuminating Verse: Rousing Poetry


These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.

My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new 9th, 8th, 7th and sixth books, all bigger are still £9.99, while my “Best Of” 10th book is only £7.99, and are for sale on Amazon, book stores or preferably from me ………….. lw1800@hotmail.co.uk Or 07967 355236

I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- www.lauriewilkinson.com = Please sign/join up absolutely free.

Laurie Wilkinson
The Psychy Poet

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