Illuminating then as my new and 12th book, Illuminating Verse, Rousing Poetry, has now published! I have  some plans to promote and sell so all good stuff, but I’m just waiting for my copies to be delivered.

Meanwhile welcome to new sign ups on here to Marie, Karen L & Lucie (I’m struggling to place you, please give me a clue), and I must mention Julian, Kelly & Henry The First, Sharon and Deb B’s for comments, compliments and support, while Natalie, Rebecca & Michaela are offering help to promote new book. but let us move on..

 First poem then =


More or Less?


On occasions when I’m quiet

I peep curiously from my veil,

To survey our world starkly

And see the worried and the frail.

For time has gone by for them

With their last years running out,

So are finally forced to confront

What their life was all about.


It’s so easy to be big and bold

When those years on you are few,

But life and illness take a toll

On all the things you do.

With bodies not so robust

To take the strain of days

And time spent on life’s chores,

So doubts and worry plays

On those nervous thoughts,

And the changes that they fear.

Which sows more dread and woe

Until life becomes unclear.


Which leads people to a crossroad

And which path now to choose,

Between the one that says ignore

All the new things that confuse.

Or the route to try and keep up

With new technology and traits,

That get more complex daily

To leave you in dire straights.


So no great surprise that people

Get distraught in later years,

As a changing world torments them

To cry frustrated tears.


That gets us started, so some news for I was “last minute” requested to do a gig for a local care home as they had been let down, so I stepped in with just over four hours notice. That it went very well was both a success and a relief apparently, was good news too.

I should also report that I’m invited back on Hailsham F M in April, a bit delayed as I am awaiting a follow up operation from my hospitalisation last year, so didn’t want to clash, but we will see. Like searching for lost keys and that itch you cannot always scratch, you must be patient, so I’m trying to be patient to be a patient. I think?

First 2 verses of poem “My Chair” in my 12th book that is proving very popular, so enjoy this taster before you buy the whole book, only £9.99 on Amazon but initially reduced to £8.99 on my website and direct from me.


My Chair


I think most of us have that special place

And that is “my chair” and where I sit,

Because no other seating area at home

Will be as good as that one perfect fit,

Of great comfort and for watching T V

So generally settles you at your ease,

From the cut and thrust of daily life

As your own throne needs no squeeze.


For it has taken the form of your body

Just like a cooking mould for a cake,

To give you that feeling of relaxed joy

And allows each move you make.

Moving on with a small correction to my excellent publisher and website Guru, James Harvey address, (lol my fault), so it is=


For our younger, (and adults too of course) I promised a Ted & Beth poem so here it comes..


Doctor Ted

Ted would really like to be a doctor

Playing hospitals with Beth together,

For she wanted to be a doctor too

But Ted said she’s not that clever,

Which I told him off for saying

As I didn’t think it was very nice,

So he quickly apologised to her

Who soon forgave him in a trice.

For although having the odd row

They get on well, loving each other a lot,

Whilst enjoying games and their jokes

And sharing everything they’ve got.

So Beth will dutifully be the nurse

And do exactly what her Ted asks,

In his busy role of special doctor

Doing lots of life saving tasks.

Sometimes Ted will have a surgery

And deal with bear friends complaints,

Like those teddy headaches and pains

And also little Sleepy Bear who faints,

In an attempt to get more attention

While nurse Beth wipes her brow.

But when Doctor Ted asks how she is,

Always replies, she feels better now.

So Ted does feel extremely celebrated

In all that he says and can easily do,

Thus the bears and animals respect him

With his clever answers or sensible view,

About any little problem or a squabble

That on some occasions will break out.

But all in all the gang are very happy

With nurse Beth and Doctor Ted about.

Which is all totally appropriate now,

As in most fictional hospital romance,

Because Doctor Ted and lady nurse Beth

Are so in love they will both sing dance.

Thus our popular, but mischievous couple

Of the lovely Beth and clever Ted,

Are both always very happy together

So wouldn’t want anyone else instead.

I would like to claim a medal here as I am still struggling with the changes on my laptop etc and so far I have refrained from using any Anglo Saxon language whilst being terrified that all I’ve typed is going to disappear. Please excuse any blips lol


I will concede here that my Techno Skills are not the best, but lol as a getting older citizen I not SO bad, BUuuuuuuut I can write poems and have already pretty much got ideas and possible title for my next and THIRTEENTH book, so YAY.


Another sample for my Book TWELVE just released follows, (my tongue firmly in cheek).


Young Old Men

Some blokes stay like young old men

Demonstrating it for the world to see,

But others will old young men remain

And I decided that would not be me,

Because whilst health can play a part

A lot of little things are down to you,

Such as attitude, manner or your look

Which includes what you say or do.

So that may get some people thinking perhaps, or maybe another or even a FIRST look in the mirror, for just like accents and sayings of other people, bad habits can attach themselves, best ask a monk about that?



  • A Teddy Bear with no teeth is a Gummy Bear (Ted & Beth liked that)
  • If a lemon becomes unwell it needs Lemonade
  • Average things are made in a satisfactory


Nearing the end and my nerves are still holding that all my Blog is going to disappear in front of my eyes, but let’s not speak too soon just in case it does go Oooooop in smoke, SO last poem and as PER at present another ROOOMMAAAAAAANNCE one, so hold on=



To snuggle is a really lovely sensation

Like pups or kittens to their mother,

For if you’re feeling loved or close

There isn’t much better or any other,

Cosiness of a protected satisfaction

That can take stress and fears away,

As letting yourself melt into someone

Will bring a contented, happy day.

So don’t become shy or awkward

When you’ve found someone to love,

And sample simple pleasures of life

Snuggling together just like a glove.

Or possibly squashing up tightly

Knowing it’s a joint intimate space,

As you make your sensual moves

Without any thoughts of disgrace.

For our own special moments in life

Are something we have to treasure,

Because a close contentment shared

Doesn’t have much greater pleasure.

So I’ve always tried to practice this

Although at times it comes and goes,

Making us welcome any new return

To tempt snuggles without clothes,

With a happily agreed mutual need

Leading to ecstatic levels of desire.

So snuggle up, love and get taken

To feel a heavenly passions fire.

Because any casual or normal day

When you enjoy cuddling up tight,

Can be a simple life fact for us all

That it’s better to snuggle than fight.



A lovely ending then and again massive thanks to you for being there,your compliments and support as I continue to fundraise and promote Help for Heroes too,

SO The Journey Continues in ILLUMINATING and ROUSING fashion!


Love and Light from Ted & Beth and of course, ME


Laurie xx


All twelve of my books :–

Poetic Views of Life

More Poetic Views of Life

Reviews of Life in Verse

Life Scene in Verse

Life Presented In Verse,

Poet Reveals All (in your world).

Poet Reflects Your World

Poetic Seeds to Fruition

Our World in Verse

Laurie’s Bundle of Poetic Humour

Tea for Two; Poetic Antics of Ted & Beth (£6.99)

Illuminating Verse: Rousing Poetry

These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.

My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new 9th, 8th, 7th and sixth books, all bigger are still £9.99, while my “Best Of” 10th book is only £7.99, and are for sale on Amazon, book stores or preferably from me ………….. Or 07967 355236

I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….

I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- = Please sign/join up absolutely free.


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