by James | Jun 29, 2022 | Blog |
Following my previous Blogs being entitled “Forward Gear, Cruise Control and Opening Up” it does seem right that this offering is called “Arrival” or perhaps getting there? Now exactly where or what “there” is can become a subject...
by James | Jun 9, 2022 | Blog |
Hello, and I guess I could claim that this latest Blog title of “Opening Up” follows theme of my previous offerings of “Forward Gear & Cruise Control” , but that wouldn’t be totally true, although the sequence does follow logically,...
by James | May 18, 2022 | Blog |
After my last two Blog themes that were “Consolidation and Forward Gear” I’ve now moved onto “Cruise Control” as I have picked up speed to my usual rapid pace of activity again. Read on to find out how and why as I won’t tease you.....
by James | Apr 27, 2022 | Blog |
I can only call this new blog Forward Gear as I am certainly moving forward on so many fronts i can hardly keep OOoooop with myself. Yes great and exciting stuff, but fear not i will tell all but ONLY after just having to repeat that I’m “often imitated,...
by James | Mar 29, 2022 | Blog |
As per the Blog title, “consolidate”, that is the Blog theme and so consolidating it is then. I certainly have being trying to consolidate and build on those little positive shoots of hope as we begin to live with “Curse Covid”, alongside all...