Fighting back

Fighting back may sound a bit dramatic, and the boxing gloves might emphasise that, but fight back “I” and we must  against this suffocating Curse Covid world now.  Yes, things are opening up a bit and we must of course cherish hope, but I seem to be...

Opening up

On Monday April 12th and following government guidelines, (you won’t get much politics on here though), another easing of lockdown from the horrid, consuming and world changing Coronavirus was allowed, and so to certain extents pubs, cafe’s, non-essential...

On my marks

The “on my marks” photo was taken at Olympia in Greece about 2009, and features on the cover of my 4th of eight now published books, as in the lead photo for this Blog. Why am I on my marks then you may wonder, (or lol conversely may not)? The answer is...

Light from the dark

Light must always follow dark, like morning following the blackness of night, but if it should not happen, as my dear mum would often say, well we won’t have to worry😍 Sadly dark times must always come for us in life, and hard to image much darker times than we are...

Moored and Regrouping

  ; Laurence Wilkinson Wed 10/02/2021 15:14 I actually think this Blog is more consolidating than regrouping perhaps in this strangest of times, and maybe a little bit like the American “Prohibition” of 1920’s and early 1930’s, but with...
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