So WHAT is coming then? My new BOOK SIX that is what, YES my new book SIX is on its way, but you knew that didn’t you? (Sorry Lynn a better plug later, not that you need it), so YES as of 24th September when I spent a lot of time copy & pasting 88 poems, yes EIGHTY EIGHT poems to send off to Rex my publisher at My Voice after he asked for it all asap, ALL my new book I now  with publisher…..

My new book six, OH I’ve mentioned it again sorry, ? has 77 all new poems plus the rest are "requested favourites" as of the success in my previous book five!

The title as alluded to before is quite different but not divulging yet, but the Blog headline may hold a clue of "My new BOOK SIX" lol ?.

Poem time and maybe another clue?

All Revealed

There may be nostalgia and surprises

When your inner world is revealed,

By the peeling away of barriers

That many secrets had concealed.

For everyone has private thoughts

Perhaps buried deep and never seen,

But confronted by observing words

You may learn what they can mean.

So allow perceptive insights in

To a world where they are known,

As it may be comforting to discover

Some fears are not yours alone.

That poem is from the new book too, so all up to date here this time ho ho..

So as of lead photo and another, you can see I’m still at my very sunny and hot French place, but have been writing a lot, apart from the necessary "cooling down" beers etc and coming home very soon as quite a lot on! That "lot" includes a free (for exchange) video, several meetings, another "Open Mic" (more singing?) and a couple of promotional meals and presentations…. 

WELCOME to some more new "sign ups", Lizzie a recent but valued "supporter", Carlos and from my French site bar comes another "lovely lady" Guenelle! Hi and welcome guys!!!!

Cracking on with this Blog as lot to get in and also DO!

Another poem, ALSO in my new book …

Brief Watching

I have my thoughts and beliefs

That are tied in with my views,

When I just stand around

And the passing world peruse,

With all its strange characters

Acting out on their stage

Of earth’s wonderful scenery

Like a continual turning page.

Some will show off for attention

Or personal reasons that they need,

For in their own mixed up head

It’s the only way to succeed.

But surely this will often have

Opposite responses that they intend.

So they’ll be dismissed as crazy

And daft actions must amend.

But mostly people are oblivious

To any watching eyes on them,

Despite the growing use of cameras

That can exonerate or condemn.

For we have got quite used to

The idea we are always seen,

In various activities of life

Either embarrassing or obscene.

Though of course I learnt my craft

In my long psychiatric career,

When placing myself in a corner

I observed those who came near.

So my everyday life now is similar

Or in some cases much the same,

For all passing people now

I consider are fair game.

Some have a crafty little scratch

When thinking they’re unobserved,

But others do some strange things

They really should have swerved.

But by far the most interesting

Are ordinary, everyday acts,

Like smoking cigarettes, and eating

That are noted for poetic facts.

With arguing, shouting and strange dress

Much better when unintended,

Like ill fitting clothes, and colour clashes

Never to be recommended.

So outlandish behaviour and language

That has no spoken English bearing,

Are often lost among the words

Mostly laced with swearing.

Now that is just some of my clues

But I’m not giving away too many,

As when considering strange acts

Most people deny having any.

Though I can certainly advise you,

Or perhaps just add to warn.

That you are part of this mad world

And have been, since being born.

That poem is a bit of a "lead" poem in the book and probably "illustrates" (sorry) how I observe and compile a lot of my poems! AAAaaaaarrrrhhh THERE you are ? lol.

Must mention my latest article in The Sussex Newspaper online, as have had many compliments on it, (thanks) and called "External View" look it up please.

Must also mention the photo of me with four, or hahahaha was it five ladies?, from two years ago. Well one lady on the end, Guylaine, speaks a bit of English and bought two books then. She enjoyed them, said they helped her English and promptly bought my fifth book. I won’t mention we had a few wines, laughs and communal fun at the bar as well, but of course! I’m a "Gentleman" Poet too…❤.

Two more news items, one I will do second as is amusing, because the first is very sad.

 AS of the photo of Chas & Dave , most people know now that last Saturday Chas Hodges (front) sadly died aged 74. That he was a real diamond geezer, came from very near my "manor" spoke proudly like me, and was a great musician, scare touches the surface, but everybody including "yours and ours" football team will miss you mate! "Gertcha" and rest in peace..?.

The second story involves a recently joined lady, Julie, (Jules to me) who is a great and valued General nurse, but was "enlightened" when met me doing her "psychy bit" when a Student Nurse.. while ago Jules? 

ANYWAY Julie has a fear of spiders and puts it on Facebook so I tease her. Bit of banter later and she says am I going to write a poem for her and spiders?

 You KNOW me, so very quickly done, for a small donation to Help for Heroes (sorry Jules hahahaha)… I should add I do charge more for "Formally Commissioned" poems..

Poem then…

Web Wide Inside

This is the story of Julie Anne

Who goes to bed with a frying pan,

Not to cook a Masterchef decider

But to whack at any invading spider,

Or even those daddy long legs in view

Who frighten the shite out of her too.

So what is she going to do at night

To get some sleep without a fright?

Well I have suggested leaving a note

To tell creep crawlies they have no vote,

In trespassing upon her home terrain

But they come back again and again.

Which causes Julie to crouch in fear

Even before the spiders come near,

Any part of her, for them off bounds,

To stop she’ll readily pay out pounds!

So poor Julie really has a situation

Probably leading her to the station,

To take her away from her domain

As she really can’t bear to remain,

In a house she sees as under attack

With spiders creeping up her back.

Thus now she could be no fixed abode

For creepy crawlies have no code.

But for now Julie it’s far better to stay

And tough it out using my way,

By writing a strong worded sign

To say this chuffing house is mine.

And although I’ve tried leaving conkers

Your invasions are driving me bonkers,

So I will resort to the best means I can

And go to bed with my frying pan!

Thanks for that Jules (and ho ho I’ll be watching the bank), for letting me share and hopefully amuse the great folks and others on here!

I did mention Lynn earlier, of course the lovely and witty Lynn Parsons of Mellow Magic Radio (Mon – Friday 20.00 – midnight), who has mentioned me a bit on her excellent show, a real must if not done so. Go check it out! I write a lot while listening in!

Nearly done as am still busy and the bar here is open…. 

Closing poem and as has got a regular, (must change that, sorry M Q in S Africa Suanne lol), a romance one!

Call of Nature

Her touch gave him an electric shock

Down to his very heartbeat station,

And fixed a smile upon his face

Like a state of besotted inebriation.

For the feelings of love and lust

Are not so very far apart,

And while an outer sensation

It will be felt more in the heart.

So no amount of lateral thinking

Will save him from his fate,

If a pretty face and hands work,

Their magic, it’s too late.

To separate rhyme or reason

So many a big man will fall,

At the first hurdle of his senses

As though he’d hit a wall!

For the feelings of love and lust

Are not so very far apart,

And while an outer sensation

It will be felt more in the heart.

Such is the power of natures wish

To spellbind those too ripe,

From allowing a chosen journey

So they must conform to type.

And surrender any last protest

They must then heed the call,

For to act on their hearts wishes

Is better than not to hear at all.

That poem from my second book, and gets a bit forgotten…

That’s it and PHEW, packed it in tonight.

See you back in the U K soon, thanks for being here, ❤ ya ALL, and as ever from me (and a bit annoyed for no mention), OH ok then, the other photo is our beloved TED n BETH reading one of their poems in my book, Ted n Beth too as ever,


Laurie xx

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