
Probably like many of you, I’m not too sure where this last week has gone, or strangely any great difference between the days, therefore it goes without saying that time since my last Blog 3 weeks ago, has shot past as well.   Hey, Laurie don’t...


I have called this Blog “revival” and as it is now New Year’s Day I think that is quite appropriate, although my title was decided on well before today. I think more than enough has been said already about the stunningly horrid and decimating year we...

Back and Forward

Let’s get this out of the way at the very start then, and going back to my London roots, 2020 has been a “Right Cowson”!  The Curse Covid virus has cancelled, called off or closed much of the year and decimated jobs and life by murdering many...


Changes, yes those things that can catch us out, keep us on our toes or like this year with Curse Covid, totally decimate us… We all experience changes in our lives, some good, some bad and some, (like technology), blooming annoying. How we deal with these...

From the beginning

I am extremely pleased to say that my last Blog, (+Reaching out and being there), that was slightly changed in style and somehow 3 weeks ago now, was very popular and well received.  I know this from kind comments and feedback to me via my various...
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