by James | Dec 26, 2019 | Blog |
Cheers then on a positive future, but also on reflecting back, over a great year too…. BUT before we do that a note on the very recent events. This website for a start, and with many complimentary comments a big thanks to "Website Guru" James H... by James | Dec 7, 2019 | Blog |
Yes a joyful time has followed after the protracted and stressful final "birth" of my 7th book eventually published on 11th November, being over two months after everything was completed, so quite a wait, but all over now. So what has been happening? Well... by James | Nov 17, 2019 | Blog |
My seventh book is born !!!! From Indonesia to Sussex, it is done Although “techno troubles” cast a doubt. Whilst malaria then threw its hand in too, But now my SEVENTH book is finally OUT. So get orders in and don’t miss it Before my book very quickly... by James | Oct 28, 2019 | Blog |
Patience, a fertile mind and inspiration do not make great bedfellows, and whilst never being one of the most patient people, (lol doesn’t really go with a manic mind?), I seem to have inspiration and fertile ideas aplenty!?, Thus being in a “limbo like... by James | Oct 9, 2019 | Blog |
As I worked in Psychiatry for 30 years I make no apology for another post to highlight this day, as "there but for the grace of god" go all of us, AND maybe as following poem…… One in Three Love and laughter may sprinkle around With no real...