From Indonesia to Sussex, it is done
Although “techno troubles” cast a doubt.
Whilst malaria then threw its hand in too,
But now my SEVENTH book is finally OUT.
Before my book very quickly goes,
As each and every copy donates
To the charity Help for Heroes!
So after some hold ups my new book Poet Reflects Your World is out…. and also after much conjecture by people there is NO towel or much flesh on the cover, as in lead photo, but a “well scrubbed up” Psychy Poet”.. yeah “Got YA” ?
A book launch, as another photo, is at The Incredible Cake Company, 24, South Street Eastbourne, on November 23rd from 1.30 pm where I will show, sell & read from my new book and maybe others! Ted n Beth could be there too, and ALL fundraising etc for Help for Heroes. YAY…. I will be on Hailsham FM with the excellent Simon Herbert in the morning as well.
Another photo shows my latest article in the Eastbourne Herald on Friday November 15th, and also the one and only superb Lynn Parsons of Magic FM gave me an amazing endorsement on my poems, books and support of Help for Heroes on November 11th. Thanks again Lynn….❤️
Add an advert for me at Sunrise in the local magazine “Etc” and possibly a future editorial piece on me in the future, it continues to be a fantastic period for me!
Living Well
If you’re thirsty you may go to the well
To quench your thirst with a drink.
And you may do it automatically
Without ever stopping to think,
About how the water got there
Or the need to put something back,
Because the water may soon run dry
If the well is allowed to crack.
For in our world little comes for free
Although plenty will live for this,
By taking out everything they can
And giving help requests a miss.
For they are too busy taking all
It’s possible to get lazy hands upon,
Ensuring when it’s pay back time
They’ll be well and truly gone.
So for us in a concerned majority
Is the need take care of our well
And other gifts passed on to us,
As they are not ours to waste or sell.
When the sacrifice of many others
Gave them up without a cost,
Only a big responsibility of trust
To see they are never lost.
Thus this commitment is now ours
To appreciate and protect this wealth,
Of the things we may take for granted
All the time they’re in good health.
But just a little thought and effort
Will see our gifts all safely supplied,
And to know our drinking well is flowing
Will meet our wish after we’ve died.
Perhaps that poem from my 4th book says a lot?
Lest I Stumble
Lest I stumble, should I fall
In lame attempt to do it all,
Please don’t think I’m contrite
As I only want to do it right.
So please help if I need a hand
And beg you to understand.
That I also have my weaker days
So no matter if it never stays,
Across my face, or in my voice
For it’s my committed choice.
To not advertise my grief and woe
As that is not the way I show,
Myself to all the outside world
If I’ve become a bit unfurled.
Thus lest I stumble, should I fall
Others may not care at all.
Which is why I’m asking you
To watch over me in all I do.
For though I wear a carefree smile,
I sometimes suffer for a while.
But always struggle on inside
While on the outside try to hide,
These inner battles you can’t see,
As they attempt to torment me.
So I think I’ve now spelt it out
How we can struggle with a doubt,
Of our abilities to cope with life
When worries cut us like a knife.
But have a comfort in what you do,
For I am always there for you.
Thus go and make your world extend,
Knowing you have a special friend.
And first Bev Hall, I hope all is well with you, and all the best but you’ve disappeared, so all positive thoughts. Hi James my excellent (and could be yours) website guru, Carbury Gents, Super Sizzle Suzie, great meet up ?, Sandra of Pink Spaghetti, Mick S for great support, and Geoff H from way back too, Suanne M Q for lovely comments as always, Jane B with great ears, and many other parts, and also thanks for our times, just watch my balloon Jane! ALSO “Hi & THANKS” all others who kindly follow, please gimmmmmmeeee a nudge for mention, OR tell me at Book Event on Nov 23rd?. SO a BIG thanks and Teddy Bear kisses from Ted n Beth too…??
A new collaboration with Anne of Deacon Home Improvements Seaside who are now selling my books too..
With MUCH to do soon, and especially next week with THREE gigs in TWO days, a Guest Speaker slot etc, I must crack on, SO with a big thanks again, AND please message/contact me for your copy of my new book on – – Facebook Page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, I will close.
Other photos are my new book “awakening”, great future viewing and of course SUCCESS……
BUT The Journey Continues “Incredible Cake Company” ish and GROWINGLY !!!!!!
Cheers and Love,
Laurie xx
What a lovely post M.K. Good luck with the sales on your new book. Should make a good stocking filler!!! You bring such happiness with your poems. Something for everyone. xxxx
Oh THANKS Lovely Suanne, I DO try to put a lot of thought and interest in the Blog posts and poems. Nice, but harder at moment with SO much going on for me……. Just wait for next ons …….. xxxx