So another Blog news, and I am continuing well, especially as just had another birthday, but all is well and good, and I had a great birthday and thanks for all my lovely wishes.
Back on 14th October I had another great chat and interview with Simon Herbert on Hailsham FM, and if you missed it you can catch it on Hailsham FM 14/10/23 11am to noon, Simon Herbert show.
First poem then and from my 12th book Illuminating Verse follows =
True or False
How did so much time creep up on me
And just where did all the years go,
Because however much I rack my brain
I have to accept that I just don’t know,
How I’ve arrived at this moment in time
Which has made me stop and think,
Over my lifetime and various events
That seemed to pass in a mere blink.
Because when I look back at my time
I’m pleased and happy I did so much,
So then smile with a warm glow inside
Before realising that I must now clutch
Dearly at the time I may have left
As maybe there won’t be many years,
For new memories and experiences
With again more laughs than tears.
So is it true or false when looking back
To count our blessings, time and fun,
For considering and appraising it all
You realise most of your race has run,
As there are only so many allocated years
Of varying times for the human race,
With some only allowed short-terms
Others with poor health to embrace.
Thus I’m saying don’t get me wrong
For I am a happy and lucky man,
Who has had, and is still living now
The very best life anyone can.
So please indulge my little moments
Which I am sure come to us all,
As we confront our autumn time
Knowing winter can make us fall,
To depart then from this mortal coil
Leaving just our legacies to be seen,
And decide if for us it was true or false
That our time was all it could’ve been.
A little bit of me in a perhaps thought provoking poem then but yes, of course continuing on well as are my 4 podcast recordings that are going quite successfully and the link is = https;//
While on links I will also add my great publisher/Website Guru James Harvey on worth a check out.
Another poem then and the lead short poem from my 9th book “Our World in Verse”.
Our World in Verse
The world is our life’s journey
Right up to our very last day,
However much we may not like it
Our times were made this way.
Now how we deal with fortunes
Will show the measure of us all,
Because in good or bad times
Some will stand and others fall.
So I note all these situations
But you might not see me look,
For descriptions of behaviours
Are now recorded in my book.
Maybe another for you to enjoy there Mike Page, and probably everybody else too?
A Commander walks into a bar and orders everyone about..
Never buy flowers from a monk and prevent florist friars.
I lost my friends audio book so now I’ll never hear the end of it.
The inventor of throat lozenges died, but there will be no coffin at the funeral.
Right enough of that and move quickly on, even if you are reading this sat in your car, or possibly cleaning it with Fabreeze., although the jokes should be rib ticklers?
As I’m on a somewhat humorous role, and I promised last Blog a mention of our Ted n Beth, so here (hear?) they are with one of their popular poems, “Ted Beth’s Bedtime”, so please enjoy.
Ted n Beth’s Bedtime
Ted and Beth can be quite mature
But act a bit like children too,
And don’t like doing as they’re told
Or sometimes what they have to do,
Now normally this is no great pain
Mostly obeying what I have said,
But one main exception to this
Is when they’re told to go to bed.
For they really do not like this
And would stay up all night long,
But certainly would not be quiet
Laughing loudly or singing a song.
So it becomes a very tricky battle
Getting them to settle down to sleep,
Also hard making them stay in bed
For often they will craftily creep
Out of their room to wander around,
Looking for mischief or tricks to play.
Thus it’s a bit of a job to control them
Whatever I try to do or say.
And if I get them both to stay put
I’m not sure it will still be alright.
Because I’ve caught them out before
Having a massive pillow fight,
Chasing each other round laughing
Too excited and beyond their tethers,
For when I had to go and check
The whole room was full of feathers.
So now that is just one problem
Trying to get them to bed on time,
Because if they are up all night
Next day their mood isn’t sublime.
Thus on and on goes the struggle
As I have to look after the bears,
But however cross and angry I get
They know their poet dad still cares.
Yes, Our Bears are still very much alive and well. and so accompanied me to Hailsham FM interview mentioned above, and were involved with one of their poems over the airwaves too, SO very happy bears still. Also I did promise my younger readers, including King Henry The First, Lottie & Charlie etc that I would give them a mention in this Blog.
Last but certainly NOT least news item this blog is my collecting gig for Help for Heroes this coming Remembrance Sunday 12th November at The Martello pub 1 pm to 4pm, with me in my Napoleonic uniform reading some poems and singing etc, so should be a great afternoon of laughs and hopefully a good collection total for Help for Heroes. May even see you there…..
Nearly done this time, and as ever and again now, a finish with a lovely “Romance” poem, and this one from my 9th book Our World in Verse, because come on, we all love a bit of romance, closeness and those “oh so special” nights, so please as always enjoy…
Call of Nature
Her touch gave him an electric shock
Down to his very heartbeat station,
And fixed a smile upon his face
Like a state of besotted inebriation.
For the feelings of love and lust
Are not so very far apart,
And while an outer sensation
It will be felt more in the heart.
So no amount of lateral thinking
Will save him from his fate,
If a pretty face and hands work,
All their magic, it’s too late,
To separate rhyme or reason
So many a big man will fall,
At the first hurdle of his senses
Just as though he’d hit a wall.
For the feelings of love and lust
Are not so very far apart,
For while an outer sensation
It will be felt more in the heart.
Such is the power of natures wish
To spellbind those too ripe,
From allowing a chosen journey
Thus they must conform to type.
While surrendering any last protest
And so have to then heed the call.
For to act on their hearts wishes
Is better than not to hear at all.
Well that is the end of another Blog, so again as I always say, thanks to everyone for great support, compliments and being there as I continue to be CONTINUING well.
Love, light & Peace,
Laurie xx
All thirteen of my books :–
Poetic Views of Life
More Poetic Views of Life
Reviews of Life in Verse
Life Scene in Verse
Life Presented In Verse,
Poet Reveals All (in your world).
Poet Reflects Your World
Poetic Seeds to Fruition
Our World in Verse
Laurie’s Bundle of Poetic Humour
Tea for Two; Poetic Antics of Ted & Beth (£6.99)
Illuminating Verse: Rousing Poetry
These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.
My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new 9th, 8th, 7th and sixth books, all bigger are still £9.99, while my “Best Of” 10th book is only £7.99, and are for sale on Amazon, book stores or preferably from me ………….. Or 07967 355236
I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….
I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- = Please sign/join up absolutely free.
Another fantastic book by Laurie.
Never fails to disappoint..
A very talented poet .
Thanks so much Deb, and yes my blogs reflect my books as well 👍😍😍