Heads up as all Poetry World going "swimmingly", but as I made myself agree at the start of all this, soon to be four years from when first book published, my feet will be firmly on the ground!

  I have made mistakes before in the past, but I was so much younger then, but never the less…..

Synopsis then: 

News, Feelings, people, Gigs, compliments and France

Photos:- !) Heads Up, Feet on Ground, Mobile Home, & The Bears and my books

Poems:- Envy?, Bar Room Star, Crowded Out & Kiss

So "Heads Up" stuff, and still buzzing from my poem read out on Magic Radio, (thanks Lynn!), and all recent developments too, People new and existing, and welcome to a Radio Super Lady, THE Lynn Parsons of Magic Radio and hostess of the superb  Mellow Magic (Mon – Friday 20.00 – midnight), and a truly "Magical Lady", on here! 

Some folks have gone quiet but seem to be still around, so I will reiterate my style and welcome…

From my 4th book "Life Scene in Verse"..

Envy ?

Some people come, whilst others go

A few for reasons I don’t know,

Guess it was something I did or said,

That didn’t settle well in their head.

But meanwhile I will trek my road

So all are welcome with my load,

While I continue with my life

Mostly wondrous, with little strife.

Thus I will offer a smile or joke,

Though on this some seem to choke.

For I am not always like a saint,

And a colourful life I love and paint.

But do not worry if you fail to see,

That I’m always, and forever me!

Some amazing recent occurrence’s then, with a "meeting group" I recently joined, "4 Networking", being brilliant in making their new and current charity Help for Heroes "as acknowledgement of me and my efforts", WOW thanks guys, but have only belonged a few weeks! Superb !!! The Charity (H4H) is most grateful guys…. (More profound with the loss of one of our soldiers ( A Para) fighting I S in Syria…. Respect and thanks, with ALL thoughts to his family and friends!!!!

A "Lovely Lady" and "I" will soon be embarking on a "Collaboration", but more detail later, though suffice to say Alison(Wonderland) will be sharing our ideas and (her) talents! Thanks Boss Lady????

I had an absolutely joyful and fulfilling gig at Catherine C’s???? wonderfully friendly and salubrious Lansdowne hotel in Eastbourne last Wednesday 28th. From a scary start of being totally alone at start time + 15 minutes, a lady came to tell me the (coach) party were coming as had got delayed at dinner with a retirement presentation. 

On starting, the group were extremely appreciative of my poems, readings and "apparent" sense of humour, (Me???), especially liking the humour themes, but in fact all my stuff (fortunately)… One from the start that is in my first book and published in The Daily Mail…

Bar Room Star

Every pub or bar will have one

There are lots of them about,

And while everyone likes talking

He feels the need to shout.

Amongst his group of cronies

He must be the loudest bloke,

Then burst into raucous laughter

Every time he cracks a joke!

I turn my head to see him

But you couldn’t miss the noise,

For he’s the best at shouting

In the group of loud old boys.

We all laugh at something

In our own personal way,

Within the bounds of reason

As appropriate for the day.

But this loud man doesn’t realise

His grating voice won’t nestle,

And he clearly has forgotten

The saying of the empty vessel.

So the loud man’s noise continues

And his voice you couldn’t douse,

Though I have a deep suspicion

That at home he’s like a mouse!

I am thrilled that the evening went on in great fashion and at the end the smashing group bought quite a few of my books, and put money in the H4H collection tin too. I have several more evenings there, so roll on!

One fantastic lady, probably around 80, (I’m lethal with those age ladies), bowled ME over by "loving my accent" (I have one? lol) as she born (or I was) in same area of E London, and having moved up north was "thrilled" to hear my use of area sayings etc, not recounting them on here now lol…

BLESS her she bought a book and said she was going to read it "imagining it was me reading it in my accent"! How chuffing wonderful is that ? !!!

Another person, no names, gender or description has bought all my books as my poems "strike a deep emotional chord", but didn’t really know why…

Blimey, I will settle for that as some of my "core aims" are to resonate with people our shared worries,experiences and inner feelings etc!!!! 

Another popular poem from last Wednesday, and again from my first book "Poetic views of Life", a simple but quite profound poem perhaps?

Crowded Out

Can a tree in a forest be lonely

Or a wave crest on the sea?

So if surrounded by people

How can loneliness possibly be?

When you look at peoples faces

For a smile or glint of an eye,

Everyone seems to be moving

And like spectres just pass by.

The fish in the ocean have shoals

And the bees will build their hive,

But many people live in surroundings

Where no one knows they’re alive.

So maybe we should reach out

With more effort to connect,

To try and prevent isolation

That even stout hearts will deject.

No person wants their passing

To go off with barely a squeak,

With people saying they saw them

But never found time to speak!

Well I’m racing through this now, and of course should say, hence the photo of my new wheels and Mobile Home, that I’m at my French place where I seem to write even more, if THAT is actually possible? 

Another couple of mentions, please message/contact me for an acknowledgement on here, The all round (metaphorically) nice and lovely Claire H W of Vitality Life and Health Insurance, "AlisonWonderland"????, my "awol" Kerry, (oh how I miss your chickens gel) of Mantel Farm, (AND our mention/my poem in your Mag on Google too).


Must be time for a "wine top up" so will finish soon, but NOT without a closing (yeah romance), SP, HP, N S, S W (MFG lol), S Pink Spaghetti etc, POEM… 

Also read out (in a scenario) last Wednesday, and an ever popular poem, again from my 4th book…


A quiet, simmering, burning fuse

Maybe oh so easy to miss,

As with a soft awakening

To someone you’d love to kiss.

So the signs of any recognition

Or consent given from your muse,

Are sought for their confirmation

You are the one they choose.

Thus with heartbeats all a flutter

You slowly pucker up to brush,

That alluring sirens ready mouth

As you prepare to make them blush,

With that soft sweet sensation

Now blowing bubbles on your lips.

So you lean closer in together

Lest this precious moment slips.

Eyes tight shut to keep out the world

From your very own embrace,

Your bodies pulse fast and close

So you are now lost in space.

With bright stars and planets forming

Brilliant lights across the sky,

To transform your understanding

That you’ve just learnt to fly.

Guess I should add that on returning home mid April, I have another Hotel Gig the next night and on 21st April a St Georges Night event at Herstmonceaux Village which is an annual celebration the nearest Saturday to THE day, 23rd April, UP with St George and you dragons (? lol) beware!!!!  YES I’ve written a couple of poems especially for the night…..

Time for that wine then, and to finish as ever with me as The Psychy Poet "Often Imitated but Never Duplicated", Ted n Beth saying goodbye for now and the Journey Continues MAGNIFICENTLY…..

Love, Peace and Power,


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