by James | Feb 8, 2023 | Blog |
Lift off then after Back in the Saddle, but a bit delayed as have had printer and laptop troubles for last couple of weeks, , not good for a busy and manic poet, and even now I’m trying to find my way round confusing, (for me) laptop screen and features settings....
by James | Jan 12, 2023 | Blog |
Yes, I’m back in the saddle once more, (can’t keep a good poet down?) and fully up and running after being unwell as mentioned in my last blog, A Bump in the Road. Almost to celebrate recovery I was on BBC Radio Sussex & Surrey again Sunday...
by James | Dec 22, 2022 | Blog |
After my recent Blog titles of “Flowing, Automatic and Coasting” there could only be this current one of “A bump in the road”, because that is what I unexpectedly hit. Nothing to do with my Poetry World, but my health, which has always been...
by James | Nov 28, 2022 | Blog |
Coasting, and after last Blog “automatic” etc it feels like I’m coasting now as everything in my “Poetry World” seems to be coming so easy, for just in the last week or so my poems have been flowing, including a couple of commissioned...
by James | Nov 6, 2022 | Blog |
Automatic then, or as I was going to put that all my Poetry World fun, promotions, success and events seem to come automatically, but then dare I say that I might have been putting myself down? NO, never, but please read on… The fact is I truly believe that like...