So encore is title of this blog, and obviously means a repeat or continuation of something and thus in my case what I’m doing or done, so I will with my Poetry World.
Largely that means for me writing more poems, and to that end Book 15, YES book 15, and that will be out soon and probably by end of February and after I’ve returned from my latest cruise. This new book will be a much requested collection of my romance poems, BUT new poems for each of the 5 sections, (you’ll have to wait to see what they are) and some “advanced”romance featuring too, yes and you will have to wait for those too. Also as a further/suggestion/ request I will be explaining and giving a deeper insight of how some of these “Luuuuuuuuuuurrrrve poems” came to be written. Tissues may be needed?
Anyway first poem in blog is not a romance poem, unless you want it to be? So here is a popular poem from my 5th book (of 14 published if any new readers), and entitled Exposure…..
It takes a very brave person
To rise above the parapet alone,
And to show themselves completely
Whilst standing on their own.
Now of course they would expect
That others would support them too.
But sadly not quite the case
As some find it hard to do,
Something else for any others,
Or maybe it’s indifference
That causes them to duck out
All safe behind their fence.
Of course they watch keenly
To see what happens next,
With their well rehearsed excuse
Or some other lame pretext,
That will justify themselves
From any exposure to the fray.
As they really do believe it’s best
To run, and fight another day.
So what of our poor victim
Now standing open to it all?
Leading a flock who didn’t follow,
And maybe smile to see him fall.
For in some cases it would suit
The cowards to say, I told you so.
We were right to keep our cover
And thus not to have a go.
Which certainly would be safer
And not take any chance to gain
Successful wins in their life,
But all their fears remain.
A lesson to be positive and brave there, and so we must in all we do to get maximum results, but more importantly, satisfaction. This is what I strive for, and getting money for charity “Help for Heroes” that I’ve done all my nearly eleven now years publishing, and raised almost £11,000 so far, SO “encore” I will continue. To this end I have recently done a very successful gig for a newer for me venue, sold more books, especially my latest “Poetic Wisdom, and generally “spread the word” as in my newspaper columns, Facebook and social media generally which seems to make me quite “recognisable” locally.
Next poem and again an older one from an earlier book, “Blemishes or Insanity?”..
Blemishes or Insanity?
Nothing in life is ever perfect
For every flower bed has a weed,
And the most ornate of ponds
Will suffer their share of reed.
So accept the ways of this world
And its complexity of how made.
For even if you’re benign and kind,
Someone will rain on your parade.
Although perhaps it’s not the fault
Of the world and how created,
As bad times will often infiltrate it
With any remedies only belated,
In resolving the upset or trauma
Our life may let out of the can.
But most blame for imperfections
Should be laid at the feet of man.
For his jealousy, greed and vanity
Of being greatest and having more,
Than anyone else’s riches and land
Will so often lead to outright war.
Though maybe it is quite simple
And just an obsession to be the best,
Which The Bard describes succinctly
As never being at their hearts rest,
If beholding greater than themselves
Although every person has their skill,
Which our unsatisfied man can’t see
So it continues to make him ill.
Meanwhile the riches and splendour
Of the wonderful world must pay,
For the destruction and atrocities
When man wants to have his way.
So best to admire your flower bed
And pond complete with its reed.
Because these slight blemishes
Won’t cause our world to bleed.
My new ornate ceiling may not be best in the world, but it’s up there.
An astronaut wanted a big party so really had to planet.
I wouldn’t buy anything with Velcro, as it is a total rip-off !
Those mischievous teddy bears Ted & Beth, that I created,were getting a bit nervous and cross as they thought they might miss out being in my “soon to be ready” Book 15 on romance. You can imagine they were a bit embarrassed when I pointed out they had several romance poems about them published. “Bears in Love and Beth’s Green Eye” for instance, so they settled down a bit.
A reflective poem from my book 5 next, and is true to life for me, maybe with a little message, but you knew that didn’t you?
Daze End
Sitting in my favourite chair
In my most comfortable way,
Looking back at hours passed
To reflect how went the day?
Well some go very well
And others not so good,
So in the scheme of life
That must be understood.
But more important than this
Is how you deal with it all,
Smiling with those good days
With no cause to fall.
But what about the bad times
That can also arrive too?
Can we get up if knocked down
May define both me and you?
So how well the day went is crucial
But our responses so much more,
For if you react to adversity
Your life will be more secure,
Than if you just roll over
Bleating about having no luck.
So if not standing your own ground
You may regret your lack of pluck.
Getting to the end now as I must prepare for my next cruise, and as of my last book, hopefully get some great new poems onboard that went into that publication.
As ever thanks to all readers, supporters and people who continue to encourage me further in my Poetry World for Help for Heroes, BIG thanks again.
Last poem and a romance visit as usual for all you “Luuuuuuvvvvvers” out there, and maybe preparing for Valentines Day soon?
Hypnotic Dance
Everyone has a love song
Or poem deep in their heart,
Maybe you can never sing it
But knowing it is a start,
To begin to seek your dream
Of a love you never found.
So you slowly start to move
Towards that luring sound.
Hypnotic rhythms stealing thoughts
When drawn forward in a trance,
To the person of your desires
Who is wanting you to dance,
And cuddling up so tight
Before kissing that loving face
You now know waits for you,
At that magic, sensual place.
So with bated breathe and hope
That was never there before,
You prepare to meet your muse
Of which you’re really sure.
Because this love song tells you
Something great is coming,
And while you wait and tremble
Loves music is now strumming.
Therefore you sway and wallow
In loves mood that’s oh so deep,
Without the slightest movement
To awake you from your sleep!
Romantic thoughts there and perhaps a nice “taster” for my new all romance book 15 to be finished soon?
Meanwhile we great thanks to all who support me as The Journey Continues with an ENCORE….
Love, light and happiness,
Laurie xx
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Blog contains latest news on my “soon – to – be – out” book 15, a full blown love poems issue with in depth explanations! Tissues at the ready? L xx
You have not lost your touch!!!! Lovely.
Thanks so much… I keep striving
Congrats on your 15th book to come. look forward
Thank you, and yes Book 15 soon AND ideas for Book 16 as well 🤗