by James | Nov 24, 2021 | Blog |
Yes, my old and trusted saying “If you don’t go fishing, you won’t catch fish”, (nothing ventured, nothing gained), so I am constantly metaphorically fishing by striving to improve, and achieve more although in truth my “Poetry World and...
by James | Nov 4, 2021 | Blog |
Laughter then, as is reflected in the title of my latest and 10th book, “Laurie’s Bundle of Poetic Humour”, and contains no less than 76 of my “Humour Section” poems that feedback has indicated are favourites and the most popular. I think...
by James | Oct 18, 2021 | Blog |
Lift off then is the title of this my latest Blog for us, and while I always try to make the title relevant I I think that this title is right for many reasons, personal to me and perhaps life generally. Readers of my previous Blogs will be aware of my total...
by James | Sep 27, 2021 | Blog |
Welcome to another of my Blog articles, and also to new “sign ups”, and don’t the Blogs keep coming round quickly? A bit of a poignant title which will unfold as to why soon, BUT as a change I’m going to start with first verse of a poem I have...
by James | Sep 9, 2021 | Blog |
The scales are a great balance and measure of a good foundation of justice and right, so I have led with them. For if anything is to stand and last it must have a firm and well-prepared foundations, so best if i put up the start of my poem from my ninth book, to be...