So those horrid face mask rags can come off now, well mostly, but yes, we get the reasons and it is nice to be free, so I have used that as “another” clever (well lol attempt) at cleverness for my Blog title.. Anyway, whatever our world is unveiling itself a bit more to us, OR is it us unmasking and unveiling for the world? Oh, that sounds almost sexy, but HEY I am a sensual and romantic poet too..?
As part of the getting out i went to the Isle of Wight weekend for a living history event weekend 18th July as you can see from some of the photos, and one that’s a close up of me taken by a kind photographer “Emma L G”, so many thanks for sending me that.
I am now almost “double prolifically” writing poems, possibly quicker than I ever have, for my ninth book, and perhaps this is fuelled by my “temporary hibernation” ending and the recent experiences, feelings and closure of Mrs W’s life.
Certainly, the following start of a new poem touches on some of this….
A Knock Upon My Door
I got an unexpected knock on my door
But not literally at my actual dwelling.
For although not directly at my address,
It was mine, with new situations spelling
Loudly for me, but not too clearly at first,
And with no clues as to what would be sent.
But there could be no misunderstanding
That the knock was for only me meant.
So it would seem I would be on a journey
Although in reality I wouldn’t go very far
In actual distance or any new horizons,
But on a life trial that would leave a scar,
From situations and emotions new to me
As I had to be a rock and totally devoted,
To my freshly ordained life commitment
Of which I was unaware and hadn’t voted.
With the title of this Blog i could not include a poem I wrote for a dear friend 5 years ago, and while they will be anonymous on here and poem has their name removed, i will say that anyone who has designs on this person should read the poem…..
Smouldering look from the photo
A sort of Mona Lisa smile,
With just a hint of humour
Flitting across the facial style.
So what is behind the mask
And veiled features peeping out?
Like some inverting conjecture
And perhaps self-conscious pout,
From this deep inner self
That so very few get behind,
As that is only for the trusted
They will decide are kind.
Therefore you must go gently
Whilst on the fragile outer path,
But looks can be deceptive
And may disguise a wrath
Slow to surface maybe,
Though not to be ignored
By the careless or unwary,
Who need to be insured.
For behind this slender form
Crowned by gorgeous tumbling curls,
I suspect are hidden depths
That for chosen few unfurls.
Thus I have stepped carefully
As it’s prudent to hesitate,
To earn respect and friendship
Before let inside their gate!
Racing on with the poems this time, and another start of a poem again for my ninth book which as agreed with the masterly James Harvey, now this website guru and my publisher of Bad Goose Publishing, is aimed for about October this year, We both have also agreed on a couple of surprises too, and they are on TOP of the changes and surprises I have conjured for the said Book Nine. Intriguing a? The impatient of you will have to wait, unless you get a clue….
Born Anew
I’m confronted by crossroads and junctions
When I would prefer one straight lane,
Because these various direction choices
Are not helping me much to stay sane.
For many ideas and choices avail me
Since I have left the clinging mire.
Leaving me in quite a bewilderment
As to what is now my heart’s desire.
Because I had spent so long battling
To be both a carer and master of all,
And that is an almost impossible task
From which it so very easy to fall.
Although the two starts of new poems are quite deep, and get deeper perhaps, they are not all thus, and are joined by poems with such titles as “Left Turn Loons, Love and Trees, The Odd Couple, Beth’s Green Eye, The Parrot and the Poser”, so yup, my tried and tested presentations I guess, BUT with many kind words from my “wonderful (new poem) readers” saying they feel I “am improving and writing to a higher level”, so thanks for that guys!!! ??? LOL, How can you possibly NOT want my new book now?
My mate’s dog ate all his Scrabble letters and now leaves little messages all-round the house.
A newly opened local gym has closed almost straight away
3) Nasa will always have a good party as know how to planet
Oh well I’m having some technical issues here (possibly me) so please forgive if this blog goes out in two parts or fractured, but thinks it is resolved
I will end up quicker than planned, so apologies for this…..
Two quick new items, 1) I am at Pevensey market place with my stall thic coming Sunday Noon til 4pm & 2) The good Sylvie Blackmore of BBC Radio Sussex says she is “honoured” to have my poem about her in my next book. So am I honoured that she is.
Last poem then and as usual for the romance theme here we are,,,,
One Night Only
For a spectacular one night only
The famous entertainer is in town,
Or possibly an attraction venue
That has a show of great renown.
So obviously we’re all very keen
Not to miss a special one night.
But is it always as it seems,
And for you at this time, just right?
Because I have a thought to offer
That we probably all have our own
One night wonder to remember,
Though it may be little known.
For you cannot always make plans
As to what happens at certain times,
Because the best surprise events
Won’t occur with church bell chimes.
But we are happily bowled over
To walk in a wondrous ecstasy,
As your one night only events
May happen just as for me.
Thus this keenly sought one night
May not involve an entertainer,
Or that great attraction venue,
But cutting loose with no restrainer.
So go and cruise your life with joy
For it won’t always be just phoney,
As you awake in awesome majesty
That it’s not for one night only!
With apologies again for a maybe fractured blog, I will end it here, but as always will say that The Journey Continues UNVEILED
Cheers, Love and Thanks from me and Those Bears,
Laurie xx
As always a fantastic blog. My children and I love to read the poems together Looking forward to book 9.
Oh, thanks SO much Kelly, and to think you read them together with your children is amazingly humbling! Thanks again…
Yes book 9 well on way with some new twists & lol Book 10 as well? Best Regards, L xx
Was as sweet fun am quite so lovely, would love to read more about your poems and can’t wait for your edition 9. I hope for the best Edition. Thanks for your knowledge.
Thank you
Once again your poems allow for a rollercoaster of emotion .
Laughter …tears …. reflection all rolled into one I love the innocence of your jokes we need more of that in today’s crazy changing world .
So thank you for sharing your gift with us.
All the luck in the world with book 9 and your next chapter XXX
Many thanks for your kind words Sharon, and I strive to achieve exactly what you describe as your enjoyment, so this is incredibly pleasing to me to read! Thanks again, Laurie xx