WARNING, for although it’s only the middle of January this Blog will contain "joy, happiness and appreciation (mine)", rather than post Christmas, mid winter gloom, but please read on as it may well "rub off" on the less bright eyed and bushy tailed! ?
 Of COURSE "bright eyes and tails all bushy" abound with YOU my wonderful friends !!! ? ALSO it is well worth reading right to the end, trust me I’m an ex Psychy nurse AND a poet…

So just WHAT is the cause of this unmitigated joy and happiness? Well first the "Good Ole" Eastbourne Herald did an excellent piece on me last Friday 11th January, (will follow), secondly I got "Runner Up" (to a blooooomin "Bear Book" ?, but Ted n Beth were placated LOL), in The Sussex Newspaper Online "Book of the Year" with over 40 entries, but well done Gregory, a real Gent.

The book was "Life Presented in Verse", my 5th book and my first attempt at this, so not too shoddy, hence joy, YAY! Thirdly I have had an increase in my "Poetry Reading Presentation & Talks" bookings, and (almost?) lastly for now, The Sussex Newspaper Online, who I’ve written a column in for over three and half years, have done a brilliant front page spread advert with photos on my 6th and latest book Poet Reveals All. Check it out, AND my latest article "Nature: 3) Beauty" too…
THUS cue deep joy and happiness with my appreciation of all the help and support I have had, THANKS !!!?

Blimey poem time Laurie and in response to James my "Website Guru", good idea to include "why/what inspires me to write a particular poem", I respond with "Naked Ambition", (NOT to be confused with Naked Attraction the "unusual" T V show, OR my latest book!). So here we are, a simple start as this poem is merely my observations and thoughts in the men’s shower room at my gym. Many of my poem inspirations are more complex, but among the said "Joy & Happiness" let’s keep it simple this time….

Naked Ambition

The shower setting at the gym

Is a place for communal undress,

With all kinds of behaviour

But perhaps some you should guess.

You can see all the different types

By their various mannerisms there.

For some are quite shy and bashful,

But others just stand and stare!

There is though one unwritten code

Whether you smile or wear a frown.

It says you can do much as you like

But you never ever look down.

Though some it doesn’t seem to faze

They swagger like a smiling punk.

I’m sure it wouldn’t matter to them,

If they had a finger, or a trunk!

Others creep quickly out the shower,

A private person you’d have guessed.

It’s possible that they’re very quiet

Or else not been well blessed.

The kingpin though, a man of brawn

Absolute content with what he’s got.

But catching a glance in a mirror

It was surprisingly not a lot!

As for me with my large sized mouth,

I’m just happy to laugh with those.

Who also have no reason to brag,

But you’d not like it on your nose!

That poem from my second book, seems written a long time ago, is also at present on my Gym notice board, along with another about people not putting weights and equipment back, (a second explanation James ho, ho), so still very current a?

Last Wednesday 9th January I traveled up to Burgess Hill to Mabel’s Emporium for a free stall at their late night shopping (thanks Tracey K), where I "spread my and Help for Heroes word", got some donations in their collection tin, and book sales, so again I’m trying hard, but as I’ve always said "If you don’t go fishing you won’t catch fish". Other authors, writers etc can note that if they wish ?.

Another poem then, and I guess my "Free Lancer" fits here as perhaps another glimpse of "Laurie style behind the mask" from my latest book..

Free Lancer

So how do I write this poem

And attempt to win a prize?

For if I try my usual style

It might not be too wise.

As I don’t follow correct form

Or pay attention to the rules.

But always scribe with passion,

To rant about my cause.

This sometimes pleases people

Who shy away from perfect prose,

And seems from latest feedback

That some recognition grows,

About words strongly written

By an impassioned, caring heart.

As sometimes a perfect writer

Won’t know where to start.

For Gray’s description of a poet,

Talks of thoughts that breathe,

And with their burning words

Many writers can’t conceive.

So I continue to express myself

On injustice, poverty and wrong,

In a spontaneous poetic style,

That makes my message strong.

Thus to me it’s most important

If venting an innermost thought,

That I’m free to condemn a world

Where inequality isn’t taught!

Again that was a poem to celebrate many successes, including recent one’s as above at the start, obtained often in the face of bias, contradiction of "rules", known agendas etc, but HEY, I’m very happy with it all and thus remain "often imitated, but never duplicated" ?

Last Monday January 14th following "me being recommended" I had a delightful afternoon with a Ladies Luncheon Club in form of near 30 wonderful ladies who "thoroughly enjoyed" (quote) my poems and presentation and of course adored Ted n Beth and the poems about them !!! Bears you MAY take a BOW ??!

That I was given a generous donation, got a tidy sum in Help for Heroes tin and sold books only compounded a great afternoon, (hope those near end of their parking time were alright) as we ran up to time, (I was allowed to lol) because of an enjoyable time, again quoted. 

Photos then = 1) Lead is my me in satisfactory success pose. 2) My book with "prize sticker" 3) Ted n Beth with my latest book, 4) Classic "Success" statue, 5) My stall at Mabel’s Emporium and 6) Will be self explanatory at the end…. Stop LAUGHING you bears !!!!!

Last poem for this time then, and another about me really, doing my "thing" my way, my style and often isolated, but I’m "catching a lot of fish" !!!


It takes a very brave person

To rise above the parapet alone,

And to show themselves completely

Whilst standing on their own.

Now of course they would expect

That others would support them too.

But sadly not quite the case

As some find it hard to do,

Something else for any others,

Or maybe it’s indifference

That causes them to duck out

All safe behind their fence.

Of course they watch keenly

To see what happens next,

With their well rehearsed excuse

Or some other lame pretext,

That will justify themselves

From any exposure to the fray.

As they really do believe it’s best

To run, and fight another day.

So what of our poor victim

Now standing open to it all?

Leading a flock who didn’t follow,

And maybe smile to see him fall.

For in some cases it would suit

The cowards to say, I told you so.

We were right to keep our cover

And thus not to have a go.

Which certainly would be safer

And not take any chance to gain

Successful wins in their life,

But all their fears remain.

So concluding, well almost, still on a success theme, but whilst all a (little) bit tongue in cheek, there is apparently quoted "Many a true word spoken in Jest" ?

Before, but not forgetting to thank you and all readers, I close with my Journey Continuing SUCCESSFULLY,
AND a couple of quick jokes, ( it started with my slot at "Open Mic" lol ) =

1) I met a weird bloke last week, bit thick too as he thought an itchy fanny was a Japanese motorbike!!! ????

2) At our local swimming pool a Lifeguard came up to my friend complaining her little boy had peed in the pool, and feeling a bit embarrassed my friend said, "but I’m sure all young children pee a bit in the pool" to which the Lifeguard replied, "YES, but NOT from the top diving board" !!!!! Boom, BOOM

Love, light, power and success to you all, see you soon,

Laurie and Ted n Beth xxx  

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