A busy bee then, and as the saying goes , I have been one. so does aptly describe me since my last News Blog for in the last week or so I have accelerated to full speed on my next book, number 14. I have already written a glut of new poems, and obviously continue to do so, have sorted the book out and included a couple of new ideas. I will have a bit of a break for couple of weeks as soon on another cruise,.I am taking my writing pad to write up new poems as they come, and “Oh Fantastic”, rapidly coming they are.


Of course my usual “Poetry World” stuff is still happening and includes writing my regular articles, sorting out future gigs and radio sessions, some straight away on my return from cruising.

First poem then and it is the lead, or introduction to my fourth book, “Life Scene in Verse”…


Life Scenes


Life’s scenes are acted out

Right before my eyes,

So I can’t help but notice

The careless and the wise.


Thus will have my feelings

About all that I have seen,

And will put them into words

So others know what I mean.


For poets have passionate thoughts

Put into burning words and verse,

As I observe the world’s scenes

That are better or much worse.




Still a favourite of mine, and written quite quickly in a break on the long 600 mile journey down France to my Mobile Home there, yes, and very nice.


In other news I have had two excellent experiences seeming to increase, Oh Laurie what are they?

First is a big increase of wonderful compliments on my poems and work, especially touching on my core aim of writing both“poignant and powerful” poems but in everyday language or “amazingly straightforward and quite simple language, but deep” as one kind person said. Wonderful thanks…

Second happy experience increase is of my being recognised about the place by people I don’t or didn’t know. “Hello, you’re Laurie and the poet” and “I see you on Facebook a lot” so yes, promoting myself and of course Help for Heroes does work. Also I think that my photo and regular columns in Hailsham and now Eastbourne News for over 3 years helps. Bexhill News includes me at times too. Happily my books sell along the way too, with a couple of new ideas for that soon, so Yeah lol exciting times.


Another poem, and going back to my 7th book “Poet Reflects Your World” for this, so written about 2018/19 and entitled “Blemishes or Insanity?”


Blemishes or Insanity?


Nothing in life is ever perfect

For every flower bed has a weed,

And the most ornate of ponds

Will suffer their share of reed.

So accept the ways of this world

And its complexity of how made.

For even if you’re benign and kind,

Someone will rain on your parade.


Although perhaps it’s not the fault

Of the world and how created,

As bad times will often infiltrate it

With any remedies only belated,

In resolving the upset or trauma

Our life may let out of the can.

But most blame for imperfections

Should be laid at the feet of man.


For his jealousy, greed and vanity

Of being greatest and having more,

Than anyone else’s riches and land

Which so often leads to war.


Though maybe it is quite simple

And just an obsession to be the best,

Which The Bard describes succinctly

As never being at their hearts rest,

If beholding greater than themselves

Although every person has their skill,

Which our unsatisfied man can’t see

So it continues to make him ill.


Meanwhile the riches and splendour

Of the wonderful world must pay,

For the destruction and atrocities

When man wants to have his way.

So best to admire your flower bed

And pond complete with its reed.

Because these slight blemishes

Won’t cause our world to bleed.




Maybe a bit “deep and powerful” there, but very true I think.




  • The airport lost my luggage so I sued them, but still lost my case.
  • My family are failed magicians so I have 2 half sisters.
  • I can only sing in my car while reversing as I’m just a backing singer
  • A termite walked into a pub and asked “Is the bartender here?”


Enough of that then, but hopefully caused a grin or two, AND there is a brand new poem I have just written about jokes going in Book 14, so be prepared as the saying goes…


Back to me being a Busy Bee then because as I said my new poems are flowing, although they actually never stopped and I took note of them, now writing them up, because my wonderful gift of a “psychotic imagination” never stops either and is again happily connected to my commitment and inspirations, so thanks and long may it last? Books 15 & 16 and perhaps even more?


Among the compliments and chats I have, often in Italian Cafe that I frequent where the lovely Jessica & Co look after me. Jessica get onto your team there, and more so as Izzy, (hello) has left.


I should also mention in my Busy Bee status that I have been selling some greetings cards, all hand made and donated by the excellent Pat C, and raised a fair sum more for Help for Heroes. Thanks again Pat!


Ted & Beth are shouting they want a mention, but they DO have new poems for Book 14 as well, but they are not happy I am going on my cruise without them.


Last and regular poem, romantic of course. I will say before this poem that it is an “abstract” offering as I’m often asked, especially with romance poems, when they were written and was anyone in mind? So, written in about 2019 and lol NO.


A Dream of Dreams


I dream of images and thoughts

That come like falling snow,

Cascading round my startled mind

So my reasoning will go.


For I don’t know if I’m asleep

Or blindly staggering along,

A path of light shining in the dark

With a backdrop of sweet song.


So please allow my puzzled look

Whilst I try to see the light,

Or is it dark with floodlights on

Trying to make things right?

For many astounding visions

Now awake silently within,

A body shell shocked in wonder

That thinks heartache is a sin.


Thus all my cherished desires

May parade brightly all around,

With rows of celestial beings

Playing music with no sound,

That mocks inner ambitions

Presenting a not guilty plea.

For I’ve done nothing wrong

Whatever they say of me.


For these exotic silent dreams

Can never show how I feel,

Or exceed my released ecstasy

When I discover you are real.




Just time to say my usual, but well meant, thanks to everyone for continued support, great feedback & encouragement etc as I roll on.


Yes The Journey Continues as a BUSY BEE…

Love, light and laughter,


Laurie xx











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