I am really sailing well as apart from enjoying my cruises i am selling quite a few books and getting a lot of recognition. This is explained by many kind compliments and great interest in my books, and also my support of Help for Heroes. This has led to more people buying my books and also on last cruise I was allowed to read my poems on the ship as part of the entertainment.
Again this was very well received with over 30 people attending at quite short notice, and I am also going to read again on my next cruise in April, hopefully with a bit more advertising and promotion of me it could be even better too. It goes without saying I’m “well chuffed” with all this.
To add to all this my 15th book is about to be published and as a compilation of romance and love poems is entitled “Poetic Passions”. With that in mind I will give a “taster” and put up the lead poem for this book.
Love’s Lottery
Its said love makes the world go round
And it can certainly lead to some fun,
But also some regrets and sadness too
If your love parcel comes undone.
Though you can’t beat the ecstatic feeling
Of meeting a special someone in a trice,
And if you could bottle that sensation
You could sell it at any given price.
So we can clearly see there’s a dilemma
Of elation or maybe coming unstuck,
But it is surely well worth the chance
Like throwing a dice to test your luck.
That has got us nicely started with a premiere bonus then and the book also features such titles as “Signs and Signals, Night and Day, Needs and Love Pains” etc, and I will show then the exciting and successful time I am having at the moment and want to share with you all. To that end the next short poem, again a lead verse from my 3rd book in 2015 says it all=
Forward Gear
The years on you keep rolling by
Whatever your health, or state of mind,
And there is nothing you can change
So best leave time past behind.
Though some lessons can be learned
From previous mistakes made,
For however much they affect you
At your own feet they were laid.
So move forward with new joy
And all sad regrets you must ban,
Whilst not ru-ing what you can’t do
Just give thanks for what you can!
I was addicted to brake fluid but could stop when I liked
I saw a chameleon yesterday, but obviously not a good one.* A frog was illegally parked and had his car toad away.
When a crook stole a rabbit he realised he’d have to make a run for it.
Before the jokes the poem intimated that with effort you can succeed, so as I have had a good share of success at the moment my next poetic offering from my 8th book, (Poetic Seeds to Fruition) is a bit tongue in cheek, as I tend to do at times, is called “No Experience Required)…
No Experience Required
No previous experience required
Is exactly what the advert said.
But what precisely does that mean,
I thought as I scratched my head?
Maybe just anyone can do the job
Even the proverbial monkey trained,
Or someone with a rock bottom I Q
Will get it when once explained,
Exactly what is necessary to do
That needs no previous experience.
So obviously a very mundane roll
For someone of little sense.
Or perhaps that is a bit unkind,
For the job could be highly skilled
When a right applicant has learnt,
And then they’ll soon be thrilled
With the opportunity given them,
Though maybe a low starting rate,
Could mean why no experience
Is wanted for jobs on a plate.
So those are thoughts and ideas to
A “no experience required” label,
Which really makes you wonder
Just what exactly is on the table,
If you should need to venture in
To employment advertised so bold.
So I have serious reservations
About what you will be told.
In the midst of all my activities at present I still continue to do my monthly poetry corner article for the now Hailsham, Eastbourne and Bexhill News which also brings me recognition and more book sales. This excellent free newspaper is very popular now and is only just over three years old. and my column has been included since the start.
Following on from all this recent activity I have just heard from James Harvey, my excellent publisher and Website Guru, that he has received all my first draft for my latest book “Poetic Passions”, so off we go with that too….
Finishing up this blog then I just need to thank everyone for all my support as usual. (my total given to Help for Heroes is now £11,500), so again a BIG THANKS as I post the last poem, again a romance one, but HEY there are EIGHTY more in my new book.
Beam of Love
In the darkness now I think of you
Though you may be near or far.
And if I saw you would I know,
If you’re my missing star?
For it is very hard to find someone
If you don’t know how they look.
For I have never seen or met you,
Or found a description in a book.
So maybe that’s why in the dark
I fantasise I feel your breath,
Because I’m denied sight or sound
Thus think you’re a gift from death.
Though you are not here to touch
And however hard I try to see,
I know you, my mysterious spirit,
Are watching and waiting for me.
In the darkness now I think of you
Though you may be near or far.
So if I saw you how would I know,
If you’re my missing star?
Why do I feel your shadowy form
As if you are all around my bed?
So where have you come from,
To be inside my head?
Thus I’m making a request to meet
Whatever time, or in a dream.
Perhaps you’ll come and take me
To love by the moons night beam.
For now I know what the truth is,
You’re a figment of imagined love,
Someone I met, though didn’t see
Who’ll be there in the stars above.*
It just leave me to say goodbye from this blog and just WHAT new will the next one bring?
Thanks again, for as ever The Journey Continues….
All love and light,
Laurie xx