Yes certainly a winning streak in my Poetry World, with lots happening including a stall for two days at an Adventure Park, radio interviews, bigger newspaper article, Help for Heroes collections and selling quite a few more books. Yeah, winning nicely, and all overseen by my Guardian Angels, predominately The Twister Sisters D & S B’s among others and maybe even a real one?


Guardian Angel

To keep me out of trouble

I have a guardian angel bold,

Who makes sure I toe the line

And do exactly as I’m told.

So I should stay completely safe

And on the straight and narrow track,

For with my lookout and adviser

Someone always has my back,

To ensure that from any problems

I am always free, and safely steered,

As my angel will redirect me

If any wrecking rocks are neared.

Thus I had set out in life

Confident I would commit no crime,

Like falling foul of Albatross

Or talking loudly all the time!

So my conscience would be clear

My character wouldn’t have a stain,

And if invited out for dinner

I’d have an invitation back again.

But oh, I did get in some mischief

And into major problems I did leap,

So why didn’t my angel protect me?

Because the bugger had fell asleep!


Just had to be that poem from one of my earlier books, Book three, but has started us off well so will enlarge a bit on the start.

I was kindly invited to have a stall for two days ay Knockhatch Adventure Park and sold some books but collected quite a bit for Help for Heroes. I was also on air and read a poem with Seahaven Radio and further invited to go live at their station in June, similar to my interview slot again last Saturday 15th April on Hailsham F M with the excellent Simon Herbert, and that recording is on both mine and the stations Facebook page., so check it out, but the message is, if doors are open you must drive in for the opportunities.

Only You

Most of the successful people you meet

Won’t have let grass grow beneath their feet.

But it’s not all about making money,

More of creating your world that’s sunny

And makes you smile across your ways,

And grin back at whatever days

Don’t sit well or rest with others,

For the fact is we’re not all brothers.

So get up and get your ideas on

For tomorrow they could all be gone,

And disappeared down the slippery slope

Leaving you frustrated without hope

That you can ever move yourself,

To gain prosperity and wealth.

But do not worry too much on this

For money is not the only bliss.

Now cast around this world of ours

Where a negative thought always devours,

But if you have your health and brain

There is little that can restrain

You from doing what you will,

Ensuring happiness soon must fulfil

Your heart and all you do,

For there’s no point in being blue.

So to just finish and be very exact

It all comes down to a simple fact.

And in this there’s no need for debate

That you can a success create.


Another of my poems with a  meaning and story perhaps to reflect on as well and maybe prevent us being numpties as we press on. Someone definitely not a numpty is my Publisher/Website Guru (he called me a “powerhouse of creativity earlier so I have to repay lol), James Harvey on

Two poems of diverse themes that were read out and mentioned in my interview on Hailsham F M as Simon kindly wanted me to demonstrate the spectrum of my writing so here goes =

Forward Gear

The years on you keep rolling by

Whatever your health, or state of mind,

And there is nothing you can change

So best leave time past behind.

Though some lessons can be learned

From previous mistakes made,

For however much they affect you

At your own feet they were laid.

So move forward with new joy

And all sad regrets you must ban,

Whilst not rueing what you can’t do

Just give thanks for what you can!


                                                                    The Pool and the Leaves

There’s a camp site by my French place

With a small, round swimming pool,

That gets leaves dropping in it

Which is not too good at all.

So every morning of each day

The site manager would get them out.

Which was appreciated by swimmers,

And of that there is no doubt.

He also used to maintain the camp

Making sure everything was clean,

Not just because it was his job

But so it looked nice when seen.

Though sadly he is no longer here

For cruel cancer took him away,

And those leaves are still dropping

But the pool gets cleared each day.

So as I pass, or sit with a drink

At the site bar that’s just nearby,

I often get to wonder about life

Which can often make us cry.

For the man who cleaned the pool

Was nowhere near my years,

Yet was removed from life early

Condemning his family to tears.

Now many of us will leave things

That occupy ourselves and time,

And when we have left the world

We hope memories remain sublime.

So for me it’s my words and poems

About love, life and she who grieves,

Over things still here without us

Like the man who cleared the leaves.


Yes, two very different themes there then and the shorter poem I also read out on Seahaven radio slot from Knockhatch Park.

Best have Joke Time after that last sad but true poem:-

*If you want a party in space you must carefully planet

*To learn all about ice cream you must go to Sundae School

* Strawberry’s that are really sad are called blueberries

Ted & Beth are away for a while, only partly because people were looking at them and having strange thoughts so they may invoke their “understudies” for a while, and I will tell you more about that next blog, but fear not Ted & Beth are fine but having a little break after all their recent activity at Knockhatch, collecting duties and also being on the radio.

Not exactly  bears, but I will mention “Albus”  a Labrador puppy I sponsor, training to be a dog for a blind person, plus an unnamed elephant not in my garden that I also sponsor. Mentioning blindness I’m still struggling a bit with my reading glasses I wear so have them on more often but must be careful.

Last poem in a quite “newsy” and busy blog for me, so as usual a nice, or saucy, romance  one for all lovers, active or “want to Be” folks, but yeah nice =

Come Our Tomorrow

I will have all of your love tomorrow

And share our kisses so very sweet,

For we will always have it all

Each and every time we meet.

I will feel your touch tomorrow

As your hands explore my frame.

Saying you’ve had private moments

But without me, it’s not the same.

I will bring you to life tomorrow

As I gently stroke and softly caress

Your body, just as you like it,

When your secret parts I address.

I will fuel your desire tomorrow

To make you want all you feel,

For until it’s just the two of us

Those desired heights aren’t real.

I will hold you close tomorrow

As we melt our bodies into one,

To feel that glorious togetherness

When we are finally all done.

But I’m coming for you now my love

Coming for you fast as I can drive,

For I have set desire all aflame

And tomorrow may not arrive!


Sincere thanks as usual for you all “being there”, compliments and encouragement, Hello and welcome Alex, so bye for now as,

The Journey Continues in WINNING STYLE,

Cheers, love & Light,

Laurie xx

All twelve of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life

More Poetic Views of Life

Reviews of Life in Verse

Life Scene in Verse

Life Presented In Verse,

Poet Reveals All (in your world).

Poet Reflects Your World

Poetic Seeds to Fruition

Our World in Verse

Laurie’s Bundle of Poetic Humour

Tea for Two; Poetic Antics of Ted & Beth (£6.99)

Illuminating Verse: Rousing Poetry

These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.

My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new 9th, 8th, 7th and sixth books, all bigger are still £9.99, while my “Best Of” 10th book is only £7.99, and are for sale on Amazon, book stores or preferably from me ………….. Or 07967 355236

I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- = Please sign/join up absolutely free. 

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