After the joy and celebrations mentioned last blog about my successfully hitting my target of £10,000 raised for the excellent Help for Heroes that I support, I got to thinking a bit more on my Poetry World. Well it really is quite extensive with all that I do, some of which will get mentioned later, but more to the point, a lot of my core and impetus comes from support, encouragement and compliments locally, I E right here in Eastbourne where I live. I will expand and give examples.
For a simple start, I often meet people now who recognise me from Facebook, stalls, collecting, gigs, local papers etc, which is of course nice, but it is more the kind words about my work and supporting Help for Heroes.
On that note and “Localisation” topic the first poem comes from my 8th book “From Poetic Seeds to Fruition” and the poem is a true story from a local store…
Floral Derriere
It was the bright floral pattern
That first caught my eye,
As they had pretty colours
Capturing many a passer by.
But as my eyes were caught
On the pattern and the style,
I got a nice surprise bonus
That I studied for a while.
For those eye-catching trousers
Were worn by an attractive girl.
That brightened up the shop
And left admirers in a whirl.
But it wasn’t just the trousers
Which made me briefly stare,
Frozen by an involuntary stance
At a very stunning derriere.
Now being a kind of gentleman
I averted my head and eyes,
As I was taught not to be rude
So my staring came as a surprise.
Although looking about the queue
One old chap did his thing instead,
For as he continued to stare
Wide eyes popped from his head.
So managing to break my gaze
Before it was my turn to be served,
I regained some order of control
Trying again to look reserved.
But as often the case, the girl saw
That I’d been looking for a while,
So I quickly said “nice trousers”
And got a nice knowing smile.
Now I came to the conclusion
That this lady was very sure,
Of the effect of figure and clothes
Which cheered up the busy store.
The quite simple story is in the poem, but I repeat occurred locally.
I have come to also realise that I initiate more than I possibly recognise, and much of this comes back to pay dividends in book sales, money collected and increased awareness of my work.
What more can a poet want, so yes, I will continue with radio interviews, local store stalls and collections, my regular columns and articles in local papers etc. LOL Yes, “I Am Often Imitated but Never Duplicated”, but of course you knew that was coming. Come ON, stay alert.
Next poem also from the aforementioned Book Eight and was again observed locally as well.
Bob the Builder
Every area has a Bob the builder
Whether his name is, or isn’t Bob,
For our would be builder loves DIY
And so is always doing a new job,
Which of course must involve
Some sort of loud noise or dust.
But our man just seems oblivious
As to him each job is a must.
Perhaps it is some form of frustration
That drives our “Bob a Job” type on,
For he jumps from one task to another
And before any are finished he’s gone,
On to start something else that needs
His attention and urgent work rate.
Although to be brutally honest here
None of his efforts ever look great.
But that doesn’t seem to deter our man
For perhaps he believes that all is well,
When he loudly bangs, drills and crashes
Enough to wake the very hounds of hell.
So on goes his constant run of jobs
That must give B & Q a nice windfall.
With constant buying of this and that
But nothing’s ever completed at all.
Though he cracks on with his activities
And even manages to look the part,
When flashing a regular builders bum
As he wonders where next to start.
So this continuous building saga
Is destined to never slow or stop,
For building isn’t really his proper job
Because he works in a grocery shop.
Which may explain all his energy
Displayed in every different task,
So I guess I would like to check this
But I’m much too scared to ask.
After that I guess it’s appropriate to have JOKE TIME =
My duvet kept coming off at night, so I insured it and now I’m always fully covered at night.
I worked happily at an egg factory for years until I was poached.
Seems a common cause of death is being surrounded by your family?
Probably apt that I put this poem on before more good news?
Lest I Stumble
Lest I stumble, should I fall
In lame attempt to do it all,
Please don’t think I’m contrite
As I only want to do it right.
So please help if I need a hand
And beg you to understand.
That I also have my weaker days
So no matter if it never stays,
Across my face, or in my voice
For it’s my committed choice.
To not advertise my grief and woe
As that is not the way I show,
Myself to all the outside world
If I’ve become a bit unfurled.
Thus lest I stumble, should I fall
Others may not care at all.
Which is why I’m asking you
To watch over me in all I do.
For though I wear a carefree smile,
I sometimes suffer for a while.
But always struggle on inside
While on the outside try to hide,
These inner battles you can’t see,
As they attempt to torment me.
So I think I’ve now spelt it out
How we can struggle with a doubt,
Of our abilities to cope with life
When worries cut us like a knife.
But have a comfort in what you do,
For I am always there for you.
Thus go and make your world extend,
Knowing you have a special friend.
That poem comes from an earlier book but I’ll leave you to find it, BUT it is in Book Eight, too.
More news then, and briefly away from local area theme as I have been informed by Amazon Kindle that I have made sales in the United States market, good a?
Back to local again then as I made a trip to the recently refurbished and upgraded “Pevensey Bay and District Information and Care Centre, who now have my leaflets and posters, but more importantly some Of my books I donated for people to read, so they are now going to sell my books as well. Obviously that I donate to charity is a big factor.
Nearly done so I hope you like (really, really like) this blog as I finish with usual Romance section poem, that Ted n Beth “really, really like” too, as they are mega loving.
Eye Line Smile
It doesn’t take much to lift a heart
Or cause our head to swoon.
Just loving words or chaste kiss,
Can lift us round the moon.
Whether eyes are dark or light
They can twinkle and bewitch,
Causing a thrill right through you
As if someone clicked a switch.
Seeing can makes hearts flutter
With pulses racing with a touch.
There is no magic spell for this,
Just that we love so much.
Contented sighs descend on us
Like some heaven sent cascade.
And nothing will keep us apart,
Even rivers, hill or barricade.
Any plain face can cause sunrise
When it breaks into a smile,
And when that beam is loving
Joy will fast flow like the Nile.
Whether eyes are dark or light
They can twinkle and bewitch,
And if they sparkle just for you
Your whole life will enrich.
For in a world that’s tough at times
Where you strive hard for reward,
Being drawn to loving eyes
May bring ecstatic life accord.
I should add that the poem above was one of my earliest successes, and in Book Two, but got published nationally after reaching final of a large U K wide competition run by Forward Poetry.
BIG thanks to everyone as usual with appreciation of all kind comments and support as The Journey Continues in LOCALISATION…
Love, Light and Peace,
Laurie xx
I could have mentioned that the photos are from Eastbourne beach, Harbour Waterfront & Pevensey beach too.