Dancing on or along then for this blog, and this title comes from a fantastic experience I had while on my two weeks with friends in Spain, and occurred after finding a bar with authentic music and dance with attractive ladies in traditional dress, dancing. Yes, and as Facebook pictures and video show I quickly joined in trying to follow their moves,which actually was appreciated and a great time was had too, especially with Martha the lady I was dancing with.
Obviously after that start I can only follow with my poem, “Dancing”..
Many people like to have a dance
And I did quite a bit as well,
But largely just ballroom and Latin
Although maybe you couldn’t tell.
For you don’t just need to be tall
With that lean and angular pose,
As the majority who socially dance
Don’t have figures much like those.
But that doesn’t matter too much
As the biggest thing is enjoyment,
But some people think they’re good
With dancing skills heaven sent.
Though others will just plod along
As they trundle round the hall,
With movements that clearly show
They have no rhythm at all.
Now just to demonstrate that point
Some dances change partners around,
With a variety of different couples
Not so sure of where they’re bound.
And of course there are large people
Who struggle to keep steps flowing,
So with your eyes in a ladies chest
You can’t see where you are going,
With the music unable to give a clue
As you waddle round in great fear,
For lost in a ladies large bosom
The music you cannot hear.
But it was not always like that
As I tried hard for perfection,
Though that didn’t come easily
Often calling for some correction,
To my posture and general bearing
On professionals so easily seen.
But I used to quite enjoy myself
As a dancing king with a queen.
Dancing merrily along for also while in Spain I got contacted for more of my reading gigs and a poem commission too.,
Whilst not totally dancing, but I have been quite active since home from Spain as last Wednesday May 1st I was again interviewd on Ashdown Radio FM, Uckfield and spoke of my Poetry World and Help for Heroes support. These two themes were again to the fore the following day when I did the lead talk and presentation at Hailsham District Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting. I will not be too shy to say, and from kind comments and feedback, that my talk was very well received and especially apparently my emotive mentions of Help for Heroes and their great work with our wounded.
To a deathly quiet audience and appreciative response, I read out my poem “Footsteps”, initially from my 3rd book…
He is a man of constant sorrow
And no pleasure can he derive,
So he really cannot care less
If he should die now, or survive.
The world he loved has broken
And shattered into many parts,
So the grief he is enduring
Would shred the stoutest hearts.
The career he loved is now over
For you have to be fully fit,
And not pain filled and crippled
Struggling to get along with it.
An unlucky placed size ten boot
On bland ground that looked fine,
Took the life he knew in seconds
With that cruel exploding mine!
It was what these heroes feared
An undiscovered explosive device,
That could rip off skin and limbs
Or cause the supreme sacrifice.
So just how do they do this job?
If wrong moves can be your end
They say you just get on and do it
With your comrades and best friend.
Now our man of constant sorrow
Begins to get on with his life,
With support of all his family
And care from a loving wife,
Who tends his hurt and fears
Like those buried deep inside.
So slowly he starts to fight back
And regain his stubborn pride.
Of course he gets help and aid
Along whatever way he goes,
From excellent support teams
That gives help to our heroes.
Thus now he has a strong lifeline
Helping his family without fuss,
So we should all help him also
Giving thanks, it’s him not us!
Well I think after that we need JOKE TIME :-
Red and blue ships collided in the Caribbean so survivors were marooned.
I bought a dog from local blacksmith but he soon made a bolt for the door.
The loudest pet you can ever get is a trumpet!
Getting on well then with probably a slightly shorter blog, but lol I have been away, so anyway I have new gigs coming up soon and another commissioned wedding poem, so nearing my £10,000 total for Help for Heroes is not too far away.
I will thank everybody for your support as usual as nobody wants to feel fluffy, so with my thanks for all support here is the usual romance themed poem although maybe slightly different?
Blank Pages
Do you have many blank pages
In your book of love and life?
Are they surrounded by happy lines,
Or outnumbered by times of strife?
Many people only have a slim love book,
And in fact some don’t have one at all.
With no excursions into loves jungle
As they were afraid to look a fool.
But surely it’s so much better
Like the saying about counting cost.
How it’s worse to have never tried,
Than to have loved and lost!
So blank pages or thin volumes
Are maybe all some have to show,
For a lifetime of closed petals
So no glorious flower bloom to know,
As they kept all their inner feelings
Battened down and protected tight.
Therefore had no joyous experience
Of a loving passions might.
Thus how very sad and wasted
Is this book with its pages blank.
With nothing to say, or stories told
Only a life from which you shrank.
So no risk or dangerous adventure
Which can make heartbeats fly,
But you never quite got off the ground
As you were far too scared to try,
To let all those pent up desires
Have a freedom and make their gains,
Across skies, rivers, and mountains
Thus only a tearful book remains.
With a big hello from Ted & Beth too, The Journey Continues DANCINGLY
Love, light and joy,
Laurie xx
All thirteen of my books :–
Poetic Views of Life
More Poetic Views of Life
Reviews of Life in Verse
Life Scene in Verse
Life Presented In Verse,
Poet Reveals All (in your world).
Poet Reflects Your World
Poetic Seeds to Fruition
Our World in Verse
Laurie’s Bundle of Poetic Humour
Tea for Two; Poetic Antics of Ted & Beth (£6.99)
Illuminating Verse: Rousing Poetry
These all ensure my donation to the excellent charity I support, promote and donate to, that being Help for Heroes.
My first 3 books are only priced £4.99 each, with my 4th and 5th bigger books at £6.99. My new 9th, 8th, 7th and sixth books, all bigger are still £9.99, while my “Best Of” 10th book is only £7.99, and are for sale on Amazon, book stores or preferably from me ………….. lw1800@hotmail.co.uk Or 07967 355236
I can now also write a “Personal Poem” for you, your family, any event or your business too…….
I also have a Facebook page “The Psychy Poet Laurie Wilkinson”, and a website:- www.lauriewilkinson.com = Please sign/join up absolutely free.
Another successful period of time for me so indeed “dancing” along.