
Delivering, now that can be a manifold subject and perhaps my photos attached will expand on a delivering theme. Sadly an iconic photo from 1940 of a milkman delivering as usual, but in the rubble after another night bombing raid during The Blitz on London,...

Unmasked and unveiling

So those horrid face mask rags can come off now, well mostly, but yes, we get the reasons and it is nice to be free, so I have used that as “another” clever (well lol attempt) at cleverness for my Blog title.. Anyway, whatever our world is unveiling itself...

Branching out

Yes, branching out it is from this horrid and suffocating Curse Covid world! Well I certainly am and as evidenced by some photos at the end, (lol NO peaking yet), so I want to cut loose!🤡 I may be a “Peter Pan” but I’m too old for all this depressive...


Plenty of hope bursting out now, well with me anyway, and the lead photo smiling sun epitomises that from me too.  For you wonderful readers and supporters of “my good self” and thus Help for Heroes who like to follow me, the photos attached to this...

Mounting a counter attack

Those who really know me would have expected me to put “mountain” a counter attack as the title after lead photo of Table Mountain, but I resisted the temptation, but yay I’ve just put it anyway.? But yes I, and hopefully everybody, is counter...
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